Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

nskLantash wrote:
If you buff damage numbers on Arc instead of partially reverting the nerf on its spreading range - you're just hilariously out of touch.
Online delenda est:
When the lifecycle of PoE will draw to an end many years from now,
there needs to be a final patch making it available offline.
you admit here the overall average player damage has incresaed
in ExileCon, you said you want to bring back the difficulty of early POE in the game

And your solution is ... ? getting monster stronger (res/armour:life) ?
why not lowering skills power ... ?
whenever a skill is unused/low used after release, you adjust its number up... why not getting the over used skills number down ?

that is getting too much Power Creep direction in my head, not getting the game more challenging
pphnx wrote:
They've been lowered in power slightly in several ways: lower base damage, lower area on their Slam, no life multiplier per gem level and a longer Slam cooldown.

This is the GGG's slightly...

Last edited by quflamingo on Dec 10, 2019, 5:07:37 AM
Well, here we are again...i was one of the first to see the Blight leage like a death league...mi bad i was spent over 200E on support paks and mtx for that blight league where i have play only like 6 effective days including like 3 days spent on trade page to get things i wanted..yes! the trade sistem in POE is that good. Considering non of mi main builds was nerfed i still think i wont spend to much time in this league to...just i dont like to be forced to do things. I still see no one in GGG or Tencent is able to pass everything true the logic filter. Thinking that forcing people to spend more time in a league just to pass true the only main game will be a succes league it is just stupid...I wanted to buy the support pack but i have learn mi lesson from blight...i wont support this reason to do it.
Well i see a death league to...maybe not as fast like Blight was..but...more people comming to the game it is not a gain in long therms...i mean...more people will find out is a really bad game...and probably they will come back just to see what shit GGG will put out...but this is a bufe :D
Last edited by In10se on Dec 10, 2019, 5:05:33 AM
was planing to play Necro zombimencer with shaper touch, and 2 handed shaper items and scepter as buffer.

=> zombies, all aspect where nerfed,
=> specter Nerfed
=> shaper items way harder to obtain
=> two handed chaper, can have my 7th link supored by maim
=> passive tree nerfed
=> skitter bots nerfed indirectly...

i mean if 1 or two aspectof my planed build where nerfed it still okay, but here....
"Fortify and the buff from the Unshattered Will now give less damage taken, rather than reduced damage taken, preventing cases where players were close to or reaching 100% reduced damage taken."

Fantastic. This should have happened ~2 leagues ago though!

"The "Can have multiple crafted modifiers" mod has been changed, now granting "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers"."

Ehhh so we can't cheese it anymore? Is this 3 crafted mods total or 3 ADDITIONAL crafted mods?

"Chill, Shock and Freeze are mechanics intended to give identity to elements, but have been falling short of this goal."
"We have done a pass over the resistances of all monsters in the game. Monster resistances should now be far more consistent."

Are you forgetting that ignite gets huge penalties from map mods already? The problem with map mods is that certain builds are much more limited than others. ED can ignore most mods, but ignite and bleed ailments get penalties from more mods than most builds. The resistance can't be penetrated by ignite either. Perhaps consider some changes here in the future? Where is % chance for monsters to avoid damage from elemental hits, from physical hits, from chaos damage over time? If you're going to put elemental ailment avoidance and not specify NON-DAMAGING then it's a bit tough for those builds!

"We won't be making significant wand-specific changes this league, as we want to do this as part of a more complete archetype package."

Great to see it's in the works!

Overall, I'm looking forward to the changes, especially the bow uniques where we might see something interesting.
So this game is unplayable thanks for ruining it
So Blight league was the first league I even touched a summoner build, however the massive nerfs to summoning in general doesnt seem helpful. Summoner was the focal point of this league, but I didn't see that many people even using it. Same with the arc "buff"/"nerf".
jared948948 wrote:
So Blight league was the first league I even touched a summoner build, however the massive nerfs to summoning in general doesnt seem helpful. Summoner was the focal point of this league, but I didn't see that many people even using it. Same with the arc "buff"/"nerf".

Yes, me too. I only saw 40% of the player base playing summoner. In my book, that's way too low. I have to say it was so difficult to see a player with 5000000 zombies around him in every hideout.
Didn't you get used already with this? Legion league, buff cyclone (everyone played it), Blight league -> nerf cyclone to the ground (GGG said slightly back then too), buff minions (everyone played it). Metamorph league -> nerf minions ("slightly" - TO THE Fucking GROUND), prolly buff something else (as expected...after melee buff, then spell buff, now it's archers time to shine). This is how they keep the diversity of the game. It is annoying as fuck but this is how you keep people entertained and you don't let them get bored. Giving a shit of your hard work to make a build shine, just so they smash it next patch, looks like another day at work.
Invasion IGN: EternalThrows

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