Game Balance in Siege of the Atlas


Certain skills that have a chaining or shockwave effect can multiply their damage against single targets by also hitting Hydrosphere. These skills should not be balanced around using an off-class or off-theme skill like this. Maintaining the ability to use this interaction would prevent us from improving certain bow skills and hit damage spells without their maximum damage output being too high.

I completely agree with that but it seems you forgot about strike skills. You basically halved the single target of many strike skills that did not have great single target even with this mechanic in the first place.
I used to love playing strike skills but the fortify nerfs last patch and now the hydrosphere changes take many of them from barely playable to absolute garbage tier.
Now the strike skills that were balanced around other mechanics like lightning strike are just more than two times better than skills that used hydrosphere before like dual strike or glacial hammer.

Lightning strike has 450 base dps (asuming double hit) with lots of unconditional added flat damage almost no weapon restrictions, a ranged component for screen clear and a vaal version that allows to burst down bosses.

Glacial hammer now has 269 base dps, is restricted to the worst weapon types, has less flat damage which is also conditional and the vaal variant is completely useless.

WTF is that balance

and with other strike skills that have to use melee splash to be able to clear you will now have to gem swap for single target. Thats even more annyoing than relying on hydrosphere.
Last edited by öÖö8228 on Jan 25, 2022, 3:46:31 AM
pippobaudo1 wrote:
Other nerfs to the CoC concept. Cospri nerfed (as if that at CoC support weren't enough). You've turned off one of the funniest builds ever.

Spin to auto-kill is nice, but makes people lazy. I like builds like this ("Frost-copter" with Sire of Shards being an example), but in the end they does not me me really into the game :P.
Last edited by Fukurokage on Jan 25, 2022, 3:12:14 AM
KGabQr wrote:
More more Nerfs.
More Dead Game :D

We will play Lost Ark! Best

Lost Ark > PoE trash :D

noice, you going to play P2W dogshit korean MMORPG that not even ARPG like diablo. Noice can't wait to see
Harvest is trash league. Ty for deleting it :)
Wait so Dancing duo will be removed from the game? You said you will replace the base sword with prophecy version now u did that?
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
What about Winter orb.
So, yeah. What build to go next league?
The Poet's Pen, Cospri's Malice and Mjölner have had their cooldown on triggering socketed spells increased to 0.25 seconds (previously 0.15 seconds). This change affects existing items.

Just saw that well Gems nerfed unique nerfed mana issues that cost tons of currencies , Mageblood was a good thing for Coc 95% buff effect of 25% mana reduce but now it's gone nice.

Well like Expedition League i won't play this one aswel hope you have fun boyz !
Last edited by Navispill on Jan 25, 2022, 3:34:15 AM
Oh, poor poor CoCs...
I was playing EK mines last league and they were already almost unplayable.
I find it the only playstyle that requires some tactical thinking and that is not boring (and EK is the only spell that allows me to see something on the screen while playing mines).
-28% -> -50% that is insane - so if you want to play more tactical instead of "one-button brain-dead" gameplay you need to suffer x0.5 and x0.7 (for potential damage support instead of mine) damage - that's 300% MORE. Oh, and you'll have no life leach.
probably skip this one

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