
Not sure if I screwed the tree while chasing int nodes for the gems.
You should have picked primal spirit then instead of that node by CI, it would give you same int per point but also flask buffs. Trickery is an ok node too. Also you can just delevel wither to reduce int requirements.

Also if you let skitterbots go, you will probably not need charisma or essence sap anymore to fix your mana reservation issue / having only 4% mana left. Pick Revenge of the Hunted asap, you need more life.

The quiver and ring with crafted 20 life should be replaced - you need more life on both slots.

Dunno if you misclicked, but why do you have a sword damage node? I imagine you wanted the one above, that leads to master fletcher.

Unspec Alira and get 2 points. You're overcapped on resists except lightning, so I think it's a complete waste, all you get is a bit of mana regen.

For damage the most simple answer is you don't have a 6-link or max level toxic rain gem, that's 2 things you need to work towards to improve dps.

Oh yea, and mana flask needs to be "enduring" prefix, otherwise it will constantly cancel itself.
In regard to Large Cluster Jewels (and prob medium):

How am I supposed to craft these? For example, I have the correct jewel with all requirements, but it's white. Do I just turn it blue and then hope to get 1 or 2 of the notables, and then potentially regal it? Should I hope to alt spam both notables or is it fine if I get one and try to regal the second?

projectoffset wrote:
In regard to Large Cluster Jewels (and prob medium):

How am I supposed to craft these? For example, I have the correct jewel with all requirements, but it's white. Do I just turn it blue and then hope to get 1 or 2 of the notables, and then potentially regal it? Should I hope to alt spam both notables or is it fine if I get one and try to regal the second?


You have to regal it to get the 2 notables because they are both prefixes.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
im having a really hard time to see the "final" gem-setups... as for checking the section saying Gems.
it does not clearly state

Chest (4/5/6L): x-x-x-
4P : A-B-C-D /helm
4P : A-B-C-D /boots
4P : A-B-C-D /gloves
BOW: (4L? 5L? 6L?)

I kinda struggle trying to find out what i need to get as setup
- survival wise
- mobility wise
- Utility wise
Prime Damage Setup (toxic rain).

Also its abit confusing the setup for "what gear and stats you should get"
any chance to simplify this down...

and those Gems... unlocking new talents in the tree... very confusing
not played for 2 years and all this is not very well explained for me to understand it easily.

Please some help simplicify it?

NOTE: Also noticed MANA is the major issue... constantly spamming Mana potion... 4 cast and out of mana... how am i suppose to maintain a good regen?

- How do i fix the mana issue?
- Have i done something wrong with my gem setup or Skill tree?

im feeling like im chugging mana pot every 2sec... please help me how do i fix this what im i missing??
Those whos the shyest are normaly the strongest, when time demands it they will step up and save the people from the end.
- The blindest are those who think they above others and tries to control it.
Viktranka wrote:
Not sure if I screwed the tree while chasing int nodes for the gems.
You should have picked primal spirit then instead of that node by CI, it would give you same int per point but also flask buffs. Trickery is an ok node too. Also you can just delevel wither to reduce int requirements.

Also if you let skitterbots go, you will probably not need charisma or essence sap anymore to fix your mana reservation issue / having only 4% mana left. Pick Revenge of the Hunted asap, you need more life.

The quiver and ring with crafted 20 life should be replaced - you need more life on both slots.

Dunno if you misclicked, but why do you have a sword damage node? I imagine you wanted the one above, that leads to master fletcher.

Unspec Alira and get 2 points. You're overcapped on resists except lightning, so I think it's a complete waste, all you get is a bit of mana regen.

For damage the most simple answer is you don't have a 6-link or max level toxic rain gem, that's 2 things you need to work towards to improve dps.

Oh yea, and mana flask needs to be "enduring" prefix, otherwise it will constantly cancel itself.

Tks for the answer! Had no idead I had clicked in a sword node in the tree õO Will work on everything you pointed out, thank you very much for the detailed answer!

Edit: Btw, I killed all bandits.
Last edited by gabriel_vulneraria on Jan 18, 2021, 7:22:22 PM

- How do i fix the mana issue?
Mana flask needs to be "enduring" to not cancel itself. And yes, you will have to press it when it expires (4-5 seconds maybe?), flask "piano" is a part of being PF. Also enable flasks in your loot filter, you're lvl 62 with a lvl 42 mana flask.

Also while in SSF it's harder to get good gear, you should really focus on checking items for upgrades (for example rituals tend to spawn decent items in comparison to average drop). Some of the items you wear look like they still remember act2. Your resists are really low even assuming you haven't finished act10, you'd be under cap for cold / lightning.

By 62 you should have second lab done I believe, and most of the side quests for passive points, check if you aren't missing any.

You should also put points into starting life nodes and prepare to respec out of proj nodes, it's easier to respec when you first connect the tree from the bottom side.

I dunno why Remi's tree of reference doesn't pick Revenge of the Hunted until the 114 points version (nearly complete), I personally prefer to pick a bit more life before going into maps just to feel safer. But up to you, you feel like you have enough life just skip it for later as the guide suggests.
hey vik making some good progress

next cheapest dps upgrade would be quiver with chaos over time + attack speed right? also will need to get some more resist somewhere, got about 20 exalts to spend now
Getting into endgame content and there is one aspect of this build that provides a lot of challenge with the new maven buffs to encounters. She heals A LOT. There are a lot of ways I can still improve damage but I just had to kill phoenix 3-3.5 times over to get a kill because maven heals so dang much. The skill cap on killing old content is much higher now O.O. Every build needs to bring something like frost bomb on the really high hp bosses if maven shows up now.
Last edited by Seefourdc on Jan 18, 2021, 8:02:14 PM
Hey guys--is anyone trying deadeye version right now like I am? I wanted to ask how it feels compared to PF because I've never played PF version before.
Played this build in heist and had it decked but didn't like the league much - Look forward to trying this as pathfinder unlike last time as trickster. Will post back once I have it up and running again. TY again for the awesome work!

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