[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

DannyNorth wrote:
Curious. I have a lvl 5 Awakened Hextouch. With it I get the extra curse. That being said. Is Malediction still the best choice and add another curse (if that is possible) or should I go with Profane Bloom? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

To be honest since your self casting curses, profane bloom wouldn't be efficient in maps since it would turn your playstyle into a stop and go to get profane bloom pops.

If you remove malediction your loosing 10% reduced damage and 10% increased damage from cursed enemies which will hurt your single target and lower your defense.

I would recommend adding third curse from a corrupt (Temp Chains, Enfeeble) or add in Witch Fire Brew Flask instead of mana flask which gives a level 21 despair curse. The secondary effect of Despair is actually not to bad for cold dot

"Cursed enemies take (15-25)% increased Damage from Damage Over Time effects"
Last edited by donbrawler on May 27, 2021, 2:30:22 PM

I wanted to post two items, but when I drag an drop from character...


Ah... got it.

Can someone plz explain to me, which one is better? (Playing LL)
Last edited by ogli on May 27, 2021, 3:10:03 PM
ogli wrote:

I wanted to post two items, but when I drag an drop from character...


Ah... got it.

Can someone plz explain to me, which one is better? (Playing LL)

The kauri sceptre in every way.

+1 to spells is one of the most important dmg increase for Vortex , second being dot multiplier.
Last edited by donbrawler on May 27, 2021, 3:31:01 PM
Thank u very much...

Came here after listening to the Forever Exiled podcast to check out the guide! Stumbled upon similar ones before, but they have never really caught my interest. Listening to the podcast though it definitely caught my interest and I really liked your viewpoint of taking something and then improving on it, rather than hunting for something completely new (if I understood you correctly).

Just hit lvl 80 and I'm having a complete BLAST! Been playing PoE on and off since 2014 if I remember correctly and of all the builds I've tried throughout the years and leagues this is one of the best ones! Not only is it a breeze to level to maps, the survivability, it's so satisfying popping the flasks and jumping into a huge pack of trash-mobs and vortex them away, love it.

Never taken the time to post on the forum before but felt I really wanted to send you a big thanks for the great guide and the work you've put into this!

Gotta go, need to start working on the low-life version. ;)
Pango1981 wrote:
Why do we use Clarity?? I just switched to the "new" CI build and noticed you added clarity? Never had mana issue with the old build did i miss something???

edit: nevermind i see the differnce now...but now i can only level vitality and clarity to level 15 before i reserve to much to use skills...ugh what am i missing?

As far as i know the clarity is used if you have a clarity watchers eye. If you want to use it for mana just balance it and vitality in a way best suiting you so as to not reserve too much mana.
Last edited by The_Dentist on May 28, 2021, 8:29:10 AM

Happy Friday; big update today! Check out the front page of the guide for a written summary. tl;dr - lots of editing and new sections being added.

It's all good stuff! Have a great weekend everyone.
Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
Heya Shak,

I have read your guide a few times over, and never see a mention of Bottled Faith. This seems like a really good flask if you are going Zealots Oath. Had a lucky drop in SSF and tried it out, and it appears to wokr really well. Just wondering if I am missing some mechanics seeing as though it is not mentioned?

l33tsmurf wrote:
Heya Shak,

I have read your guide a few times over, and never see a mention of Bottled Faith. This seems like a really good flask if you are going Zealots Oath. Had a lucky drop in SSF and tried it out, and it appears to wokr really well. Just wondering if I am missing some mechanics seeing as though it is not mentioned?


I think Shack will agree on this but for mapping a well rolled Basalt Flask of Iron Skin will provide more defense than the regen from Consecrated Ground. You won't be in the consecrate ground enough to benefit from regen or the damage boost.

Bottled Faith is decent for single target on bosses if you can keep them near the consecrate ground. Still very expensive for a very limited situational upgrade.
Last edited by donbrawler on May 28, 2021, 10:26:21 PM
Heya Don,

Fair enough, makes sense. I must say, I get the most bang for buck out of it in Ultimatums, works well there due to the confined space.

Guess I will put it back in my stash, I just love using stuff I find in SSF :)

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