3.9|Stress-Free PoE- ENDURING FIRE (RF) |SSF the Atlas w/ 1Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!

LeeTeex wrote:
Sirus down for first time for me :)

Love this build.

Now to hunt for more damage...

Congratulations! That sounds awesome. I tried the fight once with my zombie necromancer and failed.
Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
LeeTeex wrote:
Sirus down for first time for me :)

Love this build.

Now to hunt for more damage...

Congratulations! That sounds awesome. I tried the fight once with my zombie necromancer and failed.

Tried 2 times on necro, failed both... Maybe now with the changes to the clouds it's viable, but not sure. Pets dies so fast in the clouds :(
In this build you only have yourself to focus on so a lot easyer.
I recently found the sceptre:

There is still one prefix slot open that I could fill on the crafting bench.

What do you think would have more impact for the RF damage:

The biggest increase by far to this and all the RF builds is fire damage over time multiplier, ideally you want the naturally rolled version on sceptres b/c it can get low to mid 30s, where as the crafted caps at 20.

You also want to get 4% Fire DoT Multiplier on any jewels you use along with 7% maximum life and then whatever stats you need specifically.
Ya what a difference post patch.

Went from wiping on Sirus to doing a deathless Sirus, so much better now.

Really happy with my gear progress too now, before I didnt understand how RF worked, I had things like leech, leech damage etc, not knowing it had no effect.

These are my best things so far, working on an OP sceptre and amulet to round everything out but its really hard.

Chest and rings are just the usual Kaom's Heart and double Way rings, shield is just Saffels or RoTp, dealer's choice.

Saving all my money now for a Lv.4 Enlighten so I can run
all 3 auras and cheese the extra 30% increased Life Recovery from Watcher's Eye Vitality roll.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Jan 10, 2020, 6:29:42 PM
Did you record a video on your sirus run? Would love to see this build going up against it
LeeTeex wrote:
Gotta say this build is really nice.
Not tried Sirus yet with this build but have failed 4 times on different builds.. Pet build got eaten... Molten jugg got eaten. But this build seems a lot tankier than my jugg for some reason.

Have the fight ready, but trying to get even more damage/life before i attemt it, as it is a looong fight with our damage. All other content has gone pretty easy (some metas takes a lot of time) and the only conqueror i have a problem with is the banner one. Got a friend to help take the banners while i tanked the boss. Beeing "immortal" is nice ;)

Will let you know if/when i take down "Siriuos".

Thanks again for the build.
Thanks LeeTeex!

I'm glad you're liking it! Ya, every build has its pros and cons...but when making RF (close quarter combat), it needs to be able to take damage.

You're correct, this build doesn't do HUGE damage but it seems like you know what you're doing. Let us know how the fight goes. Good luck! 3.10 may have to have a revamped tree...less defence, more damage...with these monster defence changes. BUT, I'll be waiting until all the 3.9 patch notes have come out to see what the long term balance will look like.

And thanks for the thanks :). Feel free to give any suggestions to the guide or the build.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Jan 12, 2020, 12:50:13 AM
Rex_Urhole wrote:
Really intriguing build I am getting back into the game after a hiatus and want to try it. (Irritated that my MS jugg keeps getting nerfed each release after spending a ton of dough on end-game gear...)

Question about starting off and going through "story" mode before getting to maps:

Saw the note about how to maintain RF up until it's self-sustaining but are there any other early>story-end tips you can share in regards to gem set up or other items/mods to look for and equip? E.g. "use a 4 link chest with X combo until Y becomes available"?

Also, how do you suggest "stopping" the leveling of your gems at the levels indicated in the guide? Get new ones? Does it impact build effectiveness if I get a gem over what you've identified?

Hey Rex_Urhole!

Welcome back to the game! Everyone has a different preference to levelling. For me, if I was in a melee mood I'd go Molten Strike and/or Sunder coupled with an ancestor totem. It's just a slow process because we have no accuracy in the tree. If you had some spells drop for you I'd go Purifying Flame, Flameblast, or any other Channelling Fire skill. RF is always slow to level without designing a respec. But anyway, those are my preferences.

I do suggest stopping gems at the suggested levels because we want some skills casting more often than other skills. And in regards to Cyclone, we have no reason to level it. It's damage at level 20 would be weak and it would cost a pointless amount of Dex as a result.

I hope that helps! Let me know if there's anything else.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
JCOH35 wrote:
Its really tough b/c I love this build but in the end-end game content the dps just hits a wall.

I have switched over to the more common RF meta, sadly its a couple more buttons which I hate but it really cranks up the damage.

The skill trees are pretty similar, the ascendancy is juggernaut though and you stack alot more endurance charges, and you dual wield sceptres or use a staff like lathi's. The regen isnt an issue b/c you stack so much you can give up the shield and just regen through the RF degen and enemy damage.

The downside to this version though is its insanely expensive. You really need a lv4 enlighten to get atleast 3 auras going b/c you use a watcher's eye with +30% increased life recovery rate while affected by Vitality, then you use the usual malevolence and PoF.

You use a elder influenced belt with +20% increased life recovery and those massively multiply your life regen.

Really glad I leveled this build though, it was my 1st ever RF build and it got me interested, good luck^^.

(1 thing id look for to help you guys with the damage is an elder helmet with an essence roll and gems are supported by concentrated effect, then you can slot in an awakened burning damage support, it looks like this,

you can get the combo starting at like 2 ex, then it just goes up from there depending on the rolls)
Thanks for the honest post JCOH35. It'll be a few leagues until GGG rebalances all their skill gems vs. the new boss resists. I'm glad you like the build though! Feel free to provide suggestions to the guide or the build design.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Jan 12, 2020, 1:00:19 AM
LeeTeex wrote:
Sirus down for first time for me :)

Love this build.

Now to hunt for more damage...
Well look at you go LeeTeex!

Good for you! That's awesome!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
I recently found the sceptre:

There is still one prefix slot open that I could fill on the crafting bench.

What do you think would have more impact for the RF damage:

- increased fire damage over time multiplier
- increased fire damage
- increased damage over time

All of them cost chaos orbs, so I don't want to waste them by trying. One does not see the RF damage, anyway. So I have no clue what I should use.

My current sceptre is the following:

Would the new one be an improvement or is not worth all the struggle and currency?

Thank you very much for your attention.

PS: The cold damage on the new sceptre would hurt my Elemental Equilibrium, right? :/
Hey Caligula_Exile!

Nice weapons! Even though you have 112 Increased Damage on your Elder Sceptre, I think you'd do more damage with the Void Sceptre that has 90% increased damage...IF you added the Fire Damage Over Time Multiplier mod. That mod is by far the strongest. That being said, you're correct. The Added Fire Damage to the sceptre will make Cyclone deal fire damage screwing up EE. Sorry.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875

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