[3.15]Archmage Ball Lightning Hierophant, will it work in Expedition?

Thank you OP for the build very smooth, got pretty much all the core items, can anyone just check my char to see that i am allocating the correct passives at this point.

I did diviate from the guide slightly to start allocating the cluster jewels before the 2nd and 3rd fervered jewels.

Loving it so far.
Thanks for the great build template OP. I saw your link on reddit and I did not want to go the traditional storm brand route.

What gems are you using in your uber elder kill?

Any suggestions to mitigate the "lock" time other than swapping to faster casting?
There is no atziri amulet thats not corrupted who has the addional curse on deliirium league
VoleurDeJob wrote:
There is no atziri amulet thats not corrupted who has the addional curse on deliirium league

You do not need the corruption. As I said, the amulet corruption is to simulate the +1 curse from lvl5 awakened curse on hit, since PoB does not count that.
"If you use Glorious Vanity, just give up all passives other than passway points unless you would like to burn tons of divines to get the perfect one."

Hi, I've found that Glorious Vanity works great in this jewel slot:


Anyways, not sure if this has been mentioned. But it replaces a bunch of int and some dex / strength with damage, and that last node change is ridiculous.

In total, it gives 19% increased Area Damage, 34% increased lightning damage, Damage penetrates 3% lightning resistance, 8% increased spell damage, Corrupted Soul, 4% max ES, 13% lightning resist, and 3% increased effect of curses.

We lose, 50 int, 10 dex, 10 str, 5% increased cast speed, 20% spell damage. My only question is, we don't lose Mind Over Matter since it is granted by our chest?


Last edited by frownland on May 2, 2020, 3:13:18 PM
First Sirus death.
I try VD on Simulacrum but at wave 19 and Kosis at wave 20, kill me i switch to ball light and kill him.
Any particular reason why my crit version of this build has such low damage compared to yours?

IronSoul319 wrote:
Any particular reason why my crit version of this build has such low damage compared to yours?


1. Your Cinderswallow Urm redduced your mana cost, thus reduced your damage.
2. You have only 1 curse.
3. You don't have a Watcher's eye.
4. Your gems don't have qualities.
Are there options to get some life reg without using life flasks?
Just found out, that enduring cry life reg doesnt work with skyforth.

why do you use other skill tree than what u link in pastebin?
i changed the tree, and yeah its better, but now i have only 3 jewel socket.
Where can i put the watcher's eye, if i use 3 fevered mind?
Can u check my tree? It's good, or can i need to change something?
sry for my english :D

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