Communication and the Sacred Orb

yet crafting currency doesn't always improve things

item filters are yet outside of the game
originality orientation vistas proport of the game broadly \ beautifully playing through content to beautifully play through content will always be primary to the seconary sifting through powerful bases that ?? can drop ??

anywhere - so it seems improprietous to vista the game on an axis that the propriety of players will not angel upon and thereby be distracting primacy from the primary primacies of the game via - so by chance a buff - as I comprehend 100% armor bases can now attain base 115% value

though I think the real joy possible to this arcing would be announcing the access to such an empowerment via harvest, amidst an announcement of the empowerment or establishment of the uber-calming uber-comforting uber-crafting "harvest" mechanic - i didn't even play - but as peripheral as I am - each player and so often that anyone who comes across me about it expresses adoration for the extrapolation of sensible crafting & directional cultivation 
something like adding sacred orb craftings to an emboldening of harvest league mechanic establishing would guide players along a networking networth to sublime perfection for each other - rather than another carrot across which to levy extortionary floodings of manipulating content \ or an inequitous material to extort your neighbor for rather than to glorifyingly be sharing with another? 

and league length isn't noted as being extended (but aye yam just furious george in general; who thinks leagues deserve calm berths of seasons to become sandboxey generous playful bouncy, perhaps allowing easy release then to standards all-league harmony-bouquet ^^ so - no need to kneed about a league of thneeds ending before commencing of any muchness ^^)

can I apply a sacred orb to zoom out the screen 15% more
can I add a sacred orb to the code of credits that shotgun random mods across each piece of gear to appeal them in a more divinationary direction; socketing sacred orbs like gems or watchstones across a pantheon like modifier delta 
can I add a sacred orb to my build so that dancing with content doesn't require tipping a carry with a sacred orb xD (ahah, as with anything else, that is a "get good" mirroring)
can I add a sacred orb to my map device to broaden the array of pleasing map-mods likelihood
can I add a sacred orb to my passive tree to shift a non-proximity noteables with a proximity one   
supposing that once you have the greatness of a great game before you, you'd want hyperfantasia of one to blossom the archetypes ideal idyllics ideally; delightful to see y'all icing the cake with this 15% armor base improvement to fatten some of the phat characters & allow us an outlet to avatar some lip-licking at the trestle of what exactly delisciousness is

sake red & say cred amongst my arcanae

comprehend enchanting crafting to be a secondary part of a game; from which home-basis avalanches our positivity positivisticality from the real surreality realities quality and quantity of equity equalities or materials cultivated and prepared; so independently contributing to the craftsmanship of codependency's showmanship each- i presume to surmise; as improving perfenesses- are there not better ways to segue the symbiosis synergy syzygy synecdoche symphony 
as I was coming away from this "reduced hits from critical strikes" modifier possibility plausibility appealed awn the consideration of "increase chance of ailment immunity" modifiers salience becoming - as "# life regeneration" seems a modifier hailing from a rudimentary or juvenile magnitude of cette vistas gamings; as that proper modifier possibility appealed to me I wanted to also ponder the possibility of applicationally empowering Socketing-&-Linking craftings with a sort of 200 & 400 jeweler 500 & 1000 fusing soft-capping or roofing or ceiling cette crafts allowing application of something, new or existing league mechanic or currency once or twice to begin to alter or channel how the natural world; and the adventuring conquersomeness of it distills : what XeitPL arrays:

1. RNG base
2. RNG socket
3. RNG link
4. RNG color socket
5. RNG base item stat
6. RNG mods
7. RNG lvl of mods

my feedback is normally not as considerational of medium-tier currency cause mass-farming can precipitate quite a considerable, though could be moreso improved or weighted so players could play around experiment and grant feedback via top-tier established builds - my feedback is usually about how modifiers of various magnitudes and varieties are inappropriately presenting or possible & I really like how Anngrat resolves @ signature

"3.13 was the best league ever!

Your crafting is RNG casino..."

verify - verily profundity co relatings as profundity verifidity ^^) xD

I just feel the game should feel as good as it looks seems allures and beaconingly appeals from many angles; from investigation I would like to improve its improving to retain that practicing idyllic archetypalism primacy for primary prismatic varietalism blossoming of cultivating collective congeniality pro avatarings, characterings and liberatings ^^

so yeah my celebrationalism is a shade wide of the mark in light of crafting-currency addition remark of the broad randomness of enchanting currency - in closing I agree that as this addition of sacred orb is extra *shrug* the rarity is kind of a veiled call to action to suggest what thralls the improvement of dah game for your playstyle

thanks & !MMMMMMMUAH to yas
Last edited by Hulluhbuhloo on Oct 12, 2021, 2:20:48 AM
Sacred Orb is MORE than 3times rarer than an exalted orb. Great.

