[3.25]The BLOCKMAN

Annoint amulet with crimson + 2x amber oils

Guys, am I really doing 26 million dmg?


You have couple of duplicated auras in pob and available mana in deep negatives.
Last edited by Saginatio on Feb 12, 2021, 1:55:09 PM
Im planing on rerolling one of my chars to this (maybe) So lets say I have an budget of 7 - 9 ex what shold my spending priorites be? What to get first so I can farm t15 - t16 maps?
Would I be correct in assuming we don't actually place Dread Banner and just use it 100% of the time as reserving mana? Watched some videos and that's what it appears to be. I've never really placed them in the past, but if I should here, then I'll do my best! lol

So far up to 80 I'm enjoying it but I've dumped a ton of ex (well a lot for me) into it, so I can't speak to how it might be compared to "cheap and tanky."
Last edited by Kaeden1 on Feb 12, 2021, 8:09:36 PM
Hey Guys,

how to get the last 4% of block? what do i missing?
You don´t see it in the game easy, it happens when you block. The ascendancy Violent retaliation gives +1 blockchance when you have blocked in the last 10 seconds. So your blockchance slowly adds while you are playing. You can open the char menu while playing against not so deadly enemies, then you see that the blockchance is rising up
linusno wrote:
Im planing on rerolling one of my chars to this (maybe) So lets say I have an budget of 7 - 9 ex what shold my spending priorites be? What to get first so I can farm t15 - t16 maps?

If you are going for the cycloneversion, I'd say The Surrender and the Paradoxia is what gives most QoL. This late in the league the Surrender should be somewhat cheaper than in the start aswell.
The Abyssus and praxia ring for 8 less mana on skills is really cheap, together with Impresence Onyx Amulet for a free vulnerability aura.
A 6 link astral plate (all white sockets are kinda cheap) and crafted onslaught with essence on it.

That is what I would have started with while working towards a 6 link chest with 15 less manacost on cyclone to replace the praxia ring.

is this build viable with double strike ? also if it's possible will it be with same recommended gear ?
Last edited by memonemo on Feb 13, 2021, 3:08:41 PM
Hi ,
Really enjoying this Build, tanky and Powerful
I Manage to pass through most of T16 Maps, but got a lack of DPS on main Bosses

Any advices to improve my DPS plz (without much currencies, spent most of it on my gear ..)
Thanks !
This build is great. I am now using facebreaker cyclone but trying change into this build for higher dps and hp. I am trying to buy a 500dps up weapon. Besides the weapon, which part should i upgrade first.
I do not see any cluster jewel in your pob. Isn't not worth investing into it?
Here is my pob. https://pastebin.com/ATmDcfCW
Thanks a lot!!
Please someone who knows how to optimize this build please check my POB and see how I can increase my dps and be more tanky. I'm still getting one shotted. Current level 77


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