Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

The salt of people thinking that it's fine to be able to carry every new play through all the endgame is astonishing.

By NOT reducing the aura effects on others it is still possible to use aura's in parties and minions stuff. But it won't be outragously strong anymore.
All the aurabots crying like babies, y'all still gonna play the game anyways, grow up already.
The Elemental Equilibrium Keystone Passive Skill now applies 25% Exposure of the Elements not Hit with, removing Exposure of the Elements you Hit with. It's now an easy way to apply a strong Exposure effect rather than a huge damage boost that we balanced Elemental Damage over Time Skills around. Some other skills have been reviewed because of these changes.

We will be looking at pure Elemental Minions to determine what changes are needed here.

GGG how about summoners with Triad Grip Mesh Gloves?
In fact - all elemental summoners(summoners converting phys to elem also) just lose 50% res debuff from Elemental Equilibrium and its about ~100% more damage.
What build should I play for scourge start to support my ranger friend ? I'm lost
Rahdur wrote:
Quidgeboe wrote:
A lot of people ree'ing out over aurabot nerfs as if they aren't playable, multiplayer is dead now, and they're going to stop playing poe forever - again.

1) You can still play with your friends, they haven't been val'd.
2) You can still play aurabots with your friends, and even if they're 1/10th as strong as before, those group spending mirrors will still crunch everything.
3) See you at launch!

1) Nobody denied this. You cannot play the game in party EFFICIENTLY anymore. It will be just random skeleton summoners and RF juggernauts running around like in public parties.
2) If you think aurabots are still viable after this patch, you misunderstood something. The nerfs did not make aurabots 1/10 strong. With these numbers it is completely dead. Cursebot is killed, managuard is nerfed, str stacker is removed from the game. If aurabot was the only thing nuked, I would be so glad...
3) We shall meet in another game in the future. Cheers!

You shouldn't be able to be more efficient just because you happen to be able to get more people together. Next should be to require a breachstone or unique map from every party member that wants to enter the instance.
impulze3 wrote:
rip aurastacking.

gz on ruining another build archetype.

How to kill another aspect of endgame and stomp a 10+ mir build into history.

I played this build for 5 leagues now, improving it bit by bit every league.
About 15-20 mirrors of stuff, soon to be obsolete.

Aura effect gone from clusters, clusters unuseable.
i'd need 588% increased reservation efficiency on my gear to run all my 16 auras, which is impossible with 2% on jewels.

this leaves a bad taste in my mouth, you disregard the time i spent on this build in one single patch because reddit crybabies are complaining about party play. again and again you kill things in collateral from multiple angles.

the solution was so simple, lowering aura effect on others and leaving reservation alone as it impacts other builds aswell. now you probably ruined a bunch of builds with those changes, not just aurabots and stacking.

we'll wait and see how it plays out. If 3.16 is not the ultimate bomb league mechanic to make up for this loss, i will quit this game

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The balance team and chris being out of touch with their game isn't the only reason why this game is going downhill.
The community is more toxic than ever, more so than the community of eve online. Alot of people i play with in standard are chill, but this? I can't imagine what goes through your head that you gain joy from sending me those pms, does it make you feel powerful or that you received some kind of twisted justice? Does it statisfy your jealousy?

Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Oct 7, 2021, 7:00:12 PM
I have a few concerns regarding elemental changes:

Elemental Overload:
limiting the benefit for only the hitting skill will nerf build that you cannot hit with the skill yourself like traps and mines and totems (why they don't have access to EO in the first place I don't know)
also slow hitting skills with cooldown like discharge will need larger investment to crit reliably to the point that may makes going for elemental overload useless.
also some damage overtime skills that cannot hit at all so they will be inferior to the ones that can hit and utilize Elemental Overload
also those skill will be losing both "Elemental Overload" and "Elemental Equilibrium" I am not math expert but from the number they don't seem to be buffed enough to compensate for this and they were not exactly strong to begin with.

Ailment bonuses removal from skills:
I understand that the buff to ignite require rebalancing but the removal of the generic ailment modifiers (not ignite specific) hurts other use cases for example:
- Shattering Steel: there are builds that uses it for bleed (not sure about Poison) and even with the more ailment modifier I don't think it will be strong as ignite option.
- Explosive Arrow: I myself created a bleed EA build few leagues back and I see some players still uses it until now. EA is not exactly op specially for ailments since you have to work around getting 20 arrows without sacrificing damage. that is why the ailment modifier is very much justifiable for it. I don't think I ever saw EA ignite build since the 20 arrow cap was introduced. maybe if the modifier is kept some builds may start to show up.

What build should I play for scourge start to support my ranger friend ? I'm lost

GGG doesn't want you to play with friends. This is not what the party is for in this game. I recommend playing other games where the developer is friendly to the group of players and fans.
thank you for ruining my 2 favorite classes, glad and stacker.

there goes all my future purchases of mtx. i hope others follow suit.
Aurabotting is disgusting and I'm glad it's getting nerfed.
Last edited by Autkast on Oct 7, 2021, 6:58:57 PM

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