3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

With the charms stuff like enemies you kill inflicted with elemental ajlments grant x % increased flask charges work when your totems kill for you right?

Mods like this wouldn't do anything for us though right?
2% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently
Last edited by Brian9824 on Jan 10, 2024, 8:24:47 AM
Brian9824 wrote:
With the charms stuff like enemies you kill inflicted with elemental ajlments grant x % increased flask charges work when your totems kill for you right?

Mods like this wouldn't do anything for us though right?
2% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently

For most intent and purposes; your totems are you, but you are not the totems.

In the case of that mod, they can trigger it since the kills will count as yours, but the leech will go to the totem, and not you, because you are not the totem.
Hi All,

POB https://pobb.in/AeTdah2uNEVx

Some advice needed. I'm new to using mageblood and don't really know what I'm doing so any pointers welcome, but specifically:

a) I have been able to drop Lifetap, and don't know what to do with the three gem slots this frees up in my helm, boots and gloves slots. Is there a useful 3-link I could now add?

b) For flammability I'm using an "On Hit" ring for mapping. For bossing I was thinking about casting the curse directly myself. Do I need to swap out the ring to avoid overriding with its weaker effect?

c) Are there tree changes I could make as a result of the mageblood setup?

I'm aiming at end-game bosses. Mapping seems to take care of itself other than the usual deaths due to poor skills.

Current Build: Level 100 Elementalist EA Totem
- Bossing
- Mapping
Durahal wrote:
Brian9824 wrote:
With the charms stuff like enemies you kill inflicted with elemental ajlments grant x % increased flask charges work when your totems kill for you right?

Mods like this wouldn't do anything for us though right?
2% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently

For most intent and purposes; your totems are you, but you are not the totems.

In the case of that mod, they can trigger it since the kills will count as yours, but the leech will go to the totem, and not you, because you are not the totem.

Thats what I thought, ill just snag a Recoup (8-12)% of Damage Taken by your Totems as Life along with a cover with ash charm then
Rain of splinters isn't great once you have enough attack speed to max fuses, its just nerfing your damage for slightly faster clear application, especially since yours a -47% roll.

Your overall gear is pretty decent, should look to get a 1-2 mod watchers eye (precision atk speed and malevolence dot multi or dot speed), and then also switching to a large/med cluster set up would be a nice boost. Also worth looking into a timeless jewel, since you will have more sockets with clusters.

Also switching helm to diadem would let you change around some of your reservation (i.e. drop mortifying, better charms, etc), and also let you drop lifetap for empower setup. But this would require more work and investing rebalancing your other gear and stats as well.
Durahal wrote:
Rain of splinters isn't great once you have enough attack speed to max fuses, its just nerfing your damage for slightly faster clear application, especially since yours a -47% roll.

Your overall gear is pretty decent, should look to get a 1-2 mod watchers eye (precision atk speed and malevolence dot multi or dot speed), and then also switching to a large/med cluster set up would be a nice boost. Also worth looking into a timeless jewel, since you will have more sockets with clusters.

Also switching helm to diadem would let you change around some of your reservation (i.e. drop mortifying, better charms, etc), and also let you drop lifetap for empower setup. But this would require more work and investing rebalancing your other gear and stats as well.

With Diadem I don't need lifetap on these boots right?
So was thinking about swapping that with Enduring cry on left click
Zorkey12 wrote:
Hello everyone.

I have followed this build to some extend, and got some info from other sources.

And I would like to ask if you guys see anything glaring upgrades I have missed? So like an audit if you will,


This is my POB, I think my gear is okay. I am level 97. Im not so good at the POB thing, I dont know if all the settings are okay.

Im looking for some advise, where could I squeeze out some more damage, or some more survability, I have around 100div currently.

Maybe I missed some obvious upgrades? I have another jewel with double AS + Fire dot multi that I switch for single target dps, with the rain of splinters.

Looking good, exile.

