Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

The things are getting overcomplicated for nothing.

The aurastackers are only problem in group play and bcos of HH.
Nerf these two things without touching the rest.

This build is expensive, requires lots of effort and tunning to work correctly so pls don´t kill it.

The solution was so simple, lowering aura effect on others (in party) while keeping reservation as it´s now.
If you think it´s not enough cap reservation potential but don´t kill the build (items).

Other changes are also funny (such as buffing ES and spell block again ... :)

What about giving us solution for screen clutter, 99% of rare drop being crap, "one "shots", powercreep and such things instead of ruining mechanics that were here since the beginning ...

Dodge/Spell dodge ... same problem
The things are getting too complicated ...

Keep it as it´s now and just add some defensive options on right side of the tree to fight spells (more life, 1% all max res, 2% max res for specific element, some chaos res etc) and be done with it.

I have really no idea what´s your aim towards PoE 2.0 ...
The things are getting overcomplicated for nothing.

The aurastackers are only problem in group play and bcos of HH.
Nerf these two things without touching the rest.

This build is expensive, requires lots of effort and tunning to work correctly so pls don´t kill it.

The solution was so simple, lowering aura effect on others (in party) while keeping reservation as it´s now.
If you think it´s not enough cap reservation potential but don´t kill the build (items).

Other changes are also funny (such as buffing ES and spell block again ... :)

What about giving us solution for screen clutter, 99% of rare drop being crap, "one "shots", powercreep and such things instead of ruining mechanics that were here since the beginning ...

Dodge/Spell dodge ... same problem
The things are getting too complicated ...

Keep it as it´s now and just add some defensive options on right side of the tree to fight spells (more life, 1% all max res, 2% max res for specific element, some chaos res etc) and be done with it.

I have really no idea what´s your aim towards PoE 2.0 ...
Lots of anger from aura stackers here, but i always found balance changes to be one of the most fun and exciting parts of the game. Any game I have ever played i am always excited about balance changes. Ya nothing is ever perfect and I have never seen a game with some many customizable options as POE so this game in particular is going to be very hard to balance. But when I see nerfs and buffs etc and my fav class or skills get nerfed I just get excited that i get to try something new and see what the community comes up with to fill the spot the OP builds filled. I am excited to see what the community comes up with next!
So, you dont know GGG and youre drawing THOSE conclusions?


You do not realize how many people have passed away in all these years of my 10 years playing (From my frends list) (I'm a party player). Most of them flustered with nerfs (Long-distance players). Such a conclusion suggests itself. They collect, invest time ... and then GGG kick they.
d3wolf wrote:
Judging from what many other people have written, maybe you should start considering some way to allow standard to run legacy items / builds and have the leagues create variations and new items that can then be populated into standard. I have no idea how to do that beyond the idea that old items should just stay the way they are in std and perhaps old trees can have the option of updating there skill trees or remaining the same as they were. This would allow the people who like the permanence of their characters to enjoy it, while preventing power creep in new leagues.

Part of this (legacy items) is already existing. The skill trees are not and I'm not sure this would even be feasible at all. Not saying it can't be done, just that the costs of enabling this would be too high. Not just monetary, also in development time. If the majority of your players - the overwhelming majority that is - does not play Standard, there really is little incentive to program anything just for it.

Besides that, most the players complaining in this thread do not seem to be concerned about playing their chars in Standard.

If there is no intention for any build to ever be "permanent" then you should be upfront about it. Have a little paragraph when you create a standard character that says any build created can and will be changed. Being upfront allows people to realize there is no point in building the perfect build for long term and investing 100s of mirrors or thousands of hours unless they enjoy the process and not for the sake of a supreme build. By being honest you might also realize how frustrating that sense of design and message is to long term players. If this game is all about the leagues and standard is more just to play test the newest/best builds while they last, own that fact and publicize it broadly.

