3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

Any alternatives for that second cluster slot in the large cluster jewel when you can't find a Megalomaniac with Furious Assault and Ancestral Echo?
Looking for that one for days now and I never see someone selling it.
My own jewel :

Kraken Cut
Medium Cluster Jewel
Unique ID: b598d9d55e2894170af9b6640e81a5ca32dc1b8be902c958dbb77720202dd35f
Item Level: 83
LevelReq: 54
Implicits: 3
{crafted}Adds 4 Passive Skills
{crafted}1 Added Passive Skill is a Jewel Socket
{crafted}Added Small Passive Skills grant: 12% increased Totem Damage
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +4 to Dexterity
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +5% to Lightning Resistance
1 Added Passive Skill is Ancestral Echo
1 Added Passive Skill is Sleepless Sentries

Now i believe you can get onslaught from league items (so you might not want it there depending on your build), but still, take a look at totem damage medium cluster jewels prefixes.
Depending on your attack speed, you could potentially even look at other medium clusters (dot, fire dot etc), but i would tend to think it's not as good.
EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
Currently I still need attack speed. I can only apply 19 fuses. No idea how much that will change once I am done with the bow, but that's still quite far in the future.
For Onslaught I'm currently using a flask.
how do you know how many fuses you can use?
IGN- Shaeyaena
You can set that up in Path of Building. I asked this a while ago:

Or you calculate it. The formula is in the first post.
Last edited by Vacoh on Feb 7, 2024, 6:00:17 PM
So little update;

Got my MB in instead of the HH (so headtourist can not kill me).

Got to level 99. Pushing for 100 right now.

Small improvement on my natural instinct implicit.

Crafted a pretty good bow as well as upgraded the gauntlets.

Looking now to get better cluster jewels (lmk ideas) as well as getting a +1 max res defiance of destiny as well as +1 max res for my armor.

Looking to improve my rings not sure where to go for this. As well as my flasks as I just got the mb.

Would love any ideas on improving char. (as well I'm thinking of moving purity of ele out and leaning a bit on this mage blood) so I can run malevolence.

Ps since I'm on Xbox if anyone can help by posting my POB. ( Profile is open just click on Xbox)
Can't seem to view you profile. Maybe just me.

{edit - oh I have it. Click on Characters!}

a) Looks very solid
b) You know that mageblood only works with magic utilities right? Taste of Hate is unique so won't work.
c) Having Enduring Cry on CWDT limits its utility as an alternative healing flask IMO. I'd probably unlink it so I can use it when I need to. You could then move Taste of Hate to slot 5, and drop a Sulphur flask into slot 2 for lots of extra damage and whatever suffix you like.

I found that when running Purity of Elements, the only things I'd go down to were poisons and physical dots. Long term goals might be to mitigate them
Current Build: Level 100 Elementalist EA Totem
- Bossing
- Mapping
Last edited by Wilson_Chan on Feb 8, 2024, 8:41:10 AM
Ok fixed up my flask, as well as my enduring cry.

I feel like I need more damage for t16 juiced abys maps. Any ideas?

Thinking about getting converted to chaos charms.
For T16 mapping the big accelerators for me were:
1. Not dying
2. Not having to pause between packs to recover health, and
3. Being able to take down nasty rares without spending minutes on each.

For 1 and 2 - and I know I keep banging on about it - Death Rush, not only gives you life recovery when you kill something, but also adrenaline. Get a well-rolled ring, and you don't ever have to pause to allow Enduring Cry to come off cool-down and having adrenaline up for three seconds when you kill gives you:
+ 100% damage,
+ 25% attack and movement speed,
+ 10% physical damage reduction.

If you get a decent one (4-5% heath and 3 second adrenaline) with the L21 Flammability corruption that frees up a gem slot in your gloves. They are cheap (a few divs)

I also prefer Cinderswallow to Taste of Hate, for the life regen and extra damage on single targets

I'd be tempted for mapping to bind immortal call to move (I prefer molten shell) and replace it in your CWDT setup with blood rage. This is an easier source of frenzy charges for mapping and cuts back on your finger gymnastics.

For killing juiced rares (and bosses) you don't currently have Combustion in the mix (unless I messed it). Would combustion + lightning spire trap be better than arcanist brand and flamesurge?

Current Build: Level 100 Elementalist EA Totem
- Bossing
- Mapping
Last edited by Wilson_Chan on Feb 9, 2024, 9:33:44 AM
Hello, guys! me again xD

So, I've solved the problem with survivability thanks to Headtourist and now I have some divs to use and try to improve my damage, but rn I am not sure what to go for, I feel like I dont need anything else and now I would just change what I already have to something equal but with better stats, but where to start?

I know my rings isnt great so I was thinking about them but they would not improve my dps, and even if I would to change them I am not being able to think how a better ring would look like.

So if you guys could help me telling what I should be looking for now, I would rly appreciate it :D

heres my pobb:


Also, I am not rly sure what this build is rly good on, rn I am doing basically everything, specially maps and delve, but for maps for example I dont know what kind of mechanics would be more smooth for me to do... rn I am only avoiding blight and expedition on atlas skills end expending my points on small passives and delve passsives (I liked delving a lot), but overall my atlas skill tree is a bit of a mess. So if you guys could also give me some tips about this would be also great

Thank you!!

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