Survivability section, check Durahal build, more focused on survivability.
If you check the max hit section, you can see that the physical max hit is the annoying value (that's kinda inherent to this build)

About upgrading the build, on the offensive side, what I can say :

Tree : after PoB testing, I would definitely remove the nodes at the right of EE, invest in jewels and cluster jewels instead. You can also get a lethal pride that way (17648 it seems, or 12824

Skills : remove faster attacks on frenzy and get molten shell instead, nice boost of defences.
I see you got vaal haste, I don't know how much you use it. At least for bossing since on most you can't activate the vaal skill, could be replaced with blood rage for 20% attack speed at the cost of some degen (so i'm not sure about it, net life gain would be a bit negative right now...)
(also qual your gems)

Items :
On paper, with all these changes, hyrri's ire becomes more interesting on the damage side (+1M vs ubers). At the cost of about 2000 max physical hit taken (it's big (and the +1 max all res). So to be balanced, your current chest is nice.
That said, that way you could at least get back the point from evasion mastery and get close to another million uber damage elsewhere,... hmm. Gotta make choices/testing.
I would tend to say Hyrri's better for bossing, but your current chest is better for mapping...

Not much to say otherwise, sure there's always some things you can improve (some are easy like some eldritch implicits, or flasks rework, some are not (getting even better gear).

( https://pobb.in/H_ldoj0yh-WY clusters are only there as an example, there are other possibilites, i was lazy and copypasted mine. It's set on ubers, in case)

Brian9824 wrote:
With the charms stuff like enemies you kill inflicted with elemental ajlments grant x % increased flask charges work when your totems kill for you right?

Mods like this wouldn't do anything for us though right?
2% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently

Won't answer on the charms part, but for the second part : it doesnt work indeed, as our totems kill, not us.
Edit : Durahal was more clear than I

EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
Last edited by Headtourist on Jan 10, 2024, 9:50:00 AM
Looking for some advice on what to focus on next.
I went Empower/Devouring route.

My 6L in my armor is kinda going to waste but to be honest i dont know what to do with it lol

I'm kinda hoping for more survivability to add to the build but I will take some damage as well. Currently got 12 div banked.

Lethal Pride jewel i keep seeing mentioned but it seems like itd be an absolute nightmare to find the right one.

Last edited by Taelis on Jan 10, 2024, 10:19:40 AM
Headtourist wrote:
Hi guys, I made a ton of improvements and now I'm not getting anywhere close to dying in T16 maps, but I'm still nowhere strong enough to do juiced up maps.

I'd like to do Uber Elder + Maven eventually-- is my build still far too weak at the moment? I'm looking to blow through all my divines and upgrade my gear. I still haven't unlocked my 3rd charm slot, but will be doing that soon.

How are you guys surviving in juiced up T16 maps? What's wrong with my survivability/damage? I'd like to get tanky enough to hit level 100 this league if possible!

At the moment, I think my next purchase will be an enlighten gem

Tried to improve your build there, modifying tree, some items, some gems/links, added an aura (and didn't really understand the boots). I hope there's enough mana left, it's possible to de-level precision a bit more, i hope it's enough : https://pobb.in/Y1OFQbQ_bYXv

About level 100, i dont know how hard it is to level from 5 ways now (they nerfed it since 3.21 i think), but it's the best way to get there.
Considering you're 93, I think you can still grab a few levels on your own though.

I'm certain you can do uelder and maven with the "upgraded pob" i've linked (unless mana issues). Maven is really mostly about knowing the fight.

Thanks a lot! A lot of my gear is random stuff from when I first started and didn't really upgrade, so that's why a lot of the items are kind of silly and mismatched haha. I've got a massive increase in divs the past two days, so I can probably upgrade all my gear now.

EDIT: Damn, I do a ridiculous amount of damage now, but I'm also super squishy haha.

I'll probably also change the boots back-- I was trying to abuse the whole 2 reviving spectres for a free 50% aura, but they die non-stop and it's never up during situations where it matters.
Last edited by marixalijustice on Jan 10, 2024, 12:52:48 PM

EDIT: Damn, I do a ridiculous amount of damage now, but I'm also super squishy haha.

I'll probably also change the boots back-- I was trying to abuse the whole 2 reviving spectres for a free 50% aura, but they die non-stop and it's never up during situations where it matters.

Whatever you do, fix your spell suppression. It really has to be 100%. I see you at 93.
You can for example remove Disorienting Display and the empty jewel socket to get 3 points back and allocate Reflexes (to cap spell suppr) and a life mastery with 15% increased max life for 288 more hp.

Also remove Ash Frost and Storm nodes (3 points) and reallocate :
1 point in DOT mastery (15% duration
1 point in Fire mastery : additional -5% from fire exposure
1 point in reservation mastery (8% increased damage per aura)
-> Easy 2-2.5M extra non uber dps
EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
Last edited by Headtourist on Jan 10, 2024, 1:25:01 PM

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