[3.15] Elemental Hit Ballista Totem Hiero | Budget Friendly | League Start to Endgame

_Nektre_ wrote:
Anyone can recommend something? Kinda sceptic about running full hiero templar, since I think leech is very valuable for totem build, also high HP pool on scion.

This is my thoughts:
RawDamage wrote:
For those who still don't sure.
I've leveled ascendant and hiero to 91(93) lvl both.
Tested a lot, this is my thoughts(with same budget):
1. Ascendant have lower dps(--)
2. Ascendant have nice leech, thats helps a lot(+)
3. Ascendant have phasing(+)
4. Mana issues(-)
1. Much more damage, and power charges(++)
2. Free endurance charges(+)
3. No leech(-)
4. No mana issues at all(+)
5. No phasing(-)

You can got phasing flask on hiero, but you can't got more dps on ascendant with flask. yes, previously I thought that ascendand leech is the king, but! we should admit mistakes.

Now I recommend only Hiero.
So its up to you, what you prefer

p.s. I'm not Vei, don't rely on my posts as a guide
p.p.s. I know about poc setup on ascendant, i've tested it as well. really, i've tested all setups. don't think that i'm stupid)

Last edited by RawDamage on Jan 29, 2021, 7:12:14 PM
RawDamage wrote:
For those who still don't sure.

A bit clarify why I recommend Hiero. On Hiero you will got same 6k hp, without leech, but with endurance charges and life regen(7% for 7 totems). You'll got much more damage at same budget.
On scion you will stuck with mana problems, you have to craft "-mana" on two pieces of gear. But one ring is unique - so...
Also totem placement speed and totem life regen. In boss fights as Scion you will find that totems destroyed so fast. This not saying that damage on scion is about 800k per totem vs 1.3kk on hiero(this is not for min/max, this is usual budget without double corrupted frostferto, I think with frostferno damage delta will be greater)

note: when I said - same budget - this is same budget! (no unnatural instinct on scion, etc. Moreover, you will got less life on scion with same budget(no might of the meek) - but this is not so meaningfully, because jewels this are cheap, just for comparison)
Last edited by RawDamage on Jan 29, 2021, 7:40:32 PM

Sweet lord, look at the No.1 guy on poeninja. Thats 11m DPS per totem wtf. Gear looks achieveable too (albeit its like 70+ exalts minimum). At this rate, even if he drops empower for MTS, thats a massive 7M dps per totem. Very interesting pathway to min maxing. This build could very well compete into the top tier echelon of builds dps wise.
lillbrorsan wrote:
Hello awesome people!
I've managed to get some new items since last time and I'm just destroying most things at the moment.
I would like your input on where to go from here as I have 10ex to upgrade what I have and want to make sure I grab what makes the most sense.

I had a look at 26. Upgrade Reference List(3.13) and am currently trying to find a Corrupted Frostferno and 20% qual Divergent gem.




Instead of the +2 Frostferno and 20% Quality Divergent Ballista Totem, use your currency for the few things below first, then go back to them after.

Two Low rolled Items you definitely want to upgrade

Forbidden Taste Quartz Flask, definitely look for a 98%+ one it's just a few chaos

Marylene's Fallacy, look for one with 238% Crit Multi with 110+ Flat Accuracy

You might want to look for Hunter Influenced Boot with Projectile Pierce 2 Targets, after that you have more flexibility in choosing upgrades for your quiver since you won't be restricted to finding a Penetrating one so upgrade your quiver next.

Also look for a higher Flat Accuracy Gloves, 351+ Flat Accuracy at the minimum, you want to be at least at 95%+ Chance to Hit.

For what to look for on Gloves, Boots and Quiver, refer to "11. Mid-Tier Equipment Details" for the details

After the above are done, if you are too far away with your currency for Frostferno, you can go with 18% Crit Chance Quill Rain first, then go back to +2 Frostferno, then 20% Divergent Ballista Totem.

These would be my suggestions.

Hope they help!

_Nektre_ wrote:
Any new thoughts about scion combinations? Right now playing chieftain/raider, thinking about swapping to chief/hiero, although worried about mana problems and only thing that hiero gives is +1 totems, while raider gives a lot of attack speed + perm phasing. Also I see that OP is playing chief/slayer asc. Anyone can recommend something? Kinda sceptic about running full hiero templar, since I think leech is very valuable for totem build, also high HP pool on scion.

Here would be my new summary on them. Before I start, just want to say that Ascendant has the advantage of just switching around the 2 chosen Class easily so even if the wrong combinations is chosen, it doesn't matter too much since it's just a number of regret orbs to switch class combinations.

