[3.19] ⚛️ Qosmoz's ❄️ Eye of Winter Mines Saboteur ❄️ League Start to Uber Bossing!

Asag wrote:
Press flask with evasion, this brings my ES up again.

Tweaked abit resists and went back to Qosmozgaming build with Grace and Defiance Banner. It feels tankier and I did not feel that I lost damage. I need new weapon tho, not sure what to look for. Double +1 too expensive for me atm and just +1 is not that big upgrade.

unfortunately nothing happens on HO or Map when i press the evasion flask. im getting more convinced its probably a bug.
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
Asag wrote:
Press flask with evasion, this brings my ES up again.

Tweaked abit resists and went back to Qosmozgaming build with Grace and Defiance Banner. It feels tankier and I did not feel that I lost damage. I need new weapon tho, not sure what to look for. Double +1 too expensive for me atm and just +1 is not that big upgrade.

unfortunately nothing happens on HO or Map when i press the evasion flask. im getting more convinced its probably a bug.

I had something similar until I dropped Ghost Dance after I swapped Grace for purity.
Yalpe wrote:
Asag wrote:
Press flask with evasion, this brings my ES up again.

Tweaked abit resists and went back to Qosmozgaming build with Grace and Defiance Banner. It feels tankier and I did not feel that I lost damage. I need new weapon tho, not sure what to look for. Double +1 too expensive for me atm and just +1 is not that big upgrade.

unfortunately nothing happens on HO or Map when i press the evasion flask. im getting more convinced its probably a bug.

I had something similar until I dropped Ghost Dance after I swapped Grace for purity.

ya ghost dance is probably not working as it should be
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
So I was pondering what I could craft on my remaining rare slots. I figured that the better place to put strength on an item was the belt because it is the only attribute modifier. With purity of elements I don't need resists either. The build only needs 30-35+ strength depending on what you've got so T4+ strength is enough. This has the benefit of making the belt insanely easy to craft (like 2-3ex). Here are the steps:

1. Buy a crystal belt ilvl 85 (T1 strength is 85) NON influenced. Don't fall for that trap! Crusader ones are 80c and the orb is 45-50c. The base was 3c
2. Here you have a choice, either you try to go for T1 flat ES with T4+ strength before slamming crusader and hope for an open prefix, or you can just slam it straight up and go to step 3. Slamming %max es with the orb on open prefix only is a 1 in 5 for T2+ and 1 in 8 if both prefix and suffixes are open. If you decide to start on a non influenced base, use this method https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=3&m=fossil&f=|4|21|5|&i=|&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=8&bp=y&as=1&req={%221767%22:{%22l%22:74,%22g%22:1},%222336%22:{%22l%22:66,%22g%22:1}}&bld={}&ggt=|&ccp={}
3. If you start on a crusader base, use this method https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=3&m=fossil&f=|4|21|5|&i=|4|&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=8&bp=y&as=1&req={%221703%22:{%22l%22:78,%22g%22:1},%221767%22:{%22l%22:74,%22g%22:2},%222336%22:{%22l%22:66,%22g%22:2}}&bld={}&ggt=|&ccp={}
4. Use harvest reroll implicits + prefix + suffixes to get good rolls and finish with blessed orbs as needed
5. Put 20 tempering catalysts on it
6. Bench craft something if you have a free affix

I chose this method because I didn't want elemental resistances on the belt so I could balance a wise oak more easily, but you could leave them on if you want. In my case, I got a very nice chaos resistance roll.

I also made another one that didn't hit the crusader mod but was still good using method #2.

Last edited by Yalpe on Nov 1, 2021, 10:11:06 PM
You can also make the base crusader belt and cheap str essence roll on it until what you get good rolls.

ya ghost dance is probably not working as it should be

On that note, is Ghost Dance actually bugged ? I honestly dont feel like I'm getting any ES back or whatever - and currently my build is somewhat min/maxed with 7.7k ES etc.

Any ideas ?

EDIT : Also, even without Ghost Dance - I still think Purity + Grace is the way to go and its worth it. I wanted to do 20-40% Deli triple beyo maps with the build without HH, and I feel without these extra defences (also lv20 Steelskin) it wouldnt be possible. You still die every now and then on massive packs/beyo spawns with all these defences but its much more manageable.
Last edited by MinusFormality on Nov 2, 2021, 6:10:15 PM
Would pierce from piercing shots not be a good way to increase clearspeed ?

ya ghost dance is probably not working as it should be

On that note, is Ghost Dance actually bugged ? I honestly dont feel like I'm getting any ES back or whatever - and currently my build is somewhat min/maxed with 7.7k ES etc.

Any ideas ?

EDIT : Also, even without Ghost Dance - I still think Purity + Grace is the way to go and its worth it. I wanted to do 20-40% Deli triple beyo maps with the build without HH, and I feel without these extra defences (also lv20 Steelskin) it wouldnt be possible. You still die every now and then on massive packs/beyo spawns with all these defences but its much more manageable.

i reported it already and the comments on the thread seems like no one has figured it out
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
Will I lose alot of damage if I remove Frost Bomb from Arcanist Brand and replace it with Hydrosphere?

I feel like I have too many buttons that i dont have time to press anyway. For bosses at start I throw brand, hydrosphere then bear trap and start chaining mines but later I rather just put brand and chain mines while moving alot to avoid stuff.

When I enter scourge I just use only brand and mines while dashing around because if I stop for too long to press brand then hydrospehere etc then theres way to high risk of dying.

can u tell to me why i can place only 17 mine? what i miss?

p.s. on your cluster pob i see same 17 mine active limit on calculation but u calc dps with 20 problem seems to be Volatile Mine that allow you to place 20 and not 17
Last edited by Beskaius on Nov 4, 2021, 10:42:30 AM

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