3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

ShakeAC wrote:
I'm testing this build as a possible league starter for Heist and i just got to maps on my test character. My damage is ok but I want to know what i need to do next to get my damage up to par for red maps. You can see my character in my profile it's BVBVFDF. would appreciate any tips!

You need a 5link or a 6 link chest asap, that alone will boost your dmg by alot, you gonna need a better sceptre or wand too, that one isnt any good.

Try to get +1 physival and spell dmg /fire dmg / physical dmg

If you wont get a cluster jewel make your way on the tree to the heart of flame node.

ShakeAC wrote:
I'm testing this build as a possible league starter for Heist and i just got to maps on my test character. My damage is ok but I want to know what i need to do next to get my damage up to par for red maps. You can see my character in my profile it's BVBVFDF. would appreciate any tips!

kind of a wierd question, since all your items is super basic. i played into mid lvl 95 with a scepter with some cast speed. 80 fire damage and some flat fire to spells. and some castspeed, get phys% or spell damage on gear. and more life/defences. 4l bladefall maby get the unique glove with conc(see lvling gear) all your gear is super easy to upgrade. like you got shit life roles, resist roles. ect. tbh i think you pick to few items up doing lvling, with some cheap essence crafts ect i usually got way better gear at reaching maps. using mid tier essences or some alcs to role some items is usually good. but when entering white maps i usually self find by slowing down abit and picking abit more loot find some pretty decent gear all around within maby 10-20 maps.
Hey Duke, now that the patch notes are out, any plans to play this build again in Heist league?
wyzim wrote:
Hey Duke, now that the patch notes are out, any plans to play this build again in Heist league?

From the changes to divine flesh, enduring cry and glancing blows the build is nerfed, but so is most other builds. It will function like it have done so far, just losing some defences, however there can be used other stuff instead

The corrupted soul version of glorius vanity. maby its better now then divine flesh.

The enduring cry nerf is minor since the chieftain gets the auto generation of charges anyways.

it can be argued if the glancing blows is worth it vs just having less block but blocking 100% of the damage.

So build is still good, and properly just as solid option as before since, what els can you build that is not nerfed and just as easy to build, and powerfull?
Last edited by DUKE_OF_SNUFF on Sep 16, 2020, 5:16:39 AM

actually it got buffed too
Last edited by Akagami2023 on Sep 16, 2020, 12:38:56 PM

actually it got buffed too

That was actually a mistake on the creators part, he used the original 3.11 json that didn't contain those "stealth" buffs, there were no changes this patch.
skip glancing blows and its like 40% chance to block 100.

Hmmm. thats interesting.

I plan on league starting this build on softcore SSF, the only real nerf is divine flesh(but the likelihood of getting that timeless jewel on ssf is low anyways) and the glancing blows nerf.

Same, trying this one out in SSF, I don't think it's that much of a nerf seeing the videos. It's only for the end-game setup and there's plenty of other ways to be tanky other than divine flesh imo. I think glancing blows will still be very good, considering we have such a huge life pool.
IGN : @GimmieTheLewt
also if you really want to retain divine flesh, all you need to do is drop the 2 rare jewels in your cluster setup and throw in 2 born of chaos.

its a big-ish hit to spend 2 more skill points + lose 2 jewels, but honestly divine flesh is so powerful, i feel it might be worth.
I was already using 1 born of chaos in Harvest league because I couldn't get +3% to max chaos res on the shield or +1% to max chaos res on glorious vanity seed. haha

I'm just worried about 30% more damage taken with Glancing blows now, if it's worth taking for more life recovery on block or just stay with ~40/40 block.

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