Game Balance in Path of Exile: Ultimatum

"Splitting an item through Beast-crafting now applies a split tag to both items (similar to “Mirrored”). Items that have Fractured Fossils used on them also gain the split tag. Split items cannot be split again, and cannot have Imprints made of them or applied to the "

beast farmer is really dead xD
Good! Game needed an "it's all nerfs" patch. Well done, GGG!

These kids don't remember when Hailrake could one-shot you from off screen.
Yay, new league. <3

To be honest, i enjoy playing gauntlet events more than the normal league. It's because the game is harder. That's why i like it when ggg keep nerfing things. <3 :D XD

P.S. Still hoping that soon, they will add a keystone like iron reflex but turns energy shield to evasion. XD
Last edited by Correctitude on Apr 12, 2021, 8:42:12 PM
Nice, finaly some much needed nerfs. honestly i think poe could use more nerfs but i kinda just hope that poe2 wil slow things way the fuck down.
U guys doing the worst game balance i ever seen.

For players who like this nerf just letting you know, people like and play PoE JUST bcoz PoE gives them a way to do crazy stuff (and poe is the only legit ARPG). So player still playing bcoz noone offer something like that to them and IF! PoE stand inline with other ARPG's or some other game offer that fun to players (like mb D4) then PoE will die instantly.

P.S. I like PoE, and wanted it rise and grow. But they don't even change UI in PoE 2. There is again Buff in one side, hp in other and mana in 3rd. This is totally stupid... Game Devs are out of their minds in my opinion.
Last edited by Netrx on Apr 12, 2021, 8:41:35 PM
Jesus, stop fucking whinning !

These balance changes and nerfs are amazing ! Finally, long overdue.

And guess what, everything is and will still be viable.

(only thing missing is minions getting nerfed altogether)

And to those saying they're gonna quit or whatever, good riddance see you

YIKES profile

I've been playing this game "seriously" for about a year now, and I've finally kind of gotten into the "community" endgame, by which I mean I finally got to have some fun with crafting (yes, Harvest too, but I was super excited with just throwing my exalts into Fracture Fossils to try and make a good copy of a +1 Frenzy ring or something like that). I think I finally managed to make some "good" items and sell them for a profit, thinking to myself, hey, I might've actually kind of figured out how the playerbase works, in a sense that I might be able to make some nice cash every league from now on.

I finally got a dedicated HH build, that was super fun.

Finally threw multiple 100s of exalts into a build that made most stuff go pop.

And now I'm salty about these changes. Thinking I finally kind of figured out the game and hoping that for the next league, I'll be set with a lot of knowledge of it from the very beginning, and will therefore be able to enjoy the game without worrying if spending the extra 3 chaos in the map device will send me into a cycle of being lent chaos by guildmates forever and ever(a metaphor, but that actually was the case in Heist - I'm a bad player, I know).

Now I'll be back to picking up at least somewhat well rolled Talismans... oh wait!

I'm most scared on how much the prices of gear will rise again... I don't know why people have a problem with the top 0,1% being the top 0,1%. While, yes, they were disgustingly rich, they're probably still gonna be after all of this, but all the things that they've provided to the community (6white 6links and the such) are now either gonna be a LOT more expensive or maybe not exist at all. Again, in terms of balancing, I understand, but won't that just make the game less fun?

TL;DR: Actually kind of expected nerfs and while I'm partially glad they hit, I'm still salty about them. In a non PvP/competitive game, I personally believe the fun factor is more important than the balance factor.

But hey, maybe it won't be as bad! ^^
Cya friday, exiles!
Last edited by maticko111 on Apr 12, 2021, 8:43:44 PM
anderekoek wrote:
Nice, finaly some much needed nerfs. honestly i think poe could use more nerfs but i kinda just hope that poe2 wil slow things way the fuck down.

I feel you.
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