Stress-Free PoE w/ RIGHTEOUS INCINERATOR! Relax, SSF League Start-End w/ “Any” Items & 1-Button|3.16

I see you struggle with similar issues as many of us with this build -- how to efficiently scale it to do endgame content. You already have good gear, but the game is relly hard, so it is not enough to "only" have good gear for most content, you also need practice. Sirus also wrecked me on my first attempts, but with some practice, its definitely doable with this build!

More damage always helps though :) To increase the damage provded by RF, you can use a helmet like this:

Your helmet gives a lot of life, so it is also good, but you need an elder helmet like with mods like this, so you can effectively have 5 support gems for RF, instead of just 3.

You could also look for a sceptre that gives DoT multipliers, which are better than increases most of the time.

Your 6L Carcass Jack is really awesome, it goes well with this build. Just for your info, lots of RF players decide to use Kaom's Heart for the huge life gain, but of course it means you have to sacrifice Incinerate and only rely on the damage from RF.

I also see that the lack of dexterity in your gear makes you waste 3 passive stat points. You could set some targets on crafting/finding gear that provides you the missing dex, so you can respec those points to nearby jewel sockets.

You can also look for a Stygian Vise belt with similar stats as your current belt, so you can insert a jewel and get more life and damage.

I do not think you are doing anything wrong by the way. This build really benefits from all little tweaks and improvements. It also has this "chill" playstyle that makes it so amazing. Just don't stop grinding :)
Mobuo Mobuta wrote:
Will crit chance to spells help incinerate at all? I'm looking at a void sceptre with 21% fire dot multiplier, 74% increased crit chance to spells, 50% increased fire damage, 20% chance to ignite, and 10% chance to freeze. Should I spend the 45c or keep looking? This will be my first weapon upgrade since getting my current weapon for 2c. Currently rocking a crystal sceptre with 18% fire dot multiplier, 5% increased fire damage, 8-14 for dmg to spells.

You got the Searing Touch in the meanwhile? The mods on it are very awesome, but of course you have to sacrifice the defensive bonuses of a shield. These mods are also possible on void/opal sceptres (but very rare and expensive). If you manage to get your hands on such a sceptre, your damage will be incredible, plus you could also have a shield for defenses.

Crit chance for spells are important if you are using Incinerate a lot, it will help you having better Elemental Overload uptime, the 40% more damage is really noticable. But you will mostly need it against bosses, the trash mobs will anyway die instantly during mapping. So I would recommend investing more in the DoT mulitplier and fire/area/elem/DoT increases.
Last edited by Pusztitoo on Nov 28, 2021, 4:14:13 AM
Abaaddon wrote:
Trying out this build this league, as i was browsing the PoB I was wondering about the combination of Petrified Blood (I must admit being a bit hyped by the very idea of the gem) and Pain Attunement. That would need some tree tweaking but do you think it could be worth it ?
Hi, Abaaddon!

I LOVE Petrified Blood. It's really cool. I'm not sure where I stand with it with life regen characters to be honest. You'll have to play around with it and see how it fits your playstyle. Petrified Blood gives you more defence but it does slow down the life regen rate. I normally depend on my quick life regen to keep me alive when I zone out. So I don't use it here with RF. If you're the type of player that's quick on the life flask button, Petrified Blood could really suit you.

In terms of Pain Attunement, it won't work. It's really dumb how GGG does it. Even though RF has a spell tag, it doesn't increase its damage from spell mods or nodes. It's the same with minions. They have a spell tag but don't improve with spell improvements. Some DOT skills, like Vortex, say, "Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect". Why GGG has things set up as it is, I have no idea. But bottom line is that Spell Damage doesn't do anything for RF.

Good thinking and great question.

Thanks a lot for the answers !
I'm currently level 52, opting in and out of Petrified Blood to get the feel of it... Nothing conclusive yet :D
Ah too bad for Pain Attunement.
Thank you, Pusztitoo! That helps a lot for some things to work towards and change up!
For those looking for more tank.
I redid all my auras just to run Purity of elements, and det.

You need to spend points on the mana rez wheel and Armour mastery for det reduction to get them stable.

But since your running det switching Immortal call to Molten shell gives you so much extra tank its not funny.

im running around with 6k MS shield 25.6k armour and a 90% physical damage reduction while Molten shell/Granite flask are up.

this is my pob
(Edit: sorry wrong POB)

That said dps is the first to go.
Because im running a koam's instead of a 6L i gave up my RF weapon for a Balefire for a long range attack.

