
amkronos wrote:
Is Hardened Scars bugged? I added it to my amulet, and hit a life pot, and do not see fortify show up, or any stats change.
That's because life pot cancels at full hp and also most life pots are rolled to be instant therefore have no duration.

That's why you need a hybrid flask with enduring or foreboding prefix, only thing that doesn't cancel itself and counts as life pot.
I'm back at the start and I've picked this build. Mega how the game has evolved over the last 10 years :)

Thanks for sharing.
zagrotho wrote:
I picked this as my league starter... I'm at the point now where my next step is upgrading from budget/mid gear to expensive gear, and getting the clusters started. It looks like one cluster set (large + 2 medium) is like 500 chaos+ and the damage increase is nice but not earth shattering...

I have like 3 chaos right now and I don't farm well yet (I just started in Heist).

If this isn't my goal build, is it worth spending weeks investing in for the incremental increases at this point? I'm hitting tier 11+ and starting to die on Baran and harder mod maps and feeling a bit iffy about next steps.

If I were you, I would prioritize a 6L Quill Rain over any sort of cluster jewels. Being able to use efficacy as a 5th support will give you a huge damage boost.
amkronos wrote:
Is Hardened Scars bugged? I added it to my amulet, and hit a life pot, and do not see fortify show up, or any stats change.

Are you doing it on an instant flask? The fortified only stays as long as the flask is active, so if you use bubling or seething it will basically not work.

It has to be an enduring/foreboding life or hybrid flask basically that wont deactivate when your HP is full otherwise the perk doesnt work
Any recommendations on what to upgrade next? I have 5 exalts and I want to make my move next. I don't have cluster jewels yet so I can upgrade a few thingds:

>Buy 6L Quill Rain and sell my +2 bow
>Or save a bit and buy a +2 amulet
>Or Buy another better ring and better gloves
>Or Buy enlightment support and start using skitterbots
>Or Buy 1 set of large and medium cluster jewels with the right notables and passives and re-arrange tree a bit to accomodate

What do you guys think? Here's my current gear.

Last edited by idkwat on Jan 23, 2021, 6:23:07 PM
Viktranka wrote:
amkronos wrote:
Is Hardened Scars bugged? I added it to my amulet, and hit a life pot, and do not see fortify show up, or any stats change.
That's because life pot cancels at full hp and also most life pots are rolled to be instant therefore have no duration.

That's why you need a hybrid flask with enduring or foreboding prefix, only thing that doesn't cancel itself and counts as life pot.

Yep that was it, thanks.

This fixed it, now shows up.

So I got this gloves, that seem pretty freaking good for the build, except for the lack of resistances. Any idea how to craft them from here? Never got into crafting in this game so i'm kinda lost
Any tips on how to get mana for malevolence, skitterbots, and flesh and stone? When I use all 3 I got no mana to use, I got 852 mana atm and also 23% malevolence reduced mana reservation from my amulet.

edit- i think i just need that enlighten on lvl 2-3 and i will be fine i guess
Last edited by PanSlimaczek on Jan 23, 2021, 8:40:57 PM
I just lost my first Sirus, damage seemed sufficient,but in the last phase I was doing close to nothing because I was panicking a lot and basically trying to dodge him.

Are his abilities chaos damage? The rotating beams dstroyed me and his die beam just completely one shotted me.

I have -44% Chaos Res but I dont know how much having capped Chaos Res would help.

I'm so mad.
idkwat wrote:
I just lost my first Sirus, damage seemed sufficient,but in the last phase I was doing close to nothing because I was panicking a lot and basically trying to dodge him.

Are his abilities chaos damage? The rotating beams dstroyed me and his die beam just completely one shotted me.

I have -44% Chaos Res but I dont know how much having capped Chaos Res would help.

I'm so mad.


U can see all his attacks here, but the names aren't really descriptive... Anyway, it seems that he deals all kinds of damage, including, physical and chaos...
Last edited by nogenem on Jan 23, 2021, 9:20:50 PM

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