Extremely Slow Queue Processing

So glad my money doesn't mean anything to GGG. I love watching streamers get priority.

You're a shell of yourself GGG.
Well I guess all the streamers are getting ahead of me in the queue
dafür fehlen mir echt die Worte ... Schlecht =D
pls explain why streamers are getting privilege ? somehow they dont have to wait when they dced.
I wasted time to migrate my character before hand, I set up my filters, dedicated my own time outside of your schedule to be ready for this event. I got in the first queue at 1119. It then took over 5 minutes, where the queue moved differently than that of others. I was lower in number, but other people's queues moved faster, while GGG played favorites skipping at their discretion. They intentionally went out of their way to tell and then even whitelist/priority pass larger twitch streamers over others. This allows them to influence the market before anyone else, showing that in fact GGG doesn't care at all about interfering or the integrity the game or their franchise. I'm happy I could get screwed over so hard and walk away only forfeiting a few hundred dollars.
Last edited by vGRejected on Apr 16, 2021, 6:42:01 PM
GGG you have to pay us some presents! wtf really
I like a common guy who w8 2.5 month for league start....
It's so disappointing
So, since it is painfully obvious the streamer queue is moving exponentially faster than you, know, like 90% of your player base, any chance for a reset and restart so certain people (all the streamers) don't get to price fix the market and reach maps while the rest of us are still in queue? I literally watched a streamer on Twitch sitting at 70k in queue while I was at 28k, and take a wild guess who got in first.
It is 4:07 am in my country and im still waiting here :3, "streamers have got privilege" i dont care :(((. let's play next week !
I genuinely don't understand how a software company can be this bad. I myself work in this industry and GGG are just a bunch of fucking amateurs. After so many years you'd think they have their shit together. Disappointing.

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