What's going on with the Servers?

Nichelle_GGG wrote:
Could you please try searching using the Any or Offline only options?

I'm gonna be laughing about this all day.

Why don't you try to find me a set of three relatively common items right now using the "any" or "offline" searches. Tell me how well that goes for you and how we should all be expected to go through that for every item we need or play SSF.
I get abused by GGG staff every time I post because I started the Fix Your Game meme. Pathetic and unprofessional.
if you sort by how recently the item was put up and find something you want put up in the past few minutes, the odds are good the player is online. if it's a very specific item with specific stats you need, then just go down the list of acceptable items until you message someone that's online. none of this is good of course and the fact that we go through something gamebreaking and insane every single league is completely ridiculous

but it's a temporary solution for trading at least and i didn't find it to be that difficult
Last edited by DeathDealerCDN on Jan 17, 2021, 11:56:30 AM
Almost 3 days of league and i cant play it beside the first 4 hours bc your first Hot"fix" this league broke my game. So i gonna say it again. 4 hours since release i was playing smoothly like a babys but. Then close the game and stop to eat something and do my things. Came back, the game downloads a 33-34 Mb hotfix... since then my game freezes EVERY SINGLE TIME araound 5-8 seconds after being open. Imposible that is my hardware problem, bc i was playing more than smooth before that hot"fix". There are player mad bc trade pages doesnt work or some mad bc they get disconected every 1 hour. Not gonna lie, its also bad. But cannot even open the game without gettin a total freeze and "not responding" message EVERY SINGLE TIME... im pretty sure that is a bigger problem and the first to be solved. Even more when some of us with the same problem have spended some money already in this game. Already lose the hype for this league. Dont make me stop playing it forever pls.
5 months between leagues and this is the much anticipated crap being released...

"40 gems reworked", more like 20 gems, and only 2 reworked, the rest is a nerf on alternate quality.

Think I saw a total of 4 !!!!!!!!!!!! new uniques?

Crashes crashes crashes, crashed twice before even killing brutus.

Guess the majority of the 5 months went into the grossly overpriced supporter packs, conveniently sold just before this crap released.

Keep up the good work GGG, this sht has been going on since you released the lab. Still cant launch a quality product.
There is also a ton of texture loading lag and various performance slowdown within maps that I’ve never experienced before prior to this patch. POE performance took a huge hit this time round.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673)
Dear GGG,

yes, there are problems with your server database. But YES, there are far more problems with your COMMUNICATION since then. You should at LEAST warn players INGAME about this, using INGAME warning mechanics and not reddit links or by a news post two days ago.

You are really failing hard on the communication side right now. Players don't know if the issue still exists, if it is partially fixed or if there is still a risk playing right now. When starting the game, nothing tells you the probs are still an gamebreaking issue.

Pleas COME ON and start to COMMUNICATE properly. We're in 2021. You still link to reddit postings about stuff that's going on in YOUR game, that could be communicated inside YOUR game or on YOUR side. Nobody has an issue with the technical problems as long as they're communicated properly. So PLEASE start communicating properly RIGHT NOW.
I would not say 99% of the time but closer to 92-95% of the time we can play perfect. I am happy you're working on this GGG.

I play on the beta macOS client so I'd like to just say that since 3.13 my performance has dropped significantly. I am now assuming that it is due to the server overload. I hope this gets fixed within the week - You guys can find a way to make it happen I know it! Thank you for your continued support of the macOS community! I look forward to purchasing things on the store in PoE once the client is more complete!
tbone469 wrote:
I would not say 99% of the time but closer to 92-95% of the time we can play perfect.

You write this, cause you didn't lose any expensive item you bought for your hard earned currency just to realize it disappeared.
So please don't make statements like '92-99%' of the time we could play perfectly as this can occur ANY TIME.
Last edited by AngryGekko on Jan 17, 2021, 12:06:23 PM

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