3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

BuDiu wrote:
Tokogaru wrote:
I'm in the market for a new build. Anyone have any feedback on how this performs against the new end game content eg. maven end game invitations?

With enough gear, BFBB can easy-mode all endgame content. Single target dps is actually extremely high and you can make the build very tanky.

You can easily peak over 100+ million dps with some buffs up.

9k+ effective HP
elemental ailments immune
Stun immune
Decent phys dmg mitigation
High performance immortal call
Block cap for both spells and attacks (glancing blows tho)
Life and/or ES recovery on block.

I'll say tho... one of the things that made this build FARRRRRRRRRRRR more enjoyable to me, was scaling cast speed really high. This makes targeting, boss mechanics and moving around sooooo much better overall and its an extremely noticeable quality of life.

You can even do EB + MoM setup if you wanna be lazy about mana (this is a setup I did and it has been working wonders for me) but the pure HP build is also extremely powerful and just as good in my opinion.

The build works on a budget but can also be scaled very high with some gg gear.

This was my take on the build (current gear):


Path of Building for my setup:

Here are some vids to show the damage (note that the vids were done prior to some major upgrades like awakened spell cascade and more).

Sirus Awakener 9:

Cortex boss Awakener 9:

Maven Awekener 9:

Can you explain how to craft such a shield?
I am very enjoy the build. It is the tankiest build I have ever played with descent damage.

However, I have noticed some problems and I have no idea whether my gear is not good enough or is due to the limitation of the build.

1. I have difficulty to clear blighted maps. I usually lost the base before all the portals are active (Tier 10+). Especially in the boss fight. the bosses cannot kill me, but I can't kill them either while keeping the base alive.

2. Legion. I can only clear half of the army when legion is active. I do not have enough time to clear more than half most of time.

Thank you
Thanks for the very cool build, have a lot of fun with it. Item crafting guides are very helpful and i managed to get some nice items. Still need a shitton of augument life harvest crafts, but even 9k ehp feels pretty good.

Could someone explain why my

shows a higher tooltip DPS for bladeblast than a new wand I picked up:

I tried to craft the added fire damage because I was curious. but that wasn't it.
Last edited by centrumsilver on Feb 5, 2021, 6:05:43 PM
centrumsilver wrote:
Could someone explain why my

shows a higher tooltip DPS for bladeblast than a new wand I picked up:

I tried to craft the added fire damage because I was curious. but that wasn't it.

since tooltip is affected by castspeed. both the game and POB belive you cast BB nonstop without any pauses.
I'm trying to priortise tankiness first before going int dps what is it i need first? gear and tree wise
I see many chieftains on poe.ninja don't use concentrated with bladefall. Some even have helmet with concentrated mod, but still place their bladefall in gloves. Is it really needed?
Last edited by Profatum on Feb 6, 2021, 1:51:23 PM
I used a conc effect helm and killed a8 Sirus easily, used a devouring diadem to solve Mana sustain and killed a8 Sirus deathless. It's not necessary.
woke spell cascade was a MASSIVE upgrade.

well worth the cost for anyone wondering
Hey guys I switch over to the diadem variant and have been getting smoked. Can anyone take a gander at my character and let me know if something is glaringly wrong? Thinking of switching back.

here is a pastebin in case i convert back before anyone had a chance to take a look - https://pastebin.com/TmCmaRCm
Last edited by jjmccaw on Feb 7, 2021, 8:08:12 AM

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