[3.17] strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator -- League Start & End Game v3.

Questions are pointless now and just take space on the page so I'm removing them. Too bad you can't delete posts on this forum.
Last edited by Wendek on Feb 10, 2022, 1:50:49 PM
Where is this 42 Dot Multiplier taken from?

WhosChamp wrote:
Where is this 42 Dot Multiplier taken from?

This is no longer required in configuration. In the last version of PoB, DoT multiplier from weapon was not included.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:

Regarding your comment about the Dawnbreaker shield on the first page of this guide. I agree that it looks promising, but I did some testing and... it SUCKS. At least for a block build.

Regardless of the max fire resist boost (I had 79), because parts of the other types of damage are taken as fire (a stat that makes this shield interesting in the first place) it's not that hard to proc the "200 fire damage" debuff. The shield could work with single boss fights when you can avoid the mechanics, but not when we take a lot of small hits.

It was not a huge problem on maps, but deeper delves were much harder and Simulacrum was a complete and utter disaster with this shield. Normally I more or less comfortably reach at least wave 25. With the Dawnbreaker It was a downward spiral.

You take 4-5 hits, your block chance drops and because of that you get even more hits and the block chance drops even more, so you are getting hit even more.

Same with crucible fights and bosses like Maven, when you just have to tank some of the smaller shit that's floating around - it kills your block chance and once this process starts, you are basically screwed.

PS I think I've seen on Poe Ninja Builds that you already know the Pride + Eternal Blessing trick :-) Let's just hope they won't nerf it.
Last edited by John_Michael_Kane on Feb 11, 2022, 7:58:55 AM
i also am running the dawn breaker. but its hard to counter the downside of it
I'm struggling and I don't know why.


PS: Is there a way to get Corrupting Fever into the build, or does it not synergize very well?
Last edited by Kayyne on Feb 11, 2022, 3:07:40 PM

After a quick review:

I think you've gone full block too early. I would seriously try respecing whole "top" part of the tree and grabbing Versatile Combatant at the bottom at the expense of 2 points and you'd have 50/50 block which would be enough for now.

- get Flesh and stone! Blood and sand is not that important. Drop Tempest shield if necessary (especially if you do the above). Get cheap lvl 3 enlighten for some help with mana

- Do Uber Lab, arena challenger is AMAZING for clear speed, you need those 2 points

- You have a HUGE resistance overcap - respec one res + 4% life to a "6% life" node (or even better respec some mastery and get bloodless); Why do you have a cold res craft on your amu if you don't need it, change it!

- buy 2-3 Divines and slam on your belt, this is a really bad rolled ryslatha's. Aim for having "more more than less"

- do you need that large jewel socket at the bottom? this is 3 points wasted to get a mediocre regular jewel. Get some life nodes instead

- get Call to arms and use end cry on leftclick


BTW: a very nice Axe, congrats!
synyster123 wrote:

I think you are following a slightly outdated version of the PoB (from early 3.16). My suggestions are as follows:

1. Remove the left Thread of Hope of use Blue Nightmare there. Get all the nodes from Sanctuary cluster.
2. Remove nodes leading up to Diamond Skin (might need to fix your cold resistance else where).
3. You will lose some life after removing Thread of Hope, you can path towards Constitution.
4. You can remove the Mana Flows nodes and get a Hard Knocks notable for the intelligence.
5. Remove one point from Juggernaut and Barbarism cluster and path towards Tireless.
6. You belt can be better divined, you absolutely want your more# > less#.
7. You really want a Divergent Chance to Bleed.
8. Your boots are gloves are not influenced, so you can use the Eldritch currency to improve them. Like Bleed faster on boots and physical DoT multiplier on your gloves.
9. There is now an Eldritch implicit for spell block on chest. I think that's the next upgrade for you. You can probably craft it yourself with Essence (for flat life) and Eldritch Chaos to reroll the suffix for resistance. If you have a open prefix, you can also craft another spell block. In total the chest piece may provide you ~10-14% spell block.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
Last edited by strTrader on Feb 11, 2022, 4:53:26 PM
Sasstraliss wrote:
All the POB links I've tried say they're 3.16 trees?

There is no tree change between 3.16 and 3.17 that impacts this build. I will incorporate the 3.17 implicit modifiers in a later update.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
Ald3rak wrote:
Quick question, since you're using Immortal Call now, do you still use molten shell on left click ?

Edit : StrTrader, what is your poeninja for the season ? I can't find you

IGN: strAdversary

Right now, I am struggling for sockets (because of Pride + Blessing + Arrogrance) so not running Immortal Call + CWDT. I am using Molten Shell on move and Vaal Molten Shell on bosses/Archnemesis.

There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:

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