Game Balance in Path of Exile: Echoes of the Atlas

The nerfs were harsh but necessary. Perhaps the minion nerf was a bit too much but I think everyone realizes something had to be done.

My only concern is for aura bots. By killing aura stacking, they are also impacting aura bots which seems a bit alarming especially for group players. I hope these changes are compensated elsewhere so supports still have a place in the game. (Coming from a group player)
barathustra wrote:
As a minion build player. Those nerfs are very well deserved. People say "They're op because of aura stacking" Yea yea... Did you even play the Carrion Golems without it? Just invest some 40-50ex and kill A8 Sirus in his last phase even before he teleports. Yea what an aura stack.

It's good to nerf them this much. They're angry because they won't be able to kill Sirus with 4-5 seconds without even moving. And also they won't be able to do AFK Blighted Map farm.

I like the nerfs and buffs. An ARPG game has to be balanced and I know it's so hard to make it possible because of endless numbers of builds.

Last leage 30%+ of players were playing Minion builds. Do you know what that means?

I saw someone says they're nerfing the "popular" builds instead of "op" ones. Why do you think they're "popular"? Becase they're ******* OP! Clearing the map as fast as lightning and face tanking Sirus with full investment. That's not the Endgame Build, that is a Endgame ******* build.

Well I won't say anymore. They're only thinking their own asses not the game itself. Just continue like this GGG, love you!

What about syndicate operatives then? 50 exalted used to be the budget for you to have 5 spectres going with semi shitty gear, and you could still die to sirus 8 with that. It wasnt nearly a situation we could one shot him.

This was insane.

Aura Stackers run Spectres and Golems!? YEP WE BETTER NERF THEM INSTEAD OF THE ACTUAL ISSUE.
Last edited by Vaildez on Jan 11, 2021, 3:36:54 PM
Most optimal doesn't exist... Optimal already defines something at its peak. It's like saying "minion builds are most best".
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Why did you nerf minion wtf T-T the only thing I liked to play
If harvest craft is trash you can say good bye to me RIP
The need to rebalance and keep things fresh is understandable. However, total destruction is not balance. Balance implies that there is something left. When a reduction in power of more than say 20% is done it is suggesting that the team had no idea what they were doing to begin with. Calling it rebalancing is gaslighting when super sledge hammer is the approach. The team could at least be honest, hey we don't like xyz so it will no longer be an option, and yes we know this completely removes certain builds from the game.

The players that do nothing but play this game need something to invest in. Having a build that is most powerful that cost 1k exalts isn't a bad thing, what are players working toward?
Love it! Shake up that meta!
I like it, after taking a quick glimpse.

A couple questions for now:

The knife-throw skill used by Syndicate Operatives is no longer considered a spell, as this created unintended uses by combining both Attack and Spell supports while ignoring their penalties.

So it won't be neither a spell nor an attack, and won't be able to be supported by Spell Echo or Multistrike - do I assume correct?

The Minion-related Cluster Jewel notables, Rotten Claws and Renewal, have had value reductions as they provided effective damage multipliers at high values.

Are they going to be cut by half? More than that would be excessive I think?

Can't wait for the full patch notes ^^
This isn't making sense though. I'll focus on 2 things about this: Slayer / Raider frenzy and Far Shot nerf.

1) It's already crazy that the Slayer (who's specialized in leeching) has frenzy charges equaled to endurance charges; but now you added +1 max frenzy charges?? Then what's the point of even using the Raider now?? Instead of putting out this game balance memo solo, the full ascendancy tree changes should have been posted alongside this. Will the Raider now have leeching mods or +2 or +3 max frenzy charges??

2) Far Shot...isn't the point of this to be a buff like the entire ascendancy in this game? Supposed to be a buff with NO nerf or downside. There's already enough nerfs as is between items and gems.
"It now causes your projectiles to deal 20% less damage at very close range (previously no penalty), up to 60% more damage at a range of 70 or greater (previously 30% more damage"

Instead of putting this why not simply put " projectiles deal 40% more damage" in general? Why make it sound more convoluted than it is? 60% - 20% = 40% It's not that complicated. It's not just this instance but MANY in the game.

I really want to hear something about this
I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters!
No mention of cleave or heavy strike. Both need buffs!
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Pizzarugi wrote:
mobilegamer69 wrote:
Just play Skeletons instead of Spectres.

Skeletons have shit for clear speed compared to spectres, disillusioned players should be made aware of this fact.

Unless you pump a FUCKTON of currency into the build, fully clearing Legion monoliths, running Delirium effectively, or even Delving to low depths is going to be a massive struggle.

Take it from me, I main skeletons.

Skeletons rely a lot on support spectres for their damage. Either with charges or curses.

They will now die more often and skeleton damage will therefore be more inconsistent, especially in bossfights with lots of AOE-spam going on.

But lets see the patch notes for a final decision.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Jan 11, 2021, 3:37:13 PM

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