Casual players now can dream about crafting perfect items or even dropping one.

So the perfect item now will cost 2 mirrors instade of 1 mirror plus the fees..

Sacred Orb what a joke.
I think our whole issue is that this random value is basically an additional "quality" value that serves no purpose other than to not be craftable by anything outside of sacred orbs.. IMHO a better solution would be to look at the quality crafts that exceed 20%, and instead make THAT a special modifier that improves base stats outside of quality. (and then add that modifier into the randomization.)
tbarabasz wrote:
No Chris. This is not about misunderstanding. We understand this and I think that this idea is dumb.

I agree!

"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - Harvest Manifesto 3/10/2021

So unbelievably inane it has to be memorialized.
skimbre wrote:
Sacred Orb is MORE than 3times rarer than an exalted orb. Great.

Casual players now can dream about crafting perfect items or even dropping one.

So the perfect item now will cost 2 mirrors instade of 1 mirror plus the fees..

Sacred Orb what a joke.

Would still be 1 mirror + fees, since one would assume that you'd only mirror the perfect item anyway.

Course, the fees itself could be over a mirror...
Awesome, I think that is fine then
Man, the vitriol of many of the users in this thread is disgusting. I'm genuinely sorry that the devs have to deal with this sort of crap every 3 months. I guess they're the same people that scream at the McDonalds worker if their burger is missing pickles.

That being said, i also don't really like the idea.

As i see it there are a couple of different players in PoE: The HCSSF no lifer, the SC trade zoomer with infinite currency, the trade casual, the SSF casual and the one that kills Kitava at best. I fail to see how this system is making the game more interesting for any of those groups.

For the HCSSF no lifer, it's just annoying. You progress through the endgame while looking for your desired bases and you either are lucky that your base drops with a good defense roll, you craft on suboptimal bases or you wait forever for your desired base to roll decently. I bet most people will choose option 2 and will have to either recraft their gear later or just ignore the bad roll. Both options don't feel great.

For the trade zoomers it doesn't effect them in any way really. You will have to check another filter on or you will have to spend a bit more currency to roll the base before crafting. Both options are just mildly annoying and not fun.

The trade casuals will see 0-3 Sacred Orbs this league. There is no way you will use them and instead you will sell them. For items it's essentially the same as the quality of rolls on an unique item. You can't really afford to buy all your gear with max defense roll so you settle for suboptimal most of the time, except maybe key slots like body armour or whatever. The quality of bases you find yourself might play a role in their resale value but that makes it even harder for casual players to price them correctly.

The SSF casual is in a similar position as the HCSSF no lifer but with way less time to progress. They will probably never get to step up from being forced to use whatever roll the first adequate base they find comes with. The interaction with this system is almost non existent.

For Timmy's first Kitava kill it literally makes 0 difference other than it brings items closer to the 20 lines of text item meme which makes it even harder to understand what you are looking at.

I could see a system where you can improve the defensive quality of an item through a league mechanic. Take Expedition for instance. Prior to a boss spawn you have a slot where you can put your item in, similar to Beastiary. You fight the boss and that rerolls the item in a range. The higher the boss the better the range. That would A. make crafting somewhat deterministic, B. give casual players a chance to actually interact with the mechanic, C. add value to killing the league specific bosses, D. make it an actual investment trade zoomers also need to think about. Ofc that depends on the boss in question actually be accessable. More like safe houses or Logbook bosses and less like Delve/Harvest and so on.

That's just my two cents, i hope you get my point. And thank you everybody at GGG for this awesome game. I know you do your best every single day and it's hard to come up with new and exciting content while also making sure everybody is happy.
Last edited by Hassgranate on Oct 12, 2021, 2:41:16 AM
I just have no words. Why are you doing such things?
Psaakyrn wrote:
Azarhiel wrote:
Good... I guess...

So i dropped 25 exalts in 8 years, that's around 3.125 exalts a year... Now, to min max broken armour (cause you deciced that it would be great to have random armor on bases) it would take me around a year to try to get a Sacred Orb to eventually RNG fix my broken loot...

Nice GGG, i don't like that...

If you only got 25 exalts in 8 years, either you don't play at a high enough level to be the target audience of said orbs, or your luck is so abysmally bad that it wouldn't matter.

But honestly, at that tier of rarity, I'd expect a little more guarantee that the orb would actually be neutral-or-better, the same way mirrors wouldn't make your item worse.

My luck is abysmally bad since i started ARPG's in 1995...
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
More RNG is the last thing POE needs, but they feel the ten year old game is getting stale, So better get some more ideas from the twenty year old game. I love the customization in poe, but there are to many layers of RNG at this point. Hope they change direction, but at this point I doubt it. I'm off to roll the dice to see if I skip this league or not.

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