Recent Topics from Community Podcasts

Welcome beta tester, you have game until 2024.

Keep in mind that we changed the name of beta by league, to make it more friendly for you, and not feel exploited.

Everyone is welcome!
"Sorry for my bad English"
Kaytrim wrote:
One thing to consider as you shrink the map pool. If you make certain items like div cards target farmable on a map what is going to happen if that map is phased out for a given league? Please have a solid check and balance for these occurances and make necessary adjustments.

Yeah, agree.

Maybe like how they would simplify the Atlas to 4 zones instead of 8, and map total to 100 even instead of 160, maybe they could average the tilesets and assign div cards to tilesets instead? There'd always be at least one of every tileset present in every Atlas shuffle, then?

I mean, with the LAYERS of RNG, I kinda hate target farming a super rare drop or card that only comes from one map at a certain level. Running that one map then becomes really expensive cuz it's a pathway to a chase item, and it's just a grind and a gamble.

At a certain point, it's like, "I don't really need a Headhunter, why bother"
South African Servers
Many players are asking for a gateway in South Africa. After it was mentioned on the podcast, we have been doing some tests to check out viable candidate data centers. We'll post more information once we have worked out a plan.


An idea for endgame content:

- Make Oshabi an end game boss in the model of Cortex as well as all the tier 4 seeds as sub bosses.
- Bring back the advanced crafting options (add/remove etc) and make them rare drops from these bosses.
- Make the crafting options from these drops trade able.

This would add farmable content + chase items (god tier crafting) into the game
Of course how you, when and the rarity of the encounter could be based of the same thing as a cortex map etc

The only other change i would like is that there is a tab for prophecies and that breach splinters drop in 1 stack like the ultimatum splinters
Really looking forward to the fortify nerf.

It's about time it got gutted for builds that slapped it into shield charge or leap slam and got this free "defence" for zero investment.
''We heard the feedback that players want the ability to deterministically grind for specific items to a larger degree than they currently can. ''

This sentence and then a deafening silence. They don't agree guys. They have heard it and they wish they hadnt because they really, really want you to just mindlessly grind random content in hopes of finding build enableing uniques? Idk, might be good for player retention but sounds bad from the player experience end of the scale.

Flask tiers also sounds more tedious and anti-fun than what it could be; a reliable tool to deal with reactive challenges in the game (sometimes untill you find gear for more permanent effects). Plus they will be magic items and alterations are already needed for so many other things, like cluster jewels. Not too excited about this.

Rest of the intended changes seem decent and considerate enough. Hope they will be, cause I'm still somewhat enjoying the game but 95% of my friends quit the league already...
unless they revert all support gems nerfs, the next league will still fail
builds diversity and viability is in a gutter
90% of builds are non-viable in the endgame without inadequate amounts of investments unreachable for most players

dead game
bring back 3.13
dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Tainted_Fate on Aug 30, 2021, 2:41:11 AM
Endgame bosses should be accessible to more casual players without having to grind endlessly or play 10hrs a day.
Sounds like you´ve listened, was about time. I like it. Here are a few comments I like to add to the planned changes:

Where possible, we'll merge splinter drops like Legion splinters and Breach splinters. When there is an instance of delayed loot drops like in Ultimatum or Incursion, we'll merge all stackable items and split stacks between party members. Additionally, we'll review less valuable single-square items like Wisdom Scrolls or Orbs of Transmutation and make it so that they drop less frequently but in higher stacks.

Very, VERY good! I always had a hard laugh when GGG talked about reducing stress on wrists when the clicking with just one finger over and over on your mouse-hand is MUCH more stressful for the wrist than a rolling motion over flask buttons every 5 seconds. As someone who never ever had problems with flasks but actually developed problems on my right hand, I am glad to hear that change.

One of the issues we're currently facing in Path of Exile is that for the most part, players no longer find their item upgrades by checking the items that drop on the ground. This is something we'd very much like to solve and will be mindful to not do this in a way that effectively results in a sweeping nerf.

It´s okay'ish to plan that. I just wonder how you are going to adress this. Here´s a thought about that: How are drops - just from a theoretical point - supposed to surpass double-influenced or elevated items? They simply can´t, as those offer a uniqueness to it that dropped items cannot reach as long as you are not allowing items to drop already elevated and double influenced.

Besides that, just a personal note: I really don´t know why drops have to be the best. Crafting is what actually pulled me to PoE, as "drops are the best items" is a common design found in literally every other game. Crafting is what makes PoE stand out to me. Don´t forget about the complex system you created and dont let it go to waste.

Note that we will likely also address Aurabots in some way. We're aware that this has been a hot topic in the community.

Another thing where I don´t feel the same way as others do. Yes, Aurabots bring a ridiculous level of power. But they cannot play alone. Ever. So in order to profit from it you need to have a dedicated group of at least 2 players that play together all the time, while farming at 50% more efficiency than they would if each played solo. That´s honestly not that easy.

If you nerf Aurabots, make sure u still leave options for partyplay. In the current iteration of the game anything expect specified rolls does not work in partys due to the heavy incrase in life and damage of monsters. Make sure partyplay is still an option please.

With our rework to flasks, we agree with player sentiment that it feels there are too few defensive options available and too few sources of ailment mitigation to help overcome Path of Exile's obstacles. We don't have plans to announce yet but will be reviewing the defensive options that are available to players and how to make them more accessible.

Very good and important change. You cannot attack speed meta without giving options to actually survive stuff.
As a South African Player, I can't thank you guys enough for trying to get us a local game server/login option, it would really mean a lot!

As for the rest of the post, it is a good summary and I can just hope the game moves back to a positive state for everyone.

I do not think everyone understands how monumental the work must be to balance POE its more complex than anything else out there and why I personally like the game.

I also believe the game was at its best in Ritual, and I think a lot of people agree, decent/great balance, Harvest(yes!) Good league mechanic! Sadly I do not think we will ever see it in this state.

We can only hope for the future.

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