3.13 Bladeblast Chieftain. GG HC build. high dmg/clear/surv. Blasting awakener! Strong as ever!

This build is going to be feel a lot worse w/o harvest crafting next league, or at least much more expensive to achieve the same level of gears. RIP
buttcommander wrote:
This build is going to be feel a lot worse w/o harvest crafting next league, or at least much more expensive to achieve the same level of gears. RIP

like every single other build out there, this build requires in general way fewer super tier items to work fine. like any decent roled explody chest, conc helmet(thats not hard at all) and a life on block shield. ofc to craft all the juicy damage mods on top will be as hard as ever, but take ED trickster in its current form, that build or any of all the powercharge stacking ES builds will get hit way harder.
Hello, i gonna try the build on a hc private league friday and i had a question, this build works with any spell physical gem?

and one more think, i'm lazy as hell, its ok to put a spellslinger on blade blast or blade fall if i dont mind losing the dps? that can work?


i did have a lacy version planned. its CWC cyclone Bladevortex with skulls bridle helmet, with CWDT Bladeblast, getting a psudo 5,6 link on one item and then the other in chest. deffently less single target damage but should clear super smooth.
Hello, i gonna try the build on a hc private league friday and i had a question, this build works with any spell physical gem?

and one more think, i'm lazy as hell, its ok to put a spellslinger on blade blast or blade fall if i dont mind losing the dps? that can work?


i did have a lacy version planned. its CWC cyclone Bladevortex with skulls bridle helmet, with CWDT Bladeblast, getting a psudo 5,6 link on one item and then the other in chest. deffently less single target damage but should clear super smooth.

Probably harder to gear than that, but i did play a CoC BB linked with cyclone last league, used bladefall + totem to keep that up. Worked pretty well, but i didn't quite optimize gear enough to do delirium.
Re: viability next league:

I've taken this to lvl 91, and only put on "Explody chest" past few levels. Good QoL but not 100% needed. So that leaves conc. on helmet and life on block on shield, but they should be ok I think. I'm running a few Jewels but no cluster jewels. 7k life, decent regen, decent clear, boss kill a bit slow but do-able safe enough. For a "do it all" build I think this tickets all the boxes.

OFC I'm only 91, awakener level 4 down, but now got full maps cleared apart from some uniques. Think I've died 3 or 4 times, but most of those were PC/internet slow downs (which is why i don't play HC). Also died once to corrupted blood ... although that was me - I hit flasks ok but I guess I should have a logout macro running to then get to that in time! :-D
Last edited by zedzed_uk on Aug 13, 2020, 12:51:30 PM
So this is my first league and I've been experimenting with lots of summoner builds, but want to try this one out too! My one question is: when leveling the character, is it better to start pathing up towards Avatar of Fire or down towards Call to Arms first?
MrInhumanatee wrote:
So this is my first league and I've been experimenting with lots of summoner builds, but want to try this one out too! My one question is: when leveling the character, is it better to start pathing up towards Avatar of Fire or down towards Call to Arms first?

Never mind, missed the leveling PoBs
Playing SSF, i managed to get this a week or two ago:

Would it be useful for boosting damage? Or is getting the Viridian rings superior?

Looks like a lot of fossil crafting to optimize most of the items, should be interesting :D. I have some saved up, but otherwise trying to harvest craft a few items. Will probably start a marauder tonight.
agm_ultimatex wrote:
Playing SSF, i managed to get this a week or two ago:

Would it be useful for boosting damage? Or is getting the Viridian rings superior?

Looks like a lot of fossil crafting to optimize most of the items, should be interesting :D. I have some saved up, but otherwise trying to harvest craft a few items. Will probably start a marauder tonight.

damage wise its good. but its worse in the other aspects. depend how much you can pimp the rest og the items due to dex, res, life, mana regen, reduced cost.
agm_ultimatex wrote:
Playing SSF, i managed to get this a week or two ago:

Would it be useful for boosting damage? Or is getting the Viridian rings superior?

Looks like a lot of fossil crafting to optimize most of the items, should be interesting :D. I have some saved up, but otherwise trying to harvest craft a few items. Will probably start a marauder tonight.

damage wise its good. but its worse in the other aspects. depend how much you can pimp the rest og the items due to dex, res, life, mana regen, reduced cost.

Heh i just realize i posted the wrong one.

Not the best implicits, but good herald mods.

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