[3.20] KissMeQuick's Slayer Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & Mad Strong in Sanctum — Starter

AdamsSoBeast wrote:
Man I'm having such a tough time choosing the order because I usually never get the last ascendancy before I quit for next league, so for me it's a matter of which node I want to never use.

:) Here's a tip - if you casually scramble around 10c, google "TFT poe discord" once in there, use search bar for "uber carry sc" to see offers and get in touch with some guy to get you 4th lab;)
What about fortify as link now? use melee phys instead? since we get fortify from mastery
How do you get enough DEX for wearing 1h sword?
Last edited by Sharmi on Oct 24, 2021, 8:12:34 AM
Early maps POB is lvl 93, anything around lvl 70/white maps start?
terrible dps at low budged
I think when you say `boss killer` you meant can kill 1 boss in 1 league?
Last edited by tkots8080 on Oct 24, 2021, 6:28:38 PM
I've looked too late about switching to slayer. Is champ just more tanky and less damaging, or just overall too bad now?
Should i spend like 30-40c for respec?
CptVex wrote:
I've looked too late about switching to slayer. Is champ just more tanky and less damaging, or just overall too bad now?
Should i spend like 30-40c for respec?

dunno but can kill white mobs in 2 or 3 hits at yellows with ahn sword probably will kill red mobs in a hour or so...
tkots8080 wrote:
CptVex wrote:
I've looked too late about switching to slayer. Is champ just more tanky and less damaging, or just overall too bad now?
Should i spend like 30-40c for respec?

dunno but can kill white mobs in 2 or 3 hits at yellows with ahn sword probably will kill red mobs in a hour or so...

Slayer is more dmg and Aoe, but champ has it's perks witht he explosions and stuff, you can stick with it if your having fun. maybe respec later for better clear if needed.

Reave's not exactly a super meta skill but even on a low budget I think the build is about the best you can expect to get out of it without using a different skill.

I've had a pretty smooth low deaths experience, having the survivability in place without being a jugg was a goal of mine this league.

My day 2/3 gear is happily bursting trash and killing rares in a second or two in low yellows so it's not as bad as you're making out Tkots.

It'll take a little bit more investment to make Red maps zoom zoom, but it's better than playing minions or fighting for gear on the most popular builds for the 10th league in a row for me.
Sorry if I missed it but what is the point of having Fortify Support as a support gem if we also get Fortify Mastery (Melee Hits Grany Fortify) in the passive tree?
To keep, or to sell. Hmmmm.

People saying dmg is low need to get things like this.

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