Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

I guess the logic of GGG:
The lack of new content and inability to create that new content can only be solved by the nerfs. THere is not much to do in new league besides solving the problems brought by the nerfs.
Above is just clearly shows the state of productivity and creativity of GGG dev team.
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Last edited by Ian_GGG on Oct 8, 2021, 6:11:47 AM
See ya in PoE2 fresh start .
another portion will leave the game with this reservation change, u did it FUCKIN again.

my Build releys on reservation runnin 3 heralds 5 auras and skitter. Time invested: a full year since heist u ruining it within 1 patch WTF is wrong with you ?

from now on i see this game as it is called : free to play not a single cent u ll get from me and i regret ever single one i gave you. its about time be happy with free to nerf.
Last edited by Gondalen on Oct 8, 2021, 6:13:56 AM
I guess the logic of GGG:
The lack of new content and inability to create that new content can only be solved by the nerfs. THere is not much to do in new league besides solving the problems brought by the nerfs.
Above is just clearly shows the state of productivity and creativity of GGG dev team.
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And that's the whole truth. Thank you.
another portion will leave the game with this reservation change, u did it ...... again.

my Build releys on reservation runnin 3 heralds 5 auras and skitter. Time invested: a full year since heist u ruining it within 1 patch ... is wrong with you ?

Because many people are bothered by the fact that there are supports in the game, they don't play in the party, so they say that no one else should play in the party. They are happy. They don't understand it and don't know how much time and thousands ex it takes build OP cursebot/aurabot.
Poe 3.15,. Lost 30% of player base,.

Poe 3.16,. Lost another 80% of player base,. Gg
as many wrote before me, this could have been fixed with less effectiveness in party, leaving the single player aura stackers alone. but nah GGG: " we fuck them all"
Looks interesting and refreshing. Wondering how this turns out. Go GGG!
Love all changes, thanks
Lets be real here - aura stacking through cluster jewels was expected to be dead as soon as delirium league ended. But it stayed for another year to actually play with it.
Support characters will get bad aftertaste, people who were running 1 or 2 auras will actually run 3 or 4 now with the same investment which is a good thing honestly.

With blind and attack dodge gone(spell dodge is questionable at this point) we lost cheap defenses, once league starts we'll know if it works out or not.

Despite all that my biggest concern is trickster. Ascendancy been losing power last patches again and again, if new ascendancy nodes are bad, it will be sad.

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