Im also running a 2 curse brand instead of a CWDT set up.
its personal preference, the CWDT from wrecker is swesome but my RNG had a bad habit of casting it on a skelly off screen not the boss in my face.

(if you decide to do something similar, dealers choice for brands.
Geddon is awesome, storms fine im only using it because im to lazy to change it)

some may question the belt choice.
Its what i had, but with PoE i can never be ignited, frozen or shocked so the 40% armour increase is permanent
Last edited by Hoofprint on Nov 29, 2021, 11:29:52 PM
What's the purpose of using the "15% reduced Life Cost of Skills" mastery and the "Tireless" (6% reduced Cost of skills) arm on the passive tree? Which skills does this affect?
Last edited by PraceAce on Nov 30, 2021, 3:00:44 AM
Thank you for the reply. I noticed you have determination socketed in your unset ring but you don't include it in the build. Is this something you are testing out or is this the best possible gem to go into an unset ring? I'm thinking if determination isn't that great then it would be fun to get an unset ring with socketed gems are supported by level 20 faster attacks and shield charge for clear speed. Also what is the minimum mana required for our cwdt links? I'm looking at a scourge ring that looks insane. Over 115 Max life, regenerate 47.5 life per second, the resist I need, +1 to level of socketed gems, but it has -20 to max mana for 5 chaos. My belt and helm already give me an additional +97 to max mana, but I just want to be sure because I hate when I buy an item and brick my build. Thanks for the help.
Last edited by Mobuo Mobuta on Nov 30, 2021, 2:09:26 AM
Hey there !

@Wrecker_of_Days I'm glad to see you keep your RF chieftain up-to-date, and that he still gets love from so many of us ! It has been a delight to see everyone here ask questions, offer help, suggest variations with the same kindness as ever on each of your topics.

As I did last league, I'll present my adaptation of the build, more endgame-oriented (but much harder to get SSF), so maybe some people strugling with Sirus and other bosses can find some inspiration.

This time I dropped Kaom's Heart for Loreweave + Transcendence (loreweave completely bypasses Transcendence nerf). Thanks to the rework of mana efficiency, I can run Determination, Malevolence, Skitterbots and Tempest shield with reasonable investment; his coupled with the overal RF buff compensate for the loss of Elemental Overload and Elemental Equilibrium.

I focused on defense layers just as I ever do. My version of the build has:
- 7,5k HP (8k at level 100), over 3,5k net regen (ie counting RF degen), up to 4k with a well-rolled sulphur flask.
- 75%/74% block chance with glancing blows and Rumi's Concoction, 5% recovery on block
- 88% flat physical damage reduction from Endu charges and Watcher's eye
- 78% all res + Transcendence with ~20k armor thanks to easier flask uptime
- Immune to shock (Tempest shield) and ignite (Chieftain)
- Immune to stuns and any form of slow, including chill/frozen (Kaom's Roots)
- >50% uptime Immortal Call, enough Endurance charges generation to ensure 10 charges when it expires.

Here is my Stardard PoB:

WARNING: I was bored of acting again, so I'm playing standard this league. However, I use my 3.15 stuff, so no crazy gear or legacy, except Kaom's Ring; so in league you should have a bit less regen and more AoE, which is a decent trade off imho. My flasks are a mess, with the changes all should have the Flagellant's prefix.

Due to the nerf of Tasalio ascendancy, I tend to think Inquisitor offer a better high-end option than Chieftain, but the latter remains a solid choice and possibly easier to build on a budget.
Last edited by PoitelMarto on Nov 30, 2021, 5:23:39 AM
PraceAce wrote:
What's the purpose of using the "15% reduced Life Cost of Skills" mastery and the "Tireless" (6% reduced Cost of skills) arm on the passive tree? Which skills does this affect?

In my build, because scorching ray uses life to spam it.
Masteries are dealers choice, you could run % regen while moving instead or one of the other masteries,

Tireless is just for the 25% health for 4 points.
The lower mana cost is just a leveling saftey net, depending on the gear its entirely possible to not have enough mana to do any of wreckers CWDT links.

overall it only accounts for 4.9% of the builds dps so if you dont mind tighter the points can be moved.
TheNess wrote:
Thanks for updating for 3.16. I really enjoy your stress-free builds and there are so few truly SSF builds being posted.
I'm not sure if I responded to this or not, TheNess, so I'm sorry if this is the first response you've had. I really appreciate the note and the time you took to be encouraging. I'm glad you like the style so much! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


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