[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

Skylardin wrote:
Can sb can tell me what can i upgrade? I feel like me traper from ritual is far stronger in def/dmg.


I can change belt and mb weapon.

To min-max mb corrupted armor gloves with trap speed and mb better jewels, but still i have low es with high es items.

I do maven ez with my old traper, 100% delirium similacrums etc.

Any change in build i don't see Oo

Not to be an ass, but ... have you looked at your gear and compared it to your trapper gear from Ritual league? because looking at your profile... there's a quite huge difference. Weapon, Belt/w abyss, Trap stats missing on belt and gloves. You have no throwing speed at all currently.

Pretty much every piece of gear is far superior on your previous character.. so that would explain why you feel it's stronger than your current character.

They didn't change anything DPS related to us, aside from cluster traps support, which then was nullified by them also equally increasing the scaled DMG from lightning trap itself. Nowadays many people use swift assembly instead of clusters, but that's more of a preference thing.

p.s. pls never use a lvl 20 trap ;P lvl 21 ltrap cost noooothing. EVERY league, they cost nothing and lvl 20 vaal/divergent is not a replacement for a lvl 21.

Have a look at the new video I'm releasing today (about how to scale damage as a lightning trapper), i'll edit it into this topic soon or to the post above yours. :)


DesDeCero wrote:
Well, this sh1t is working fine now.

Just killed Sirus, Uber-Elder (both at first attemp), conquerors (instakilled) all DEATHLESS.


Thx OP :-)

My char: ShockingPotatoes

Great job mate :)

Love this build, but I feel I must be missing something in my gear/passives tree as I still find I'm more squishy than I'd like to be. I'm sitting at just under 7k ES but

6.9k es is definitely on the low-side, but you should check the video I released called "Beefy trapper 3.17". If you watch that you'll find exactly what you are looking for. :)
Last edited by oestergreen on Feb 26, 2022, 6:34:25 AM
K, thanks for replay. This is my favourite build so just wanna know. So
lets upgrade to god tier now. Wait for maven kicking ass traper ss now. xD
Last edited by Skylardin on Feb 26, 2022, 6:06:30 AM
Hi Oestergreen
One more time, thanks again for this Build.
It remains by far my Main char, especially for bossing

Still looking for advices to improve tankiness and DPS
Big Thanks by advance

Love this build, but I feel I must be missing something in my gear/passives tree as I still find I'm more squishy than I'd like to be. I'm sitting at just under 7k ES

6.9k es is definitely on the low-side, but you should check the video I released called "Beefy trapper 3.17". If you watch that you'll find exactly what you are looking for. :)

Thanks - that video was perfect. Still sitting on 6.9k ES, but feel much tankier in general, and damage is still good. Now that I'm harder to kill, I reckon I can level without too much trouble and sneak out a little more damage/ES out of the passive tree.
Last edited by potatomanjack79 on Feb 26, 2022, 8:01:04 PM
which league mechanic will you suggest doing more with this build?
oestergreen thx for the nice guide it makes fun too play it

praise at you keep it up
DarkVolteer wrote:
oestergreen thx for the nice guide it makes fun too play it

praise at you keep it up

Thank you=)

Btw, today is *TEST SUNDAY* don't copy my skill-tree today haha, i'm testing lots of different things, so its all over the place and resetting it often=)

Some examples from the stream today=)

IMMORTAL? FLAME DASH INTO BIG PACK OF MOBS, then no hands on keyboard!!!
Clips below:)



Last edited by oestergreen on Feb 27, 2022, 2:04:11 PM
FINALLY got my shield crafted. it's not great, but it's slightly more ES than my old shield and of course has ES on block. because it had 0 resists i had to rebalance and get some better rings and new gloves. a bit of a pain but at least my ES is now higher than it was, but it's still too low (6.3k) , i'm going through the "beefy tanker" video to find out out why, but so far it's not obvious what's going on. i'll figure it out eventually :-)

ES on block in really amazing. i just started red maps and the t11/t12s were ok, but i was getting hammered in t13s. i've only run a few t11/t12 and things definitely feeling better. now to start back on the hard stuff again.

for anyone who is about to craft the shield, just run delve to put together the resonators. if you try to buy them no one will answer. however if you delve at depth 70 or so you can put together enough azurite to buy the resonators very quickly, and delve is pretty good experience.

however, i haven't figured out how to get dense fossils by farming, so going through the pain and suffering of contacting 10 people to get 1 to respond.

only questions i have, is when do i _really_ have to 6L my shav's ? yes - i'm still running on a 5L. lol. my damage seems just fine, it was damage taken that was the issue, and the block on ES should help a lot (and, of course, boosting my ES).

edit: i can't fit both tempest shield and skitterbots, and i've been running skitterbots. however tempest shield is much better for survival. that +25% chance to block spell damage is pretty helpful.
Last edited by plasticeyes on Feb 27, 2022, 10:44:46 PM
I'm now at the budget set mostly, and just drop "The Demon" and now have like 15ex to spend BUT i'm not certain on what are the bigger steps besides the cheap itens, and i'm kinda afraid of trhowing away exalts

Besides that, great build, having so much fun after so many leagues playing with traps again!!!

Another suggestion, is to post the trade links you used to make the video about upgrading with low cost, would be very usefull!!!

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