[3.17] strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator -- League Start & End Game v3.

strTrader wrote:
Probably going blind here and didnt see it in post but whats the 'transition' all about in the POB?

Also I hope you don't mind, I found your old leveling tree and reconstructed it as close to your updated POB as possible as I find it easier when I have it planned out. Thought id share it incase you wanted to add it if you think it looks ok.


Thank you for your work. If you don't mind, I would like to feature this PoB and giving you credit for converting it to 3.16/7 tree.

Abolutely fine mate! You put in the effort on the build its the least I can do! Testing it out now.
StrTrader, do you hvae any suggestion for a price checker tool? I currently use awakened poe trade and I dont think its that accurate. As an example, I have this sceptre

And apparently it is worth only 1 ex? This is standard league btw. I think cold dot builds will find this sceptre very valuable?

What do you think?
5ecured wrote:
StrTrader, do you hvae any suggestion for a price checker tool? I currently use awakened poe trade and I dont think its that accurate. As an example, I have this sceptre

And apparently it is worth only 1 ex? This is standard league btw. I think cold dot builds will find this sceptre very valuable?

What do you think?

Awakened PoE trade is working fine for me. I think we have to rely less on the predicated price (although it is a good indication whether the item could potentially be valuable) and focus more on filtering by specific mods on your item. In my opinion, cold DoT relies a lot of gem level so people tend to go for +gem levels. Again, I could be wrong; sometimes you need to have played a build to know if something is valuable or not.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
Quick question, i've seen your modification compared to your 3.16 POB. What are the reason to remove the node Sanctuary, Call of the Arms in order to grab Retaliation, Testudo and Versatile Combatant ?
Ald3rak wrote:
Quick question, i've seen your modification compared to your 3.16 POB. What are the reason to remove the node Sanctuary, Call of the Arms in order to grab Retaliation, Testudo and Versatile Combatant ?

Maybe you can refresh my memory with which PoB.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
shikamaru1111 wrote:
What is the most effective way to have mana sustain on this build? Is it -7 cost of skill or mana leech?
Also, what do you think of vaal pact?

In the final state tree looks like both - getting mana leach from fuel the fight and a -7 to mana cost on ring. Personally I usually find mana leach enough? Though having free leap slam without lifetap seems really nice, def gonna go for this.

So I HATE dealing with mana and spamming mana potion, I usually make a beeline for Spirit Void after getting Art of the Gladiator. Once you're doing ok damage you can mostly forget about mana (if leap slam is linked with lifetap). Later I'll get it on a jewel (and then cluster) and spec out of Spirit Void. It's a hefty 6 points but personally I find it worth it to enjoy playing and not whiffing a lot with no mana. YMMV

(question seemed to get missed, hope it's ok I tried to answer)

Last edited by settonull99 on Feb 2, 2022, 1:34:32 PM
strTrader wrote:
settonull99 wrote:
Hi! I'm curious if you think it might be worth grabbing the fortify ...

I definitely looking forward to fortify and I would be happy if it can generate 5 stacks per hit (against bosses).

You can use Jack all the way to T16. I did a white Feared with it in the boss showcase. Keep in mind this will probably be the hardest content it can tackle. Anything beyond (i.e. Simulacrum 25+, Ravaged Blight etc.) this build cannot handle.

Cool! Would you think the mastery for fortify? or gem? And I'd be happy to be able to do the feared even with an expensive well crafted rare axe, so anything more than that is gravy. Well also hoping to be able to do the new bosses obviously :)
settonull99 wrote:
Cool! Would you think the mastery for fortify? or gem? And I'd be happy to be able to do the feared even with an expensive well crafted rare axe, so anything more than that is gravy. Well also hoping to be able to do the new bosses obviously :)

I am leaning more towards mastery, then again I didn't run any Fortify in 3.16 so I don't think it's absolutely needed.

In terms of new bosses, I am not worried right now. Might take a few tries at first (if going in blind). Otherwise should be no problem with practice.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
strTrader wrote:
Ald3rak wrote:
Quick question, i've seen your modification compared to your 3.16 POB. What are the reason to remove the node Sanctuary, Call of the Arms in order to grab Retaliation, Testudo and Versatile Combatant ?

Maybe you can refresh my memory with which PoB.

I have taken this one, which I was assuming is the one youre going to play on 3.17 but I may be wrong ?
Ald3rak wrote:
strTrader wrote:
Ald3rak wrote:
Quick question, i've seen your modification compared to your 3.16 POB. What are the reason to remove the node Sanctuary, Call of the Arms in order to grab Retaliation, Testudo and Versatile Combatant ?

Maybe you can refresh my memory with which PoB.

I have taken this one, which I was assuming is the one youre going to play on 3.17 but I may be wrong ?

Sorry which PoB?
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:

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