3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

Agreed. I am looking to use this as my 3.13 league starter. I think it could potentially end up very strong for both the league mechanic and the new Maven stuff.... We shall see come patch notes day though.
Well, as i understand patch notes we Lose a lil life regen but gets bladeblast beeing buffed? So Overall this build will stay a beast. Agree guys???
Karmoth666 wrote:
Well, as i understand patch notes we Lose a lil life regen but gets bladeblast beeing buffed? So Overall this build will stay a beast. Agree guys???

we gain 5% phys taken as fire. so thats equal to 2% regen. so the build stands as strong as ever, with reintroduction of harvest craft, similar items as shown in guide can be made. i tested the build in hc in both 20 waves of simiulacrum and uber elder and even with nerfed divine flesh it was a walk in the park!
Just from a mechanics standpoint, we constantly refresh tempest shield right?
Then use wave and flammability as necessary prior to casting bladefall?

so i am trying to figure out your PoB's, the leveling one says there is 3 different trees, however, in the items and skills section, it only shows for 2h skills, there is nothing for when we switch to bladefall/bb, i am wondering which PoB i should use after we get avatar of fire and our first ascendancy and switch to bf/bb? should i switch to a different PoB and not the leveling one, because i have no idea what skills and supports we use once we switch to bb/bf in the leveling PoB. Please let me know

so i am trying to figure out your PoB's, the leveling one says there is 3 different trees, however, in the items and skills section, it only shows for 2h skills, there is nothing for when we switch to bladefall/bb, i am wondering which PoB i should use after we get avatar of fire and our first ascendancy and switch to bf/bb? should i switch to a different PoB and not the leveling one, because i have no idea what skills and supports we use once we switch to bb/bf in the leveling PoB. Please let me know

look frst page

its say

Here is my fully decked lvl 99 tree all buffs up, almost 36 mill with 40 blades.


so Blade Blast-inspiration-fire pen-destruction-inc aoe-elemental focus

Bladefall-combustion-unleash-spell cascade

Last edited by davc1234567890 on Jan 13, 2021, 10:39:09 AM
Im planning to play this build in ritual. Is divine flesh still the way to go? Or some other legion passive is better?
Thanks for this build. Played SSFHC for the first time ever in Heist league once I got bored of Heist and had a lot of fun reaching level 90 when I felt done with the league.

Planning to play this in SSFHC right off the bat in Ritual because I had so much fun.

To me the ascendancy change feels more like a buff rather than a nerf, or at least a side-grade so I'm glad to see this build is mostly untouched by the nerfbat.
jjmccaw wrote:
Just from a mechanics standpoint, we constantly refresh tempest shield right?
Then use wave and flammability as necessary prior to casting bladefall?

its auto triggered all 3 spells constantly due to trigger craft, no worries perm uptime
asmzn2009 wrote:
Im planning to play this build in ritual. Is divine flesh still the way to go? Or some other legion passive is better?

i would say so yes, the gain 25% of life as energyshield+ soul tether, combo. i tryed adding it in POB and with my gear its 2600 ES and 8500 hp. so since the marginal different from 77 max res to 80 is 78,5. i would deffently say its better. no clue if any other options around.

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