[3.15]Archmage Ball Lightning Hierophant, will it work in Expedition?

maatii93 wrote:
maatii93 wrote:
Hi, Aniki can you say any tips how to improve surivality?
Today i lose 2 simulacrum at wave 20. Kosis still kill me. Don't know what i do wrong. Damage don't see bad, but take to long to kill him.

That's why I use Glorious Vanity. It maximizes leeching recovery and improves survivability. Also, get a diamond flask to further boost damage (you don't really need life flask). Just kill him before he can do anything.

PS: I recommend trying my Volatile Dead version out! It works extremely well in Simulacrum and just blasts Kosis in few seconds. I barely notice him :P

Will ltry next time with VD, i also add Glorious Vanity.
In POB i see lose over:
20k average dmg
110k total dps
250 Mana
200 ES.
In game:
lose 10k dmg in offence
lose 250 Mana
get 700 ES

PoB just ignores all nodes in that region while in the real-world you can still get some benefit.
PK_S14 wrote:
Hey Aniki couldnt you make the setup with High Templar Gloves with triple curses on them and instead use Prism Guardian and Ivory Tower with a nice 1h wep?

Personally I don't like low life build, and no use of Pledge of Hands means huge DPS and AOE loss. Greater Spell Echo has 50% more dam from mana cost and 50% more damage from itself.
I want to know why mana ends.
and how to raise dps.

pob - https://pastebin.com/6Lqm0iV7
How forgiving is this build? If you aren't good with boss mechanics and get hit with shaper slam or die beam occasionally?

Is this a glass cannon build?
DeathUzi wrote:
I want to know why mana ends.
and how to raise dps.

pob - https://pastebin.com/6Lqm0iV7

For your mana issue:
1. Remove 1 fevered mind.
2. Refund some skill points and get Aqueous Accelarent.
3. Get mana regeneration enchantment on your boots.

For DPS:
1. Level up, get more points, and get Doom Cast.
2. Get an lv5 Awakened Curse on Hit so you can use one more curse.
3. Updated other support gems to awakened ones.
toxic678 wrote:
How forgiving is this build? If you aren't good with boss mechanics and get hit with shaper slam or die beam occasionally?

Is this a glass cannon build?

Check my recent 2 min Sirus kill video, I ate a whole "Die." and still alive lol. Shaper slam could be tougher though....But it is also easier to dodge.
Last edited by Aniki_Leads_people on May 1, 2020, 2:06:08 PM

Do you mind to post a PoB?


kentishtown wrote:

Do you mind to post a PoB?



1. Get an awakened spell cascade. It really helps to generate more balls.
2. Link desecrate with a spell cascade. Get 10 corpses with 1 cast. You can move warcry to Increased Duration position.
3. Move Glorious Vanity to MoM side and get Nimbleness.
4. Get another helmet with VD damage enchantment.
5. Change Lightning Penetration to Concentrated Effect.
Hello it seems that aztiri amulet is always corrupted with the apply addional curse options so i cannot put anoitment on it
VoleurDeJob wrote:
Hello it seems that aztiri amulet is always corrupted with the apply addional curse options so i cannot put anoitment on it

In search filters, change "Corrupted" to "No" then you can find uncorrupted ones.

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