I disagree with the way you wrote this, as if these changes come out of the blue and no one would expect them. That is simply not true for the cases you try to talk for here. If they actually farmed 100s of mirrors (!) in Standard (!) and in all that time did not realize that stuff was changed, that the tree is different and so on... then they have not played but bought currency via RMT. Else the amount of time from beginning to play to actually stumble across a build-guide for an aura-stacker / aura-bot to farming the currency is in any case certainly longer than 3 months...

I think the biggest issue your team has is you claim to have certain visions of game play and design, but given every time you make changes there is an outcry people seem to have not gotten the one clear message that you haven't seem to articulate: This game will always change, do not get attached to any certain build or gear or process.

Again, sorry, but this is communicated every 3 months. If any of those being outraged because of the changes claim they did not know that PoE has (balance) patches and buffs and nerfs stuffs they are lying. But honestly, I have also not seen one person claim that. It's more than many started / got invested in 3.10 or later and somehow believed that their Aura-stacking build would never change.

If you just communicated this more clearly and broadly I think you'd find the audience who is passionate and the player base that returns for future leagues would grow vastly. It does raise the simple question, for people who enjoyed or have fun with certain mechanics or builds that get mauled, how do you recreate that experience? And if you hit on a really fun experience, why should you keep reinventing the wheel? Why not seek to keep the most fun experiences and expand instead of squashing them and hoping the next one will be as good.

For example, people like the mechanic of stacking auras, but you felt that's overpowered so you gutted the ability to stack auras. Perhaps a a better way would have been for a new mechanic like aura overload, where the more auras you have affecting you the less effect they have. This allows people to do the thing they enjoy (stack auras) but removes the creep. Or even the first aura turned on has the most effect and then each added aura has decreased effectiveness. This would force players to prioritize which aura they really want the most impact from.

Your proposed way would have nerfed players only using 2 or 3 auras - players that now are buffed AND that make up the majority of the playerbase. It also begs the question: How much less effect would have been fine? 10% per aura? 5%? 20%? Do you really believe aura-stackers would not have complained if you told them that effectively every aura after the nth one has 0 effect?

(And that is not even questioning how you decide which is the 2nd, 3rd etc. aura. Do you really want to have players have to enable auras in a certain pattern to make the most out of them? New players being surprised that apparently it matters if they enable Dread Banner or Determination second? That "solution" really is just a nightmare.)
Rakiii wrote:

The solution was so simple, lowering aura effect on others (in party) while keeping reservation as it´s now.

This is exactly NOT the solution. That would indeed kill all organised party play. It is good and actually the purpose of auras to have an effect on others, hence the name. Its just not good to have people solely build around auras and hence abusing them in coop.
dragomirrr wrote:
im sure foe everyone who understand mechanic of poe any kind of balance isnt problem to make another one and get alot of currency so stop to copy paste builds from other people and learn to play poe

When you study maths or any other subject, you probably don't learn alone ... You have a teacher and books (something that someone will make your learning easier for you). So the best way to learn is to observe and imitate others (this is how mankind has been working since the beginning of its existence, and follow the wiser ones)
aurabots were clearly beyond broken

good job GGG ignore all negative comments
Uknowho wrote:
As others mentioned before, the buff to skills that cant hit just isnt high enough now that they cant benefit from EO, they were in a bad place before and need a buff, not a nerf. Ignite is probably gonna be fine but with Dots inability to penetrate resists we had to rely on EE, with it destroyed aswell its gonna be a bad time i feel.

Also: what about Malachais artifice, was a great ring, but even at full EE effect pretty damn underused, simply dead now?

As long as Dots cant benefit from ele penetration its just gonna be a bad time without EE, especially in maps with some rares having overcapped resists due to map mods, abilities and auras.

yeah, after reading the OP it hit me that RF and wintertide got smoked because we can't hit to proc EO, and EE being "exposure" as well as makes scorching ray less valuable than flame wall for extra damage. RIP cool shaper beam MTX
Aura stacker might be gone but from what I'm seeing Armour Stacker builds are gonna be super crazy lol
Last edited by WizBlizz1994 on Oct 8, 2021, 11:28:49 AM

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