Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

so the "massive buff" to elemental dot is actually a nerf.

ggg's balance team is totally incompetent and it's not the 1st time they are actually ruining the game for everyone
Ah well. After part 3 I see little to be happy about.

Nerfing and buffing things that are not really problems.

I've never had a 15 mirror aurastacker, and I never will. Almost everyone havent. If you really think THAT is the big problem in Poe you are delusional.

I really hope Diablo 4 will bring some competition to Poe as it sorely needs a competitor, but I dont really see it happening.

Curse-bots and aurabots being nerfed is retarded. It is one of very few ways to build synergy in a party, and while I have never even been close to playing in a crazy end-game party, its fun being able to contribute in a party, instead of running like a headless chicken after whichever carry is leading. The problem isnt party play, the problem is a tiny percentage of players dominating and monopolizing the market.

I see some crazy BS about a hard-mode. What about an optional easy mode? With better drops?

I would be fine with ONLY being able to play with other players in easy mode. I dont need to ruin the market for the kingpins enjoying the labour of the masses, but I would like to play a game without being a bottomfeeder in a pyramid-scheme.

Ah well.

i play from Steam genius this account is only for the forum,i haven't linked my accounts because i started on steam,it still doesn't change what i'm saying which is true aurabots were a plague in the game

Years of economic and financial studies, and i can tell thats this is a bad change for the game. There is no game without the players mate
iuiulitza wrote:
Problem: Aurastackers, Aurabots, Cursebots

Solution: Nerf them to the point of where it is painful to try and get going


1. Inspirational builds now removed from the game.
2. The people who play Aurastacker take a while to get their gear and are likely to play the game for more than 2 months. Lets f them up shall we??
3. TFT carry service providers numbers reduced by 50% since most of them are stackers. Oh yeah reddit now need to pay more to get carried. Get fcked Reddit!
4. Alternate way of playing POE, Gone!
5. Players who print the exalts which fund and run the economy, Gone...
6. Guilds? Broken...
7. 200c per ex next league? Lets go!!!
8. META way to play with friends, clean headshot!

Concusion, GGG has decided to remove a method of fun from the top brass of the playerbase. Will they play the next leauge? who knows. is the remaining 99% of players going to have a harder time bring the economy up to speed? Yes, very much so. Honestly, I'd like to see how a machine runs without the most important Gears. GG GGG

How to slow down progress for x % of players and keep them on the servers as long as possible ? You eliminate the groups who provide so much cheap stuff on the market,that x % doesn't need to waste time to obtain them.Thus forcing the x % to either take longer time to farm them for themselves or farm the currency to buy what is left on the market . But give to x % enough power for their solo builds so they won't quit too soon, out of frustration because their builds looks too weak. It's the only explanation i find for all this changes.
Hoepfully you are wrong and that GGG knows better than to bait players into playing longer. There is a point where the game doesnt feel fun to play. This will likely cause more burnout to players. Not like it doesnt do so already. Good opinion btw, i didnt think from that viewpoint.
Last edited by Absolute_Zero_Silver on Oct 8, 2021, 1:04:15 PM
GGG u did very well. Thanks for changes.
The one that that really confuses me with these recent changes is that some are nerfing a build because it gets too good with an investment, while the others are nerfing a build unless you make even MORE of an investment into it.
Look, I'm currently playing an aurabot, and do agree they need *some* reeling in, but not to this extent.
But who knows, this isn't the first build I've run that has been gutted, and it sure won't be the last, I'm wondering more of what the dodge changes are going to bring because "Dodge removal" wasn't on my PoE changes BINGO card.
Norbi1one4all wrote:
so the "massive buff" to elemental dot is actually a nerf.

All the people who push this narration never clarify their point with an example. I wonder why.
Hopefully flame surge still works with burning and not just ignites as stated in the article.
Arynai wrote:
Heartsease wrote:
freud19821215 wrote:
Essence Worm now grants 80% reduced Reservation Efficiency (not specific to mana), instead of 40% increased Reservation.

what if I wear two Essence Worm rings? 160% reduced reservation efficiency that is minus 60% reservation efficiency, what does that even mean?

Like you use a 50% reservation aura alongside and it will cost 90% if you use one Essence Worm, and 130% if you use two?
From the wording ("Reservation Efficiency works by dividing the cost of the Reservation Effect"), you can calculate effective reservation cost by R/E, where E=1+S is reservation efficiency and S is the sum of increases and reductions to reservation efficiency. Your numbers seem to suggest you perhaps think of it as a negative of the old reduced/increased reservation of skills? (We know it isn't that, and wouldn't accomplish what they are trying to do here.)

When S = -80%+-80%, your effective reservation cost would be negative. I'm willing to bet that at S >= -1, you just can't reserve, but the request for clarification seems justified.

The Efficiency Formula is: 100 / (100 + X), where X is the sum of efficiencies.

This can confirmed using GGG's examples:

100% increased efficiency results in a .5 multiplier
100 / (100 + 100) = 100 / 200 = .5, which halves the cost of all reservations; so can run four 50% auras

50% increased efficiency results in a .67 multiplier
100 / (100 + 50) = 100 / 150 = .666...repeating, which reduces the cost of all reservations by 1/3; so can run three 50% aura's, assuming GGG doesn't screw up the rounding; if .66 is rounded up to .67: 50 x .67 = 33.5, times 3 would be 100.5 which would prevent you from turning on the third 50% aura that GGG stated you could run

So with this, if Essence Worm has 80% reduced efficiency:
100 / (100 - 80) = 100 / 20 = 5, which is 5 multiplier, 5 times the mana reservation cost, which means without any efficiency investment you are not running a second aura, barring 10%:
A 10% aura costs 50%
A 25% aura costs 125%, i.e. greater than 100% you cannot run it
A 35% aura costs 175%, cannot run it
A 50% aura costs 250%, cannot run it

Essence Worm got nerfed hard.

Last edited by Galtrovan on Oct 8, 2021, 1:33:14 PM
PideSquare wrote:
Hopefully flame surge still works with burning and not just ignites as stated in the article.

What do you mean? Ignite is burning damage.

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