Watch the ExileCon Livestream and Win Microtransactions with Twitch Drops!

I can only get "twitch prime drops" not "twitch drops" which is how everyone who has won has got something.
So basically Im fucked, thanks a lot GGG
i wanna learn what will you do on future. and i watched almost all. drop is second step. but it is. for me, first step done but why didnt get any drop? i dont care mtx actually i just want to experience this feeling :)
They don't lose money given away digital pixels, they should give everyone a drop at least, this is just a celebration of the game and stop defending a company that own you 0 fucks.
tp12 wrote:
I can only get "twitch prime drops" not "twitch drops" which is how everyone who has won has got something.
So basically Im fucked, thanks a lot GGG

So much FUD going around.
Last edited by twitticles on Nov 16, 2019, 5:44:52 PM
kassigainen wrote:
GrimExcuse wrote:
So many Choosing Beggars with 0 maybe 1 supporter packs.

It's the other way around - too many white knights who are ready to defend any failure that happens and then misscomunicated\missmanaged horribly.
It's really sad that any constructive input is met with zealous nonsence from self-entitled "supporters", who think that buying cosmetic MTX support packs gives them great superiority. In fact, this kind of behavior looks like some kind of inferiority complex requiring mentioning pack ownership in every second post they generate(same story with Star Citizen backers).
PoE community is great, but I've seen this level of blind fanboyism only here and in SC.

Focusing on Just that part of what I said Nice.
twitticles wrote:
tp12 wrote:
I can only get "twitch prime drops" not "twitch drops" which is how everyone who has won has got something.
So basically Im fucked, thanks a lot GGG

So much FUD going around.

read the actual message that winners got
TEPOPuCT wrote:
Apparently every time the stream drops and restarts, the drops get reset and disappear till you refresh the stream! So I guess if you don't see the message "Drops enabled! Watch for a chance to earn loot." bellow the stream title and the category in the left corner bellow the stream you pretty much don't receive any chance to get even the absolute minimal chance that it is to get a drop whatsoever. I've just monitored this after the stream dropped between 2 sections and this is what happened:

1st. stream drop, comes back live - no drops msg whatsoever, I've refreshed couple times and got this msg: "Broadcaster has not enabled in-game Drops."
2nd. after few mins and multiple refreshes and opening closing the stream finally I got the msg.: "Drops enabled! Watch for a chance to earn loot."

This happened twice that I've noticed in today's stream, I'm pretty sure it ripped at some point and by the rime I've noticed it's not showing drops cause I had the stream on full screen it already went past few of the panels of interviews.

In my opinion I believe this drop thing doesn't work at all, usually the drop msg appears as a notification in you twitch notifications on the upper right corner where the Twitch Prime loot and Notification icons are.

So GGG next time you offer ppl free MTX for watching your content, make sure it works and it doesn't just fool ppl with false promises!
BTW I didn't received a drop, watched both yesterdays and today streams.

EXACT the same for me.
Now i know this, i started refreshing in an intervall.
Yesterday is refreshed like maybe 3 times. And also yesterday no "Drops enabled! Watch for a chance to earn loot." message appeared at all for me!
twitticles wrote:

Why do you link it again? This post from TWO DAYS AGO when no one knew that drops won't work as they should (and it's clear now that they didn't as most people got nothing). Apparently GGG have no idea what's going on so they just upped the chances without addressing eligibility issue.
GrimExcuse wrote:
So many Choosing Beggars with 0 maybe 1 supporter packs.

I put my time in for free content and got nothing in return

You don't even seem to care about this company yet you're complaining about not getting a free hand out in MTX

Rakie1337 like this guy.

Your 2000 packs, you and your money can grab my balls and taste them like candy. In real world theres more important thingd to pay or even people that lives with just few cents and still they try to support this game while your support means NO EFFORT=SHIT SUPPORTING, Sr.Wannabewhiteknight.
Last edited by Jotasinjota on Nov 16, 2019, 6:00:56 PM
Just got
You found an item from Twitch Drops
from System
Nov 16, 2019, 11:32:23 PM

I have a Twitch Prime. No sub for a poe channel. You don't get a Twitch notification for that, just a message on poe website.


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