3.9|Stress-Free PoE- ENDURING FIRE (RF) |SSF the Atlas w/ 1Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!

JCOH35 wrote:
Ya what a difference post patch.

Went from wiping on Sirus to doing a deathless Sirus, so much better now.

Really happy with my gear progress too now, before I didnt understand how RF worked, I had things like leech, leech damage etc, not knowing it had no effect.

These are my best things so far, working on an OP sceptre and amulet to round everything out but its really hard.

Chest and rings are just the usual Kaom's Heart and double Way rings, shield is just Saffels or RoTp, dealer's choice.

Saving all my money now for a Lv.4 Enlighten so I can run
all 3 auras and cheese the extra 30% increased Life Recovery from Watcher's Eye Vitality roll.
Awesome job JCOH35!

I'm so glad it worked out for you! It's nice to have the "oh man, remember what Sirus was like on release?!" experience...you know? I'm happy for you.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Thank you Wrecker^^

Im just glad I came back to your version, I stole a few tips from the other older, more button heavy build but just gear strategies. Your automated setup and overall skill tree imo is the best, especially this patch with how OP metamorph and certain map bosses are now.

I even went asfar as to pick up a Kaom's with +1 to max resists and run an lv4 enlightened to have 3 auras and the boosted life recovery from watcher's eye vitality modifier.

Its probally overkill but im old and mechanically challenged so I like the extra tankiness.
Can anyone share their PoB dps? I would like to have a comparison to measure my ssf progres, to see what im aiming for. Thanks!

JCOH35 wrote:
I recently found the sceptre:

There is still one prefix slot open that I could fill on the crafting bench.

What do you think would have more impact for the RF damage:

The biggest increase by far to this and all the RF builds is fire damage over time multiplier, ideally you want the naturally rolled version on sceptres b/c it can get low to mid 30s, where as the crafted caps at 20.

You also want to get 4% Fire DoT Multiplier on any jewels you use along with 7% maximum life and then whatever stats you need specifically.

I recently found the sceptre:

There is still one prefix slot open that I could fill on the crafting bench.

What do you think would have more impact for the RF damage:

- increased fire damage over time multiplier
- increased fire damage
- increased damage over time

All of them cost chaos orbs, so I don't want to waste them by trying. One does not see the RF damage, anyway. So I have no clue what I should use.

My current sceptre is the following:

Would the new one be an improvement or is not worth all the struggle and currency?

Thank you very much for your attention.

PS: The cold damage on the new sceptre would hurt my Elemental Equilibrium, right? :/
Hey Caligula_Exile!

Nice weapons! Even though you have 112 Increased Damage on your Elder Sceptre, I think you'd do more damage with the Void Sceptre that has 90% increased damage...IF you added the Fire Damage Over Time Multiplier mod. That mod is by far the strongest. That being said, you're correct. The Added Fire Damage to the sceptre will make Cyclone deal fire damage screwing up EE. Sorry.

Thanks to both of you! So I can simply add up all variations of damage that support Righteous Fire (elemental, fire, burning, area damage, damage over time)? How nice that something in PoE turns out to be simpler than I would have thought :)
Very good to know that the damage over time multiplier is so powerful. I'll keep my eyes open if I can find it on sceptres.

What a pitty, though, that the new Void Sceptre would screw up my EE...

Fortunately, I already found another alternative. A bit less damage but + 1 to RF skill level. However, I don't know if RF scales damage with skill level as much as a lot of other skills.

Alas, no prefix slot open... so I could only add the weaker fire damage bonus from the suffixes.

Maybe I just stick to my elder sceptre if the result doesn't promise to be worth all the currency and effort...
Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1

POB code for the build variant i run. Some changes to passive tree for more damage

Updated to pastebin :) Sorry for wrong format. Never shared build before...
Last edited by LeeTeex on Jan 12, 2020, 8:30:54 AM
Thats not a code:)

Thanks for sharing ;) Im close to 8k life, without a kaoms, but i need to work on more dmg.
Last edited by Pekam on Jan 12, 2020, 8:53:09 AM
Pekam wrote:
Thats not a code:)

Thanks for sharing ;) Im close to 8k life, without a kaoms, but i need to work on more dmg.