Ascendant Class Combination

Chieftain as the first class of Ascendant is never a wrong choice because the Totem leech to us is just so godly. Unless you like pressing Life Flasks, if not, just go with this class.

Chieftain/Hiero - This is the highest DPS because of 7 Max Totems, however there's the "Mini Mind over Matter" issue which I mentioned before if you choose this class. If you get can over that and want the highest DPS then this the combination to go for.

Chieftain/Raider - This is somewhat in between Chief/Slayer and Chief/Hiero but without the Hiero Mind Over Matter problems and offering Quality of Life things like Move Speed and Permanent Phasing and defensive stat like 10% dodge.

Chieftain/Slayer - This is the more defensive approach for the life leech not removed at full life ability which to me is very valuable, because the only sources for this is on Glove(With some disadvantage), Belt and Timeless Jewel(Which we can't use due to using Lethal Pride) The other advantage of Slayer is Culling Strike which helps to offset the Culling Strike loss when we change from Marylene's Fallacy to a +2 Rare Amulet.


Hiero is the friendly won't go wrong choice, lots of quality of life for Totems, Life and Mana. Also much easier compared to Scion when leveling it as a new char in a new league. Plus the guide is basically written for Hiero :)

jonburroughs wrote:
Hey, awesome build! Any thought to adding cluster jewels to the tree for additional damage? I'm doing great defensively, but it takes quite a while to take down some of the T14+ beyond bosses and map bosses. Sorry if I missed this in the guide.

Hey, great to hear you find the build awesome!

Cluster Jewel is mentioned a bit in "1.3 Pros and Cons" Section under Pros. I'll copy paste part of it here and also elaborate a bit.

Our path in the Passive Tree offers lots of offensive/defensive options for us, so having to specifically go out of our way just to get Cluster Jewels makes their DPS gained per Passive Point Spent much lesser than getting those Notables we already have easy access to on the Passive Tree.

Not to mention the currency you have to spent to buy/roll those Cluster Jewel which often ends up pretty costly and that could be saved instead to be spent on other equipments.

Just want to add a comment to everyone: My point is, my goal of this build is to make it as cheap as possible and accessible to everyone, but many is trying to make it more expensive with things that is unnecessary, or pay for expensive things when there isn't a need to for the build, etc.

We should pay only for the correct item which we need, and that is specifically stated in my guide what to look for already, just like what crimsonraziel9 mentioned in his Raider Thoughts post, which I didn't emphasize when I replied to him previously and here is the quote:

I strongly recommend people to exhaust Vei's lists as this is where you will learn where your damage and basically how the build works. This is the beauty of the build and ultimately a testament to the guide. If you follow the gearing, you WILL reach 1 million dps per totem x 6 totems = 6 million dps. This allow you to do ANY content in the game.

I.E. I basically gave everyone the winning lottery number already but people just choose to buy some other numbers.

So follow everything in the guide, I paved the red carpet for everyone to walk already. You just have to walk the path. At the end, after "11. Mid-Tier Equipment Details", that's when you can start expanding out and explore things which is what crimsonraziel9 also mentioned:

Please follow Vei's mid tier equipment guide first before you start expanding out if you are a new player.

So in conclusion, go for Cluster Jewels if you want to reduce your DPS and Currency :)


Sweet lord, look at the No.1 guy on poeninja. Thats 11m DPS per totem wtf. Gear looks achieveable too (albeit its like 70+ exalts minimum). At this rate, even if he drops empower for MTS, thats a massive 7M dps per totem. Very interesting pathway to min maxing. This build could very well compete into the top tier echelon of builds dps wise.

I have been taking note of him as he was rising through the DPS ranks for a few days already. Kudos to him for reaching such great heights with Elemental Hit Ballista Totem!

Though his DPS should be a bit lesser since he is using Cinderswallow Urn which I have explained(many pages back in a post on this thread) before that it don't work with this build. From the numbers it seems to be around 9.7m, still nothing to scoff at of course!

Previously I highly recommend anyone with lots of currency to invest in another build instead of on this build. I guess I'll take that back and say that this is a possible avenue to explore if you are willing to move away from Frostferno and Quill Rain.

That said, I have actually been thinking over on whether to include 6 link options into the guide the last few days. I have kind of come to the conclusion and decided that this build guide will not be exploring in depth with regards to 6 Links. I will make a mention/reference to 6 Link setup in "26. Upgrade Reference List" so those with lots of currency can consider going that avenue and exploring it if they would like.

I love Quill Rain for the Super Fast Attack Speed, Frostferno for just requiring only 4 links and the above are pretty much ready to go at Level 60 at the start of a new league(Insert Tabula inbetween the transition if Estuary is high Tier) with a -8 Praxis Ring equipped.

