Ultimatum Statistics

You've made a league that most of us are skipping, and the ones that aren't have overpowered your game to the point where ANY encounter is trivial. Grats.
Basically standing still gets you killed. The majority of skills require you at some point to stand still, good game design! (only partly joking).
The Trialmaster has mechanics?! I saw him twice now and he just died with a weird phase where literally nothing happens. You can't move and he does stuff that does nothing and then he is dead...

Up the spawnrate, so we might actually see him on a character that's not overgeared.

And I would like to see the "StoneCircleSkipRate".
I mean I skip the 100% since league start. Does that count for "not completed"? I doubt it so the stone circle statistic is much worse than shown here. And I want to add: I don't skip it because I could die, I skip it, because it takes ages.
Last edited by Schnezler on May 27, 2021, 6:27:57 AM
Personally, i hate this league, i encountered 4 times the trialmaster and he gave me a shitty prize worth 10 chaos, in addition, my friend played at least 200 maps with no trialmaster boss fight, so in order to get something good from him or just complete the challenges you've to grind a lot and now to get profit I'm doing other things because it's just too random. The last two leagues are based on how lucky you are and not how are you good at craft or playing in general to get profit, I lack the good old times of the synthesis league. Please bring back something like that it was extremely funny to play with my friends also.
I wish he was tiered, like they did with a lot of boss, like we could fight a verison of him in white, yellow and thjen the ultimate in red map...

I have not see him once and it feel fucking bad.... espeically after reading this.

GGG I think you convinced me to stop playing the league like for real (honestly I was a bit bored and just hoped to meet the trial master once but no luck)
So now the claim is that ppl don't finish the ultimatums and therefor see no trial master? Lol at this absolute bullshit.
I finish every fucking ulti i start, fuck right of with that statement.
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Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Last edited by jackof8lades on May 27, 2021, 7:33:28 AM
I wonder, with so many Trialmaster reactions, will you do anything at all??
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
So what's your conclusion based on these stats? My conclusion is that your spawn rate of trialmaster is ridiculously low and you don't have a deterministic way of spawning it makes it easily one of the most horrible design in the game right now.

Also to all those reddit Andy, don't complain about stand in the circle trials if you are gonna do it anyway.
ChosenOneReal wrote:
You cant buy tether only hostile currency. Dont want to offend anyone i love game i almost did 40 challenges as every league

Isn't it great when you cannot buy your 40/40 you actually have to do it yourself
Thinking about this, what about a somewhat simple fix?

Just modify the spawn rate of the Trialmaster based on the current win streak. Something like 10% increased chance per previous win, which resets once you fail OR finally meet the trialmaster? The exact number is ofc something discusable, but given the 1/50 chance, I think increasing this chance to 1/25 after 10 continious wins doesn't sound that bad in all (especially with the challenge in mind, where you have to fight him conditionally).

This would also fit the ingame logic. As you win more and more often against him, the voice lines makes clear that he gets more and more angry, because you are winning to often. So it just would make sense that, at some point, he looses his nerves and decides to end your winning streak himself.

Besides that, this would also have the side effect, that you're able to somewhat enforce the fight on the price of grind, in stead of "just" relying on the random spawn rate, which possibly exactly strikes on those maps, where you skip the trial for various reasons (shitty mods for trial, lacking time, wrong trial type, partymember that doesn't want to do it, etc).
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.

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