[3.10] Captain Wraeclast reloaded - pure phys Impale SST - Uber Elder/Sirus 8

Thank You :
DotsandDashes and Arandur for fast and detailed replies. I will do as both of You suggested. As for ascendency should i go:
Gathering winds - Far Shot - Ricochet - Fast and Deadly?
Royalmind_PL wrote:

Gathering winds - Far Shot - Ricochet - Fast and Deadly?

Arandur wrote:


Awesome ^^. Although getting Divide and Conquer jewel on console might be a bit problematic. Hope i got my hands on it asap.
Last edited by Royalmind_PL on Mar 18, 2020, 2:48:04 PM
nice build! Quick question

I got a 2497 armor tower shield and that should be a great shield. BUT when i equip it my sheet dps goes to 37K From 100K if i wear the cheap atziri unique. How come? Am i missing something?
TheFook wrote:
nice build! Quick question

I got a 2497 armor tower shield and that should be a great shield. BUT when i equip it my sheet dps goes to 37K From 100K if i wear the cheap atziri unique. How come? Am i missing something?

You Sir, saved me, the league and everyone playing this build!

Little story:

I got frustrated the last 2 days, because I hit a wall and couldn't tell why. Suddenly, Mapbosses in T14 got really hard to kill. Conqueres where a pain in the Ass and took minutes to beat. I was close to quitting. I just couldn't get why my DPS is so low, although PoB tells me I should deal ~600k DPS with ~60k Average Damage per Hit while my ingame tooltip tells me 45k Dps with ~20k Average hit.

End of story: I just equipped a 900 Evasion Shield and doubled my tooltip-DPS.
Conclusion: It seems the DPS-calculation for Armor with SST is currently wrong/not working properly. I will write a ticket and bugreport and would appreciate anyone who encounters the same problem to so as well.

I will update the original post with a disclaimer and tell you guys if I get an answer from GGG/a fix is coming.

Until it's fixed, I recommend using Evasion Shields instead of Armor!
Is it any Evasion shield? wow.. means a 2k evasion one will destroy end content atm :D

And btw can you put an Anointments section in the guide? cheers!
Arandur wrote:
TheFook wrote:

Until it's fixed, I recommend using Evasion Shields instead of Armor!

Wow. Glad I came in to check on the thread before buying some new gear.

stkappa wrote:
Is it any Evasion shield? wow.. means a 2k evasion one will destroy end content atm :D

And btw can you put an Anointments section in the guide? cheers!

Yeah, I upped my DPS to 120k with a 1k Evasion Shield I had in my stash. Wrecking T14 again...

Added Annointment Options in gearing section.

That's the bugreport I opened. Everyone who can reproduce the bug is welcome to add a comment and keep the thread up, so it gets fixed. Thanks!
Strange enough, I cannot seem to replicate that with a evasion shield, equiping Atziri's Mirror over 2.4k armor shield drops me from 53k to 33k tooltip dps.

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