3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

Hey Duke, have you decided what build you’ll be playing in Heist?
wyzim wrote:
Hey Duke, have you decided what build you’ll be playing in Heist?

nope, think ill play weld a old car together and restore a FZR600R, and rebuild my gararge
Will the PoB be updated for 3.12 also?
Anybody playing this build? I have trouble killing t14 Boss/conq A4 onward
nicholaiilam wrote:
Anybody playing this build? I have trouble killing t14 Boss/conq A4 onward

What trouble?

Damage? Survivability?

A quick look at your char and I can say you focused too early on the clusterjewels. If you use a clusterjewel setup focus on the jewel slots and place good jewels (dmg + life). IMO you don't need the chaos res in softcore and there are enough life nodes for us on the tree.

My suggestion for the beginning:
Get rid of Versatility and the node below and take Expertise (30 dex) instead. The other stats on Versatility do nothing for this build.

If you drop the 2 small clusterjewels, this leaves you with 6 points to spend. Spec into Constitution and take the jewel slot and place another jewel there.

I also don't know if Explosive impact is worth the points. I'd spec into 4 jewel slots instead. Jewels aren't cheap, but worth it. If you don't have the currency focus on what you need most, life or damage.

Also don't use quality on Blade Fall.

Last edited by daflipp on Sep 26, 2020, 4:13:42 AM
Is more on damage. I can't kill any conq on A4..

Dun use quality on blade fall. Why?
Last edited by nicholaiilam on Sep 26, 2020, 9:32:53 AM
hows chieftain compare to assassin for this build?
bankai1009 wrote:
hows chieftain compare to assassin for this build?

chief is the best. you get a full blown tank with very good damage, vs a full blown glass canon.

assasin is only worth it if you go CI, and get a pure mana support, and a aura support. els content will rip you pretty fast. however in max party setup a assasin carry can insta destroy any boss.
Last edited by DUKE_OF_SNUFF on Sep 26, 2020, 12:52:26 PM
I just specced in to a bladeblast chieftia and love it right now. Any suggestions on changes to my gear or passive tree.

I don't have the currency yet for any really good clusters but I will likely work a cluster in later in the league.

I'm also way over on resistances and intelligence right now so I'm working those out for Chaos and more damage.

What things do you think need the most work? What are my main priority mods on the weapon for damage? Biggest problem right now is single target.

TylerDurden24 wrote:

What things do you think need the most work? What are my main priority mods on the weapon for damage? Biggest problem right now is single target.

Buy level 20 gems (Bladeblast, Contr. Destruction, Ele Focus and Fire Pen) for an easy ~40% more damage.

Check Arcance Surge and what it does - hint: it should be level 6. That way you get more spell damage and cast speed everytime you use flame dash.

Any reason Blade Fall is only lvl 1?

Next get a weapon with trigger mod and clusterjewel setup.

Then work on optimising your gear. Dmg mods on gloves, rings, amuletes etc. Take a look at the guide what's good.

I also noticed you can spec into Bloodless instead of 2 5% life nodes - 3% more life :D

Last edited by daflipp on Sep 26, 2020, 6:34:29 PM

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