That's the magic for me and what I love about this build and also what this guide is written for. Without them, Elemental Hit Ballista Totem is no longer special to me, just another build asking you to make that 6 link and invest tons of currency in them.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Also what about changing weapon? Wouldn't high ele damage bow with 1.8+ as be better than QR with crit corruption?
_Nektre_ wrote:
Also what about changing weapon? Wouldn't high ele damage bow with 1.8+ as be better than QR with crit corruption?

I suggest you read the whole of my previous post to get a better idea of my perspective on things for this build.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Vei wrote:

I have been taking note of him as he was rising through the DPS ranks for a few days already. Kudos to him for reaching such great heights with Elemental Hit Ballista Totem!

Though his DPS should be a bit lesser since he is using Cinderswallow Urn which I have explained(many pages back in a post on this thread) before that it don't work with this build. From the numbers it seems to be around 9.7m, still nothing to scoff at of course!

Ah yea, i didn't notice his Cinderswallow. My eyes was scanning his POB trying to gauge the cost of the items, which doesn't seem that bad to me.

Vei wrote:

That said, I have actually been thinking over on whether to include 6 link options into the guide the last few days. I have kind of come to the conclusion and decided that this build guide will not be exploring in depth with regards to 6 Links. I will make a mention/reference to 6 Link setup in "26. Upgrade Reference List" so those with lots of currency can consider going that avenue and exploring it if they would like.

I love Quill Rain for the Super Fast Attack Speed, Frostferno for just requiring only 4 links and the above are pretty much ready to go at Level 60 at the start of a new league(Insert Tabula inbetween the transition if Estuary is high Tier) with a -8 Praxis Ring equipped.

That's the magic for me and what I love about this build and also what this guide is written for. Without them, Elemental Hit Ballista Totem is no longer special to me, just another build asking you to make that 6 link and invest tons of currency in them.

I agree with your assessment and fully understand the spirit of your guide, which is why i also don't recommend incorporating my min maxing thought-exercise because this will just confuse first timers here. This build is already insane value and not many builds in the game can claim that. I think other members here also recognize this and why this build has exploded in popularity, as it is very evident in the ladder rankings.

Vei wrote:

That said, I have actually been thinking over on whether to include 6 link options into the guide the last few days. I have kind of come to the conclusion and decided that this build guide will not be exploring in depth with regards to 6 Links. I will make a mention/reference to 6 Link setup in "26. Upgrade Reference List" so those with lots of currency can consider going that avenue and exploring it if they would like.

I love Quill Rain for the Super Fast Attack Speed, Frostferno for just requiring only 4 links and the above are pretty much ready to go at Level 60 at the start of a new league(Insert Tabula inbetween the transition if Estuary is high Tier) with a -8 Praxis Ring equipped.

That's the magic for me and what I love about this build and also what this guide is written for. Without them, Elemental Hit Ballista Totem is no longer special to me, just another build asking you to make that 6 link and invest tons of currency in them.

+1 from me. I've tried the non frostferno build and it feels clunky for me.
Staying with frostferno :)


spent some time on this baby. I know life coupld be better and want to craft pure chaos res there, but it is already best in slot i believe.

[I know that enchant does not work for me, but this is what i got]
Last edited by bartpio on Jan 30, 2021, 1:14:54 PM
bartpio wrote:


spent some time on this baby. I know life coupld be better and want to craft pure chaos res there, but it is already best in slot i believe.

[I know that enchant does not work for me, but this is what i got]

I think Bart is the one to watch for progression for those who wanna see some novel way to improve this build. He follows the build faithfully and then tries to incorporate stuff into his gearing. Nice work. Although i have 2 comments:

1.) You are running with zero mana rings HAHA. You are a much more patient man than i am. That mana flasking gets old real fast for me around lvl 80.

2.) Be honest, how useful is that lightning golem? That idiot dies so fast i'm, surprised you haven't dropped him yet! Have you done the Maven Breachlords fight? No way this idiot survived in any shape or form during that encounter. I'll eat my shoe if you can show me he actually survived and did anything. xD

Sweet lord, look at the No.1 guy on poeninja. Thats 11m DPS per totem wtf. Gear looks achieveable too (albeit its like 70+ exalts minimum). At this rate, even if he drops empower for MTS, thats a massive 7M dps per totem. Very interesting pathway to min maxing. This build could very well compete into the top tier echelon of builds dps wise.

:O thanks for poiting this out, Think I am going to copy paste him :D

Edit: however it looks like the guy is good at crafting and he got that gear most probably by help of his friends through harvest. Meanwhile i have idea what i am doing and know **** about crafting so i might reconsider :D
Last edited by keksik0061 on Jan 30, 2021, 4:56:40 PM

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