Extremely Slow Queue Processing

This is crap. Get dc'd. Get put in 15K queue. Wait. Finally get to char select screen, click char, load into town, dc'd again. Rinse, repeat.
Rafe13 wrote:
Sat down hours before launch & got in at 300 in queue, Dc'ed in 5 mins to 120k in queue.

Deleted my POE twitch sub folder after watching a few streamers chatting with Bex & skipping the queue. Will not watch another POE stream again.

I have top Core pack but refuse to buy the league packs now, ask your streamers to buy em instead.

2 hours in & I can say easily the worst league start experiance ever.

DC'ed 15-20 times, a dozen infinate loading screens, massive slow queues, streamers skipping queue.

Nice one... compelete BS.
Tired & completly tilted after weeks of preparation.

as you put in thousands of dollars already ... how long does it take for you to realize what is the only language GGG does unterstand nowadays?
Never have there been so many problems with servers, getting kicked off and disconnects.

Cannot authenticate now to even get in queue.
Hey guys,

no biggie from my side.
That's just what you get for focusing so much on adding all the amazing content!
It always feels like I need a small college degree to get into every new league.

Some of these things slip through and with all the new players, your servers just can't handle it, I guess.

I'd really like to see the game move into a more stable state. Last league, I got a ton of client and instance crashes, and with all the microtransactions and ridiculous damage calculations going on, I saw someone crash in multiplayer every 10 minutes, so there's obviously a lot to improve on.

There are difficult time we're all going through and your hard and tireless work has made it easier for me to get through them on more than one occasion. :)

Please, keep it up!
Lezztat wrote:
Login Error, operation timeout.

Easily the worst league I've attempted to play in years.

Game is basically unplayable atm.

Whatever they did to fix things has made the server so unstable as to make it unplayable. The queue was better, atleast once I was through I could DO something.
Imagine how many new players they lost. Literally thousands probably just left queue and decided never to open it up again. Defeats the purpose of letting streamers skip the queue to bring in new players when you lose tens of thousands of players every league launch. LOL. This company...
Time out
Authentication is borked.

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