[3.13] Contagious Burning Discharge - Chieftain/Jugg | Budget to wild - League start friendly

caecusum wrote:
Build is going well so far, just curious if there's any better way to get an eye of innocence than farming Phoenix / buying the only single one listed for trade at the moment which is overpriced due to lack of competition. Lots of people seem to already have them even at like level 70, so I'm wondering if they just played more / got lucky or what.

I bought mine for 2ex, got lucky with a drop and traded up to one. Generation is pretty decent without it, I didnt get mine until I think 82 and there are people in the 90's already without and doing fine. Just speeds up charge gen, basically instant max charges after you explode a decent size pack. It will really start to shine once cool gear is crafted and we get to 1.5CD discharge.
hay would added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies on gloves benefit us or waste of time? really enjoy the build thanks for the time and effort you do making this guide :)
Finally got to early red maps, still rocking a 4l searing touch. Eye of innocence sped things up and I might break down and buy a staff, been rolling a second one and it just wont link. Gems at 19.

Red Map on a 4L

Last edited by bodhe on Sep 20, 2020, 8:30:22 PM
Hey man, i like this build sooo much. Right now im using tabula 6L with Discharge. I dont find Eye of innocence for easy endurance generation but it's okey. Do you help me ? for next step.
Just have a question about eye of innocence on the chieftain.

Since we end up getting the “unaffected by ignites” anyways, is there a way we could squeeze in self igniting?

Or is that just not worth it?
SuaveTR wrote:
Hey man, i like this build sooo much. Right now im using tabula 6L with Discharge. I dont find Eye of innocence for easy endurance generation but it's okey. Do you help me ? for next step.

Cant see your character but make sure you have Inexorable on the tree. That gives you a 25% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you take a hit. When you discharge while wearing Eye of the Innocence it will "hit" you once for every mob you damaged dealing 24 fire damage per hit.

So hitting 3 mobs doesn't help much, try to position yourself either between packs or just flame dash into the middle like you see me do on my vid.

Most packs on maps you will go right back to 6-8 charges the instant you discharge.
Clow wrote:
Just have a question about eye of innocence on the chieftain.

Since we end up getting the “unaffected by ignites” anyways, is there a way we could squeeze in self igniting?

Or is that just not worth it?

You can, just slap on a Mokous. Its pretty much a flush though. -130k ignite dps for losing a extra charge, +108k ignite dps for the on fire proc. And you lose 700 regen.
Just got Valako and bought a 5L Realmshaper. This build fuckin'slaps, bro. Cant wait to minmax.
As a Jug, should i find another amulet cause generating charges is not really a problem?
Currenly i'm using Doedre's Elixir for charges when no monster nearby.
About EE, if we use orb storm when bossing we can get -50 fire res right? Mapping will be aproblem though.
ngtrungkhanh wrote:
As a Jug, should i find another amulet cause generating charges is not really a problem?
Currenly i'm using Doedre's Elixir for charges when no monster nearby.
About EE, if we use orb storm when bossing we can get -50 fire res right? Mapping will be aproblem though.

Use Yoke of Suffering and slap in skitterbots, or Xoph's to keep the covered in ash perk. Or you can craft a rare with +gems.

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