
SkylerOG wrote:
Don't forget that if you have 7 arrows with only 25 radius, you'll always have 2 arrows outside of any overlap zones. So in PoB, don't fool yourself by putting 7 overlapping arrows in the config just because you have that many.

Those 2 extra arrows will help with map clearing, but not single target.

You should weigh the option of trying to get 6 arrows with 30 AoE radius over additional arrows, IMO.

And I certainly wouldn't sacrifice any DoT Multi, Duration, or Attack Speed for more arrows and an inefficient breakpoint radius.

Isn't it 25 radius for 6 and 30 for 7 ? That's what the excel spreadsheet recommends I belive
distressqq wrote:
SkylerOG wrote:
Don't forget that if you have 7 arrows with only 25 radius, you'll always have 2 arrows outside of any overlap zones. So in PoB, don't fool yourself by putting 7 overlapping arrows in the config just because you have that many.

Those 2 extra arrows will help with map clearing, but not single target.

You should weigh the option of trying to get 6 arrows with 30 AoE radius over additional arrows, IMO.

And I certainly wouldn't sacrifice any DoT Multi, Duration, or Attack Speed for more arrows and an inefficient breakpoint radius.

Isn't it 25 radius for 6 and 30 for 7 ? That's what the excel spreadsheet recommends I belive
No, incorrect.

It's 5 radius per arrow.

So 20=4 overlap zones, 25=5 overlap zones, 30=6... and so on.

And I had a hand in creating the Google spreadsheet calculator. I was the one who did about 6 hours worth of slow motion video analysis on the video that tested every arrow increment between 5-12 arrows.

Trust me, it's 5 radius per arrow.
One of the best league starters i've had so far, heres my gear at 18 hours played:

highly recommend, im smashing the atlas rn
SkylerOG wrote:
No, incorrect.

It's 5 radius per arrow.

So 20=4 overlap zones, 25=5 overlap zones, 30=6... and so on.

And I had a hand in creating the Google spreadsheet calculator. I was the one who did about 6 hours worth of slow motion video analysis on the video that tested every arrow increment between 5-12 arrows.

Trust me, it's 5 radius per arrow.

Thanks for correcting me then. I've already gone for wicked pall large cluster and since I've also got other plans for rings then looking for aoe there I'm gonna end up with 26 radius. I wonder, in that case how valuable just going for helmet enchantement is, because according to that calculation I can't get 6th pod to stack on single target anyway, however that's only on a dummy target, isn't it? Meaning the 6th pod can ensure that even with some minimal movement I can still be hitting 5 pods consistently. Still I wander if it's actually something that's worth going for, considering I'm looking for a rare helemt and those, unenchanted can go very cheaply for very well rolled. What do you think? Is going for +1 arrow enchant a worthile investment below 30 radius ?
The latest POB seems to not be working for me, saying this is using an outdated tree and it is impossible to import it, anyone else?
Last edited by shake357 on Sep 20, 2020, 9:09:17 AM
shake357 wrote:
The latest POB seems to not be working for me, saying this is using an outdated tree and it is impossible to import it, anyone else?

Same, i get lua errors while trying to import it.
burdd wrote:
One of the best league starters i've had so far, heres my gear at 18 hours played:

highly recommend, im smashing the atlas rn
That 6 to 14 chaos damage to attacks craft on your necklace is useless, by the way. That only affects initial arrow hits, not the DoT.

You should do the +AoE/Area Damage, increased projectile damage, or -mana cost on non-chan skills.

Very nice progression so far, though. Great job.
distressqq wrote:
SkylerOG wrote:
No, incorrect.

It's 5 radius per arrow.

So 20=4 overlap zones, 25=5 overlap zones, 30=6... and so on.

And I had a hand in creating the Google spreadsheet calculator. I was the one who did about 6 hours worth of slow motion video analysis on the video that tested every arrow increment between 5-12 arrows.

Trust me, it's 5 radius per arrow.

Thanks for correcting me then. I've already gone for wicked pall large cluster and since I've also got other plans for rings then looking for aoe there I'm gonna end up with 26 radius. I wonder, in that case how valuable just going for helmet enchantement is, because according to that calculation I can't get 6th pod to stack on single target anyway, however that's only on a dummy target, isn't it? Meaning the 6th pod can ensure that even with some minimal movement I can still be hitting 5 pods consistently. Still I wander if it's actually something that's worth going for, considering I'm looking for a rare helemt and those, unenchanted can go very cheaply for very well rolled. What do you think? Is going for +1 arrow enchant a worthile investment below 30 radius ?
I call them "overlap zones" for this reason.

