[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

How do you manage to run all 3 auras on the shield?

Wrath, Zealotry, and Discipline would put me at 103% life reservation..

38% for wrath/zealotry each and 27% for discipline.

Oops n/m, answer was in the FAQ
Last edited by Alcsaar on Apr 7, 2020, 11:15:15 PM
Arrensen wrote:

I think you don't use PoB Community Fork...

The community fork is outdated and hasn't been updated for weeks it seems and even gets resist calcultaton wrong, cluster jewels, etc.

So I'll stick to the regular one which seems to do a better job.

DPS seems to be around 2 mil with flask up. And vaal RF isn't up that often so I wouldn't even use that in calculations.
Last edited by Zweetsok on Apr 8, 2020, 12:41:29 AM

Thanks for the build guide OP, this is stupidly broken dps. Hold down mouse button for brand recall, and run around the map and win the game.

I believe my wand is simply not good enough for the crit version of this build and I'm not sure I have the currency to upgrade it / finding an upgrade is tough because you have to juggle like 6 dps stats, tough to find one better because each stat is weighted so differently.


What do people change to move away from crit and towards a non crit build?

Also, anyone put medium clusters into the large and get Seeker Rune? Worth?
Whats the bennefit of Sanctuary of Thought ascendancy? It give us 50% less mana cost of skills so its half the dps of the archmage support? or what I miss?
Goldenhawk07 wrote:

I believe my wand is simply not good enough for the crit version of this build and I'm not sure I have the currency to upgrade it / finding an upgrade is tough because you have to juggle like 6 dps stats, tough to find one better because each stat is weighted so differently.


What do people change to move away from crit and towards a non crit build?

Also, anyone put medium clusters into the large and get Seeker Rune? Worth?

Well.. if you want a non crit version, import my build in POB.. not saying it is the best as I'm always fiddling around. But doing between 3.5 mil-4.2 mil dps per brand shows it works.
yissus wrote:
Whats the bennefit of Sanctuary of Thought ascendancy? It give us 50% less mana cost of skills so its half the dps of the archmage support? or what I miss?

Gives you a lot more ES although opinions vary on the usefulness of it. :) Some say you need a 60 ex watcher's eye to drop sanctuary. A lot has been said about this topic so just reed back some pages.

What should I give up at Level 90 for Cluster Jewel slots? Need 9 points.
tlambert01588 wrote:
Arrensen wrote:
Here is my current state at lvl 97. Sitting at about 12,3m dps per brand with vaal rf active.
think im done upgrading, even if a voices and two additional fevered minds would get me to 23m per brand. also could get a enchanted helmet, or corrupted chest. but the game is trivial as fck in the current state. everything dies in seconds

thank you so much for this build and guide. enjoyed it a lot so far.


No arcane surge? Or am I missing something?

arcane blessing
yeah, unfortunately a lvl20 arcane surge from your gems would get overwritten by the lvl 1 Arcane Surge from Arcane Blessing, so no reason to keep it in your gem setup once you use Arcane Blessing.

Also I'm wondering if it's even worth having a mana flask and not use an additional utility flask. The Mana flask really doesnt do that much with our big mana pool.

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