[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!

Cchris07 wrote:

do we require these exact mods on them both? if not what ones are most important?

jus paid out 6 ex for em so dont tell me now L0L

how did you get your skill node on the boots + wont a "of warding flask" work instead of those rings?

Don't use any flask with warding!
Because you'll be removed from vulnerability granted by the belt. It also remove you from a LL state which decrease in damage.
Cchris07 wrote:

do we require these exact mods on them both? if not what ones are most important?

jus paid out 6 ex for em so dont tell me now L0L

how did you get your skill node on the boots + wont a "of warding flask" work instead of those rings?

Don't use any flask with warding!
Because you'll be removed from vulnerability granted by the belt. It also remove you from a LL state which decrease in damage.

^This :)
no warding then... noted, thanks guys :), having a blast with this char btw set it up last night when i got to maps :D... its rare you get the build there in 1 day :D although i did nerd it a bit XD

i got ALL the jewels in my stash for cluster section too :D and sniped a double watchers immune + block chance :D, was no armour ones for sale though =[
, all i got left to buy is unatural but those are expensive atm and id probs say the most expensive part as it stands rn :P

cant afford the additional curse gem yet so i just stuck a light warp there for now, jewellery upgrades will come later but i just dumped some old stuff on i had to res cap :), still channelling firestorm and gonna proceed to until awakened gems. also noticed you dont level your cwdt setups that high but ima get them to 20 to quality them all up first, tradition for me haha.
Last edited by Cchris07 on Jul 19, 2020, 8:13:11 AM
Now I'm testing this build with CI, sacrifice LL. Cause I die a lot with curse and DoT lol. Respec life node, apply ES, throw away the belt. Without any awakened gem, I can run T16 and A8 Veritania smoothly (didn't try Sirus yet).
Cchris07 wrote:

i got ALL the jewels in my stash for cluster section too :D and sniped a double watchers immune + block chance :D, was no armour ones for sale though =[
, all i got left to buy is unatural but those are expensive atm and id probs say the most expensive part as it stands rn .

The two regular cluster jewels look great!

However, I would not use that Meglomaniac jewel. It gives you very little for our build.

Thunderstruck is for Lightning Crit builds
Magnifier is for Crit builds
Exploit weakness is for physical builds

We are a Fire non Crit build so you will be wasting almost all of these points. You will do much better just trying to get a regular jewel with life and chaos resist for that spot until you can afford an Overlord Meglo jewel. Overlord is the key to the Meglo jewel.
I know one of the builds con's was clear speed, but I have found the addition of second wind support to Infernal Cry and Flame Dash have made clearing very very smooth.

Screen wide explosions in maps are so satisfying and with second wind, Infernal Cry can be used significantly more often.
I know one of the builds con's was clear speed, but I have found the addition of second wind support to Infernal Cry and Flame Dash have made clearing very very smooth.

Screen wide explosions in maps are so satisfying and with second wind, Infernal Cry can be used significantly more often.


I agree! Since I made the switch yesterday clearing has been much more smoother even ^^
Cchris07 wrote:

i got ALL the jewels in my stash for cluster section too :D and sniped a double watchers immune + block chance :D, was no armour ones for sale though =[
, all i got left to buy is unatural but those are expensive atm and id probs say the most expensive part as it stands rn .

The two regular cluster jewels look great!

However, I would not use that Meglomaniac jewel. It gives you very little for our build.

Thunderstruck is for Lightning Crit builds
Magnifier is for Crit builds
Exploit weakness is for physical builds

We are a Fire non Crit build so you will be wasting almost all of these points. You will do much better just trying to get a regular jewel with life and chaos resist for that spot until you can afford an Overlord Meglo jewel. Overlord is the key to the Meglo jewel.

thanks for pointing that out, not to worry il just sell it and buy myself a corrupted blood jewel instead, makes my life easier actually cause its hard to find on what we need, now i got a free socket :D plan to use silence where unatural goes for now as im noticing its gonna be an issue also.
Last edited by Cchris07 on Jul 19, 2020, 10:51:02 AM
could an additional curse be better than the steel anoint for amulet until you get hold of additional curse on hit?

was also thinking... the max resist drop is to 0. so...

-44 on flammability + wise oak 15 + exposure from wave -25 + combustion -17(what mines at at its level) = we are already there no? making ele weakness redundant? NOT CERTAIN about it though.... i geuss it comes into play on monsters have increased resist maps ? again not certain about all this xd

Last edited by Cchris07 on Jul 19, 2020, 11:36:32 AM
Cchris07 wrote:
could an additional curse be better than the steel anoint for amulet until you get hold of additional curse on hit?

was also thinking... the max resist drop is to 0. so...

-44 on flammability + wise oak 15 + exposure + combustion = we are already there no? making ele weakness redundant? NOT CERTAIN about it though.... i geuss it comes into play on monsters have increased resist maps ? again not certain about all this xd

Mobs can actually go to negative resistances too, same as us.
I do recommend holding out on the second curse then until you get the Awakaned CoH, since armour is a huge defence for this build :)

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