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One thing to consider as you shrink the map pool. If you make certain items like div cards target farmable on a map what is going to happen if that map is phased out for a given league? Please have a solid check and balance for these occurances and make necessary adjustments.
that Great Change's can we also have Gateway in middle East as well that will be great
Ultimatum to be core. Yesss, don't get it why people played Ultimatum less, it was great league.
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience.
unwanted game balance advice time!!

Please balance the auras and aura stackers so that it's relatively easy to get 6 auras but much much harder to get 6 auras at 400% aura effect.

my current build has 7 auras with 60% increased effect. I have 3 of aura clusters on the tree and 5 medium clusters with the reduced reservation for auras. it isn't exactly easy to get, but it's fun and not overpowered.

the two problems come from the fact that scaling up aura effect has no trade-off except passives (which is pretty high tbh) and that if you want to use the alt-quality auras, you HAVE to scale them up to 400% or else it's bad.

if you made all the auras slightly cheaper*, split the reservation and aura effect nodes in two and gave the aura effect nodes a mod of "increases reservation at 50% (or 100% for cluster jewels) of aura effect" or something to that effect, then you'd force people to have a trade off, lots of auras at very little effect or a few at very high effect.

*making auras cheaper: 20% purity of elements so it's an easy aura to put into any build that needs just a bit of res
30% other purity auras
35-40% for grace/determination (tho they both need a buff to their base effect)
either 30% discipline or 35% with buff
leaving damage auras at 50% is fine imo

making the alt-quality auras have a strong effect at 20% quality and not scaleable past that. that would severely lower the ceiling but raise the floor so much that you no longer need a level 4 enhance with +5 gloves to use in order for them to be effective.

also, how about limiting cluster jewel notables to 2 of each?
I'm using 2 self-control, 2 pure aptitude, 2 sublime form and 1 pure might and 1 pure guile and honestly, I wish I didn't need to use as many but that's my trade-off. (they should all be increased to 40-45% imo but only if limited to 1 or 2)

why not also add similar things for the damage auras at a much lower rate? 15% reduced reservation for hatred/haste/anger/wrath/zealotry/pride/malevolence.
it'd give people who want to run a super juiced aura more capacity but still limiting power.

non aura stacking nonsense
don't give us an auction house. give us a market board à la final fantasy XIV. it works, is simple and easy to use. please.
impulze3 wrote:
Exile009 wrote:
Cute way to misquote them. Here's the full line -

In 3.16, we plan to further nerf Fortify to bring it in line with its intended use as a defensive tool for melee characters.

Fortify was always presented as a melee defensive tool, right from the time it was added to the game. This is merely bringing it back in line with what it had always been intended to be.

in reality all the uses it had are gonna get gutted. Casters who used it with shield charge will take 20% more damage

its a nerf alright, no misquotes here

Nope, that's a classic form of misquoting. Your version suggests Fortify itself is going to be weaker, whereas theirs merely said it would be refocused onto melee builds - which doesn't say anything about the effect itself being weaker. Indeed even your current take is wrong, since it'll still have its intended use on melee builds. Hence not "all" its uses are being "gutted".

Have you considered a career in the media?...
Please consider using character level as a coefficient for flasks or a tiered system of growth relying on clvl instead of adding tiers to flasks.


flask of acceleration
7% movement speed
.2% movement speed per character level


flask of acceleration
7% movement speed (increases with character level)



Please let us play Hard Mode, even if it's just a week like the Delve event
The thing that has ALWAYS made Rare drops not worth the effort is that the tiers of mods have so much random variety and the item levels at which they are possible don't match the character levels that will use them.

Like, I feel that item levels of 74+ is when the mod rolls actually become decent enough to have impact, but when you have a level 74 character, you're still going to want to buy ilvl 84 gear for those rolls. And once you're lvl 74, you can wear almost everything.

And like, outside of a lvl 84 zone, why bother to pick up anything, especially any bases that are not at the top of their item class?

Is there a way to have like... level scaling applied to ilvl like xp scaling is for character leveling? Like, could a lvl 70 item have much more of a chance to roll mods within ~n levels of 70? And less likely to roll mods outside of ~n? I'd pick up lvl 70 rares if there was a 50% chance to NOT roll any mod tiers for ilvl60 or below.

Or even if quality would affect re-rolling an item like it increases the chance of good socket rolling.

meh, guess I'll keep playing other games for the rest of the year.
dedwar wrote:
Making all the acts more difficult is the dumbest thing you can be spending time on. The majority of players hate leveling through the acts, and can't wait to get into maps where the real fun begins. You're just making the worst part of the game take longer, and forcing more players to quit early.

I don't play every league any more, and I rarely play a second character when I do because the acts are so terrible and boring. I don't care how great PoE 2 will be, it's still years away and I was tired of 10 acts a year ago. This will 100% make me play less, and the less I play the less money I put into the game.


WHY make the acts harder?

From the new player perspective, they should be FUN. Train the Player how to play the game. For experienced players who have memorized the gates and rush the acts, what is so wrong with that? It means we LOVED the game for SO LONG we MEMORIZED the game up through level 68! That's a GOOD THING. I don't mind leveling through the acts ONCE when I have shit gear and no currency in a new league. But the less onerous the acts, the more characters I'll level in a league.

Right now, the Acts are already quite challenging for new players. There is a HUGE learning curve to this game. I think you should add Side Quests that serve as Instructionals. Act One: Kill one of those Unique Sirens in the Caverns before reaching Merveil to get a Quest Item that is an old pirate ring or something. Nessa cleans it off and it becomes a free Rare Sapphire Ring for your battle with Merveil. Like, the proximity of the preparatory quest to the challenging boss or quest state should be immediately adjacent, so the player learns to prepare really explicitly. Like, not just Act one, but the whole way. Like, the Acts should teach you how to play PoE, not kick your ass.

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