[3.15] Spectral Shield Throw Bleed Gladiator - tanky & fast mapping - good scaling - all content

Does +1 level to socketed projectile gems on glove affect sst level? Im looking for something worth to craft on my glove right now.

It affects socketed gems only so it will not affect SST which is in your body armour.
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
Ludwig_van wrote:
BMXant how much were/are those gloves?

I paid 22 ex for them a couple weeks ago.
IGN: Obsii

My friend is doing the build but is unable to do anything above t15 is he missing something or? character name is spinehands https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/dckennedy/characters

Appreciate the build!
ressiv wrote:
Just killed my first Sirus ever (almost deathless even, 1 death at the end). So I finally got a thread of hope! Annointed growth and decay, upped my bleed dps by 8% in game.

Also just got this from ritual

Needed 1 more card to get one, surprised to see it in Ritual, even has phys damage over time. Does this mean I can completely drop bleed on flask?

Also another question, craft block or keep life/mana:

Currently at 6k life and 70% block with tempest shield up. Not sure if 75% block would be better than the extra life.

Anybody have a clue?
So far this build is really good. Besides the single target (I dont think its that worse than ppl are saying.)

Ive killed Sirus, Elder, Shaper, Guardians, Cortex deathless.

just capped my chaos resistance and it feels pretty good. But ignite really hurt this build.
klonkarn1338 wrote:
My friend is doing the build but is unable to do anything above t15 is he missing something or? character name is spinehands https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/dckennedy/characters

Appreciate the build!

rings are a bit useless on the phys attack, they dont rly do anything.

you need vuln on hit on ring.

although the life recov on shield is a very nice perk it doesnt even have 2k armour. sst scales damage of the armour the shield has. try to get one above 2900
Last edited by zuadao on Aug 30, 2021, 11:14:40 AM
ressiv wrote:
ressiv wrote:
Just killed my first Sirus ever (almost deathless even, 1 death at the end). So I finally got a thread of hope! Annointed growth and decay, upped my bleed dps by 8% in game.

Also just got this from ritual

Needed 1 more card to get one, surprised to see it in Ritual, even has phys damage over time. Does this mean I can completely drop bleed on flask?

Also another question, craft block or keep life/mana:

Currently at 6k life and 70% block with tempest shield up. Not sure if 75% block would be better than the extra life.

Anybody have a clue?

you still need the flask for bleed unless you have bleed imune like watchers eye mod for ex.

i would drop life for block cap
Re: +1 Projectile Gems master craft, the craft is +1 socketed projectile gems, AND projectiles pierce an additional target, which would affect SST.
Last edited by Wodahs on Aug 30, 2021, 11:48:21 AM
Awwww BMxant I want them so bad! But i'm a plebian so it's many times out of my price range :(

You ever play standard perchance?
For the gloves elder does have some nice mods but hunter is just way easier to roll something useable.

The +1 pierce craft is also really nice, I had it on my gloves and helm for a while for 5 pierces and your sst just bounces around the room. If we're showing off gloves I payed way too much for these dumb things :(

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