Ya its hard to recommend things for those of you playing SSF is all, theres things you can do but not alot you can realistically find. I have my dps min/max'd pretty hardcore atm but I spend more time tabbed out trolling poe.trade then I do actually playing.

The other thing to keep in mind is the changes to bosses and the game in general, everything is just tankier now so its not that bad if it takes a little longer to kill a boss if you can do it safely and mapping is still relatively fast, its worth the trade off for me.

TLDR though, get as much +% fire damage over time multiplier as you can and work on an RF helmet with built in 20% concentrated effect and the essence based socketed gems deal 30% more damage mod, then slot in awakened support gems.

(also make sure to use Vaal Righteous Fire, it comes with both versions in 1 gem so you just save the vaal version for bosses, it melts them)

Heres what it all looks like;

For the people playing on the normal metamorph leagues, you can min/max by picking up a lv4 enlighten support and grabbing sovereignty in the top left of your skill tree near the chaos resistance/life nodes. This allows you to run Vitality ontop of Purity and Malevolence, the trick is to run a Watcher's Eye Prismatic Jewel with the mod "increases life recovery rate by 30% while under the effect of vitality", combine that with a 16% or higher life recovery belt, and your life regeneration sky rockets beyond belief.

You can glance at my equipment and skill tree, I only do a couple things slightly different in the nodes, and I have the essential gem links.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Jan 12, 2020, 10:23:43 PM
JCOH35 wrote:
Thank you Wrecker^^

Im just glad I came back to your version, I stole a few tips from the other older, more button heavy build but just gear strategies. Your automated setup and overall skill tree imo is the best, especially this patch with how OP metamorph and certain map bosses are now.

I even went asfar as to pick up a Kaom's with +1 to max resists and run an lv4 enlightened to have 3 auras and the boosted life recovery from watcher's eye vitality modifier.

Its probally overkill but im old and mechanically challenged so I like the extra tankiness.
I'm sure your sweet gear helps too ;). I like builds that cover up my gameplay mistakes and let me live. So defence first, I agree.

Thanks for the feedback and kindness.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Thanks to both of you! So I can simply add up all variations of damage that support Righteous Fire (elemental, fire, burning, area damage, damage over time)? How nice that something in PoE turns out to be simpler than I would have thought :)
Very good to know that the damage over time multiplier is so powerful. I'll keep my eyes open if I can find it on sceptres.

What a pitty, though, that the new Void Sceptre would screw up my EE...

Fortunately, I already found another alternative. A bit less damage but + 1 to RF skill level. However, I don't know if RF scales damage with skill level as much as a lot of other skills.

Alas, no prefix slot open... so I could only add the weaker fire damage bonus from the suffixes.

Maybe I just stick to my elder sceptre if the result doesn't promise to be worth all the currency and effort...
Hey Caligula_Exile!

It's hard to find a great weapon. It sucks when you find one that would be perfect except the mods don't let you craft that one extra thing...

Good job though! You're a crafting pro! Something will turn up!

In my opinion though, I don't think RF is strong enough to socket into a weapon...even with a +2 to socketed fire skills.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
For whatever reason OP sceptres just dont exist, not even overpriced in the open market like any other item.

For example, go to poe.trade and search for any one handed sceptre with shaper and warlord influence together, theres only 1 in existance for 15ex, then search for just 2 rolls, a 34% or higher fire DoT multiplier combined with a decent fire damage roll of 60 or higher, none exist.

I know our thread here is on the smaller side with 15-20 pages but RF is super, super meta, so many people play it and they all need the exact same sceptre so for now I jus yolo craft when I have extra mats.

I wouldnt waste money buying a ton of fossils/resonators/alts etc, I wasted 10ex or more trying that lotto madness, just use what you have here and there and go with a placeholder in the mean time.

I made this for like 20c and it works just fine while I chase a fancy one;

Last edited by JCOH35 on Jan 13, 2020, 12:24:56 PM

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