3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

jjmccaw wrote:
Hey guys I switch over to the diadem variant and have been getting smoked. Can anyone take a gander at my character and let me know if something is glaringly wrong? Thinking of switching back.

to little es? the build scales high with the glorius vanity. when you play MOM the part of absorbing damage from your es(since helmet) should be atleast 44% of your hp pool. the t3 craft 10% of life gained as energyshield is very big for this build. however if you add the glorius vanity the es ratio shifts to 22%

the power of the pure life version is that you scale the hp as high as possible, with inc recovery effect of accendency and belt, making you recovery a very big portion (8%) on block, when using the mom helmet, the recovery from block gets less strong, and it focus more on the leech portion.
Last edited by DUKE_OF_SNUFF on Feb 7, 2021, 8:13:30 AM
Thanks duke. I think I’m switching back to the life version with glorious vanity. Enduring mana flask for life!
Can anyone explain the immortal ambition and replica soul tether combo? Which timeless jewel specifically makes this function and is placement on tree important?

hfboogie wrote:
Can anyone explain the immortal ambition and replica soul tether combo? Which timeless jewel specifically makes this function and is placement on tree important?


At the end of the day you want both immortal ambition and corrupted soul. I have a normal soul tether (had IA) and a doryani which gives corrupted soul.
If you have the replica ST you have corrupted soul so you want Ahuana GV to get IA.
Could someone explain exactly what kind of upgrade I would see with Thread of Hope at this point? (Using Ziz's version of this build). According to poe.ninja, almost everyone is using it but I can't get PoB to show a significant upgrade. From what I can tell, you unspec the small elemental damage passives and take Arcane Capacitor notable. Then you make up the rest with a spell damage large cluster jewel with Mage Hunter and Conjured Wall. According to PoB, I lose a bit of life, just about break even in damage, and gain Arcane Capacitor, and I have to spend 1-2 more passives for all this. I can't see myself spending 1000 mana every 4 seconds to get the full 50% buff to Arcane Surge, so maybe that would be 20-30% at best? Is that really all I would gain for the cost of Thread of Hope? Any help would be appreciated!
Last edited by rAx on Feb 7, 2021, 12:04:45 PM
hi I was just wondering if anyone has tried to make this into a bv build.
I don't want to do the bow version as I want to be more tanky but wasn't sure if it would translate over
Thank you! Here is my current build - I can't seem to get mana under control, even with 2x crafted mana on rings. I can craft a 20% reduced skitterbot but would have to give up conc effect until i can find an appropriate elder base.

I'm also very squishy all things considered - dying in a simulacrum even tho I can almost do AL8 sirus deathless.

Any thoughts? How do I get this mana under control and how can I toughen up?

Edit: When I tried the soul tether/glorious vanity combo I became squishier than before - dropped from 52 chaos res to 9 and got clobbered. Any ideas on that end as well?

Last edited by hfboogie on Feb 7, 2021, 6:50:40 PM

Crafted this beauty today! All first tries.

How do I got about improving the cast speed?
hfboogie wrote:
Thank you! Here is my current build - I can't seem to get mana under control, even with 2x crafted mana on rings. I can craft a 20% reduced skitterbot but would have to give up conc effect until i can find an appropriate elder base.

I'm also very squishy all things considered - dying in a simulacrum even tho I can almost do AL8 sirus deathless.

Any thoughts? How do I get this mana under control and how can I toughen up?

Edit: When I tried the soul tether/glorious vanity combo I became squishier than before - dropped from 52 chaos res to 9 and got clobbered. Any ideas on that end as well?

try to use Blade Fall Lv 1. that work for me np. but i can't find other user. if anyone know any problem, plz tell me. catalyna helmet also solve problem, but lose great ES. Sorry if my English is hard to read.
An update to my post on page 40 - many upgrades since then. My tooltip jumped from like 25k to 90k!

Still a few harvest crafts to go but i am pretty much done with item upgrades. Happy that every piece was self crafted except for the chest.

Great build overall - awesome tankiness and damage (sirus 9 just melts). Will be taking it to level 100.

Last edited by tMShubar on Feb 8, 2021, 2:53:12 AM

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