[3.10]The CEO of lightning Storm Brand Hierophant [Retired]

6l, 7k+ ES, and Skyforths. It clears Simu really well, but bosses can be a bitch still. They're 1-shot central.
Last edited by deadbubble on May 7, 2020, 11:38:49 PM
Just bricked my second Sirus attempt, A6. I guess I just suck at the fight mechanics, but it's annoying that I can only try so infrequently. 8.2k ES, 3M dps with chain, but I'm either going to need 10x the dps or actually learn the fight mechanics.
for one who died alot. You can use Brutal Restrain with Doubled Block chance and you get 50% reduced damage from blocked hit will help you survive.

here is my gear with assasin version

jbmcarth wrote:
8.2k ES, 3M dps with chain

edit: as someone bellow points out, I was wrong! OP does mention chain for mapping in the gem section. Edited to remove incorrect info, thanks! That said, don't run for bossing.

You want a 6L for Sirus, with a fully leveled lightning pen. That way you will phase him within 5-10 seconds.

I am trash at him too and that is how I managed with OP's build.

edit correction: I found that even in mapping swapping in chain sometimes felt dangerous in the fog or on map bosses. I still did it for speed though.

Last edited by OrionPlays on May 8, 2020, 11:57:25 AM
jbmcarth wrote:
8.2k ES, 3M dps with chain

Chain is not part of OP's build, and effectively puts you on a 5L.

You want a 6L for Sirus, with a fully leveled lightning pen. That way you will phase him within 5-10 seconds.

I am trash at him too and that is how I managed with OP's build.

OP does not recommend chain until you can afford Awakened Chain, and only for mapping, never for bossing, and can fit the dex into your gear without sacrificing your ES, mana, or chaos res. For mapping, if you damage is REALLY high, you can likely use regular chain but unless you're using clusters you will likely struggle a bit on hard delirium mobs and map bosses (they will have a chance to hit you, and potentially kill you).

I have to disagree. Chain is literally in the "gem links" section of OP's guide. It clearly says to swap it in for Controlled Destruction when mapping.

I run Chain anytime clear speed is paramount, which is like 95% of the time, and it still does enough damage to 1-shot in every circumstance shy of juiced 100% delirious maps and the 20th Simulacrum wave--and my DPS is on the lower end compared to others in this thread.

That said, Sirus is ABSOLUTELY a situation where you should drop Chain for Controlled Destruction for full damage. I also drop quicksilver and Cinderswallow for Atziri's and Bottled Faith and switch to Solaris just for the fight. Same with Shaper, Elder, Mastermind, etc.

If you're following the recommended progression for the build even somewhat well and you're having issues beating Sirus, it is the fight mechanics you need to work on the most (navigating deatomization storms, timing of his beams, positioning, etc).
Hey boys,
So im pretty much set up. I just wasted some exalts to change my rings and belt thinking it would make a big change (didnt really feel like testing it out in PoB, big mistake). Ended up getting like 200k dmg, 200 ES and 350 mana, something like that
BUT, I got some juicy stats that I was missing

Anyways, my question is: i'd like to change my abyss jewel. What are we looking for?
Im checking the wiki for the affixes but I suck at this game


edit: And I think someone here said they are easy to craft, too. But I cant find the post, sorry.
Last edited by antimufa on May 8, 2020, 1:10:34 PM
I bought my 6L already corrupted for chump change, then colored it myself at the bench. It was cheap but leaves me without the option to throw in controlled destruction in place of chain. I am working toward a BBBBBW vorici mod on another one that I'd then 6L, but no luck yet.
Buy a high roll Ivory Tower, thats below a 5l. Links don't matter. Then, buy a fated Connections, which 1.5ex or so. That way, you get a very high roll 6l Ivory Tower for only 1.5ex + the cost of Tower, which should be like 2ex? Cheapest option. This is what I did, and got myself a really high roll Ivory for a bargain.

Or, buy the cheapest Ivory Tower on the market (they're like 5c), and throw tge Fated at it, and you'll save half an exalt. You can sell your corrupted Ivory to get the funds for it.

If you want to do shit like Sirus, you really want that controlled destruction swap. Chain brings me from 8.5m dps to 5m, so I definitely feel it.
I've got the funds to replace it, I've just been hesitant to spend much currency. On that note, what else should I do with my 9-10 ex? I've just been saving currency for something substantial. ES on rings is coming, just haven't found the recipe yet.

Edit: nvm, found
for 2.3ex
Last edited by jbmcarth on May 8, 2020, 2:44:04 PM
antimufa wrote:
Hey boys,
So im pretty much set up. I just wasted some exalts to change my rings and belt thinking it would make a big change (didnt really feel like testing it out in PoB, big mistake). Ended up getting like 200k dmg, 200 ES and 350 mana, something like that
BUT, I got some juicy stats that I was missing

Anyways, my question is: i'd like to change my abyss jewel. What are we looking for?
Im checking the wiki for the affixes but I suck at this game


edit: And I think someone here said they are easy to craft, too. But I cant find the post, sorry.

I got phasing, mana, resists, and fire damage to spells on mine. If my Blade Blast or Wave of Conviction crit then the enemy gets ignited for the increased damage from Cinderswallow. Any combination of mana/ES/phasing/resists/attributes/crit multi/maybe cast speed should be good and can fill out what you need.

jbmcarth wrote:
I've got the funds to replace it, I've just been hesitant to spend much currency. On that note, what else should I do with my 9-10 ex? I've just been saving currency for something substantial. ES on rings is coming, just haven't found the recipe yet.

Edit: nvm, found
for 2.3ex

Characters are private so I can't see what jewels or flasks or how your tree is setup.

Enchanting your Skyforths is free and can be more single target or map clear DPS or other utility like movespeed or dodge. You can get a better Foible with a max % increased mana roll. Might as well finish the catalysts on it too. If you don't already have Cinderswallow, that can go and you can look into getting phasing on abyss jewel. Flip your Second Winds for quality. With your currency if you plan on continuing to invest into the build you can either get Awakened Controlled Destruction or save for big ticket items like the Watcher's Eye or Bottled Faith, maybe Unnatural Instinct if that is something you want for your build as well.

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