For example, you could have 25 AoE radius, but be firing 8 arrows. Well this doesn't mean you only have 5 pods capable of overlapping in one specific 25 radius spot. You can still have multiple sets of 5 arrows that reach each other in multiple 25 radius zones. But, per zone, there would always be at least 3 arrows that do not reach the other 5 and therefore do not overlap.

That said, if you can ever get another arrow... without sacrificing something else... then of course do it.

Like the +1 TR arrow enchant on helmet. There's zero reason to not go for this ever.

Well.... except if you're starting in a new league and it's cost prohibitive to potentially run Uber Lab 100+ times because offerings to the goddess are too costly. Then I would recommend waiting until the economy settles down, or just run it any time you run a trial and get your own offering.

But it's not going to make or break you early on. Reaching that 25 radius mark as quickly as possible is the first priority, IMO. Get TR's base 5 arrows overlapping as quickly as possible, and then go from there. Everything from that point is pretty much a bonus until you're ready to min-max.

Along the way, if you can get a +1 on a quiver without losing something like a chaos damage over time multiplier mod or any +damage mod, then sure, go for it.

But if you're at 26 radius with no hope of reaching 30 anytime soon (without crazy investment that you don't currently have), then don't swap out a quiver that works for you (maybe has +atk speed or +chaos dmg or gets your resists in a good place or has T1 life, etc. etc.) just to get one that has a +1 arrow.

Get to 25 radius as quickly as possible, then pump up your damage with chaos multi > duration > atk speed > DoT/chaos/projectile/damage/area damage.... and THEN work on +AoE and +arrows.

I would actually look for a very large ring Thread of Hope before medium cluster jewels and extra arrows, too. As well as Golden/Black/Teal oils for the Hardened Scars anoint. As soon as you can comfortably crank on an enduring hybrid flask repeatedly and it always be available, you want to try and have that anoint. Brewed for Potency helps this a ton, too, but don't break the bank for any.

The Glorious Vanity/Divine Flesh sorta goes hand-in-hand with the medium clusters... ie. Student of Decay's. So those are pretty much your endgame project to shoot for. Chaos resistance isn't THAT big of a deal until you get to that point.

Early on, mitigate your damage with flesh and stone/sand stance, evasion, wind dancer, phase acrobatics, immortal call/CWDT, movement speed, and of course resists and life. It's more than enough to get you into T16's. Save Divine Flesh/Chaos resist/Student of Decay til the end.
Last edited by SkylerOG on Sep 20, 2020, 10:34:48 AM
So, assuming yall are correct about extra arrows, would we want a 10% skill effect duration toxic rain over a +2 arrow, and just get +1 elsewhere? also yeah this start is nuts, working on 6 linking my carcass jack but using a tabula till then, also snagged a devotos for cheap. i forgot how to link my items but my character is public if anyone cares to look lol.
Totalubnub wrote:
So, assuming yall are correct about extra arrows, would we want a 10% skill effect duration toxic rain over a +2 arrow, and just get +1 elsewhere? also yeah this start is nuts, working on 6 linking my carcass jack but using a tabula till then, also snagged a devotos for cheap. i forgot how to link my items but my character is public if anyone cares to look lol.
First of all, if the standard TR quality is the difference between 24 and 25 radius, then stick with the standard and get that overlap breakpoint.

Second, I'm still not sure if we know if that "-20% to debuff effect" is just the slow or both the slow and the DoT. If it includes the DoT, then the +2 arrows is a horrible idea, IMO

Otherwise, i'd go with the duration, which equates to significant +DPS per DoT.

And even then, if you're sitting at 20-23 radius, those +2 arrows aren't going to do as much for you, even if the -20% to debuff effect only includes the slow and not any DoT damage.

At that point, you're now losing out on potentially +AoE or +duration/overlap DPS on 4-5 arrows for probably now 2-3 arrows that don't overlap with the others.

It might help clear speed, but are you even having trouble with clearing trash mobs at this point? Or are bosses the real problem? If it's bosses, then go with Duration.

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