Ultimatum Statistics

just buff trialmaster finally or change challenge... at least
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Last edited by TreeOfDead on May 27, 2021, 3:21:37 AM
50 million run and 500 good reward, like a joke, 1/100.000, howmany people can run more than 10.000 run ?, and success all ?
Andddd you said it is more rewarding... Birds chirp.
Statistics !
Bad Seed
Don't buy hateforge gloves, or if you have them SELL THEM

they will fix them in next expansion and become worthless! under 1 chaos orb
As you can see, 64.39% of all generated Trialmaster encounters were never even started. What this means is that players either failed an encounter prior to wave 10, took their rewards prior to wave 10 or didn't start the Ultimatum encounter altogether. When we look at the best case scenario where the Trialmaster spawns 1 time in 50 maps and then factor in the realised encounter rate (35.61%), we see that the average player in level 78 or higher maps is actually fighting the Trialmaster 1 time in 140 maps. Some players have said that they feel the Trialmaster is too rare. Our investigation while generating these stats showed that those players are often not playing through to wave 10, failing encounters, or not even starting the encounter to begin with.

So how about increasing the trialmaster's spawn rate if things are so bad? Can you give a chance to see this boss and ordinary players, and not just elite streamers?
OK, normally I gloss over these but this was genuinely interesting.

I am not really shocked by the Trialmaster stats.

I've fought Trialmaster a handful of times, but more significantly I've run three different characters at T11+ now.

I very definitely notice that one of them can just consistently clear everything (trinity bow ele hit freeze-capable raider) whereas another that's arguably stronger (cold totem hiero) actually fails here & there at higher levels because it's more vulnerable to stuns.

Those failures felt rare... until I was playing the raider & actually had a concrete comparison in my hands. So the lost opportunities would actually kinda add up to quietly skew Trialmaster, even though the totem character is damn strong & the better boss killer.

Got a Smite Scion I'm working on & if that character ever sees Trialmaster at all then I'll be pleasantly surprised... although the affixes I'm finding easier on a 'melee' are definitely not universally the same as those for range, so that's working.
Last edited by Lakh on May 27, 2021, 4:08:20 AM
"the fact that players may have only fought him a few times and are still learning the encounter as they go"
-> Actually it's never.

By far the most interesting stat would have been:
1. out of the 170M Ultimatum's spawned, how many spawned at level 78+
2. out of those 78+ Ultimatum's, how many had potentially 10 rounds or would have had 10 rounds if players would have fought till the end / survived
3. How many of those Ultimatum's were actually fought till the end
4. How many of those Ultimatum's have actually spawned the Trialmaster
This would have revealed how insanely RNG gated this idiotic league mechanic is

Since Heist League was 1 month too long, please shorten Ultimatum by 1 months and bring something better.
If you have nothing better, just upload the old Ritual league files.

We should also always remember with Ultimatum:
- Best league start ever
- Supporter pack money used to buy streamers that would then skip the queue to play the game instead of the people who bought the supporter packs
- Texture issues
I've been teaching myself some data science/visualisation things through game datasets, and my wife (who plays POE far more than I do) asked for things other than tables for some of this data.

So, here you go, some quick and boring graphical representations of this data

To me, though, this is missing all the most interesting/most integral information, which is almost entirely to do with ultimatum opt-out rates. This could, in theory, allow us to make correlations such as: which ailment modifiers push players to opt out the most? How much does this vary by ascendency or base class? Do ailment opt-out rates accurately correspond to the failure rates they cause? Are there confluences of ailments which cause disproportionately high failure or opt-out rates? The list goes on.

So, GGG. I'm sure the answer is 'we have people who do that already,' but can I play with your actual dataset?
ok so i dont play as crazy as some people but i have yet to encounter the trailmaster once most of the time my ultis end before wave 10 or i just dont do them cuz stone circles is just really bad (as your post shows)

Then im watching some streamers like ziz etc who play 12 hours a day and have only seen him less than 5 times....the fact is it should of been a system were you collect shards to summon him thus giving a encounter at some point at least but insted you have made it so there is a decent size of the community that has only seen him once or twice in hundards of hours and some who havent even seen him once like myself, that being said i dont mind the ultis but the mobs spawning on top of you and insta stunning or stopping/hitting you before you can do anything at all is kinda really really anoying ngl

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