[3.13] Contagious Burning Discharge - Chieftain/Jugg | Budget to wild - League start friendly

Smerte wrote:
Irongunner wrote:
Is Realm Ender > Searing Touch for damage?

Searing Touch is definitely better for damage, but you can buy 6L Realmshaper for ~10 chaos and then the prophecy to upgrade it into Real ender for 2c. So for around 12 chaos you get a really strong 6L!

That is actually so incredibly smart :P Just did it. SUUUUUPER cheap, and would've not thought it would be that cheap. Thanks for the tip!
Popmycherry wrote:
Smerte wrote:
Irongunner wrote:
Is Realm Ender > Searing Touch for damage?

Searing Touch is definitely better for damage, but you can buy 6L Realmshaper for ~10 chaos and then the prophecy to upgrade it into Real ender for 2c. So for around 12 chaos you get a really strong 6L!

That is actually so incredibly smart :P Just did it. SUUUUUPER cheap, and would've not thought it would be that cheap. Thanks for the tip!

Happy to help, I'm now checking if my comment had an effect on the price of 6L Realmshapers xD

I was honestly suprised that they were so cheap aswell, but I think heists drop so many low lvl uniques that eventually a lot of 6L ones are generated aswell?
Last edited by Smerte on Sep 20, 2020, 10:41:57 AM
Ballistic213 wrote:
@Bodhe or anyone else.

Im running a similar build and having a "blast" in maps :).

Im torn between going EE or not. It should help with bossing, But then again i cant use Blood rage. (cold discharges)
Im using Malevolence and HoA so Angers flat fire isnt an issue. but it does mean i can use flat ele damage elsewhere.

Any input/thoughts appreciated.

Wouldn't the base fire damage of discharge block EE for the burn? Since it "hits" then ignites, then burns.

SkumBody wrote:
Just got Eye of Innocence, Great damage boost for when your able to stay alive... But then 1 hitting yourself due to screen clear ignites :D

Is your fire res capped? You can see in my vid with only using the ammy I take very little damage from it. I've ran some heist where I hit a screen wide discharge in a FULL room and my health doesn't even dip and I'm at full charges instantly. Now not checking a vaal side area mods and walking into a ele reflect one is insta poof. Good thing I don't play hardcore.

Popmycherry wrote:

Oh yeah, but was what I was wondering was if Inexorable might actually be overkill, and might just be a..leveling thing that one can easily drop unless maybe one is not getting enough charges before Innocence on bosses, maybe? That's the only time I can see it not being enough.

Enduring Composure btw? What am I missing here. Tried searching for it on PoB, found nothing. I feel lost :P

For chieftain, Inexorable is what enables the Eye of Innocence to work, when you discharge you ignite everything on the screen and take a bunch of small hits. So max charges after every big discharge with nothing else. Then the CWDT is for single target when you can only ignite one mob at a time.

Also, Enduring composure is a cluster jewel notable which I am avoiding for now.

Irongunner wrote:
Did anyone consider running Immolate Support on this build? Also, what about RF, is there a way to sustain it?

Immolate only applies to burning enemies so the initial discharge wouldn't benefit from it unless you ignited the pack first. According to PoB it is a 11% increase in burn damage, 12% on hit, whereas the rest are all 30-50% increase.

And you can just slap on RF, we out regen it. However spell damage does not scale ignite, so it only boost the initial hit.
Hello. May you post your Items so I can have a look at them ? Im pretty new after some months and its hard for me to build these items I should use when you just write the stats.
Smerte wrote:
bodhe wrote:

Damn, for some reason that new firestorm added up with burning discharge just looks really really cool :D I might need to test some Eye of Innocence shenanigans on my juggernaut aswell..

Here's my upgraded gear, feeling really strong right now. Wish I had some red maps to test the build out allready but just making slow atlas progress for now.

How do you feel running without Eye of Innocence? I don't want to get it yet due to stat requirements etc.
Anyone have any opinions on Dyadian Dawn or Abberath's Hooves with this build?
As far as Inexorable, I figured once I actually started to think a little and read innocence and started to wonder how I would actually generate "infinite" charges :P But yeah, thanks anyways!

But we might be shit out of luck, it seems like RaizQT rerolled and has started a variant of discharge, which I can only imagine will spike prices for discharge items/gear :\ Even though he does seem to be not be focusing on discharge as a MAIN damage spell, but has Armageddon Brand on the side/as main, whilst Discharge is more of a side damage thingie he has. At least up for now. And I got to admit, he IS blasting, with more or less no gear. I guess we'll see once he gets to maps (he is right around the corner atm)

I hope this doesn't mean Innocence will spike in price even more :o
Provin915 wrote:
How do you feel running without Eye of Innocence? I don't want to get it yet due to stat requirements etc.

I haven't really had any problems with endurance charges, I'm really interested to see if I run into any issues when facing tougher single target bosses (Sirus, Shaper etc.) Time will tell!

I recorded this new video to show how the juggernaut variant of this build performs in a red map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KiBU7-JJr4
Popmycherry wrote:
As far as Inexorable, I figured once I actually started to think a little and read innocence and started to wonder how I would actually generate "infinite" charges :P But yeah, thanks anyways!

But we might be shit out of luck, it seems like RaizQT rerolled and has started a variant of discharge, which I can only imagine will spike prices for discharge items/gear :\ Even though he does seem to be not be focusing on discharge as a MAIN damage spell, but has Armageddon Brand on the side/as main, whilst Discharge is more of a side damage thingie he has. At least up for now. And I got to admit, he IS blasting, with more or less no gear. I guess we'll see once he gets to maps (he is right around the corner atm)

I hope this doesn't mean Innocence will spike in price even more :o

Oh nice, maybe we can catch some improvements off him. He knows way more about this game than me.
Smerte wrote:

I haven't really had any problems with endurance charges, I'm really interested to see if I run into any issues when facing tougher single target bosses (Sirus, Shaper etc.) Time will tell!

I recorded this new video to show how the juggernaut variant of this build performs in a red map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KiBU7-JJr4

Looks really good! Might as well throw fortify on leap slam if you prefer it to flame dash. I was worried it would be too slow with a 1.30 weapon.

I'm having terrible luck in maps, not with the build, just the drops. Hoping to push into reds tonight. Added your vid to the guide.

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