[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

CelticHound wrote:
I'm playing SSF so have limited fusing orbs and am generally a slow player.

Should I assume this will be my end-game armour and try to 6-link it?

Its a good start for sure. Get it to 6 sockets and 5link - 6link it.

Keep and eye for a Crusader Vaal Regalia is has good mods and the Maven Orb is OP

Maven Orb outcome
1 to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems
12% increased Intelligence

n0rek84 wrote:
Got one more question, I can see some people are playing LL with Meldiction to apply Temporal Chains but others (like in the guide) are using Vile Bastion, which one you think is better?

It all depends if you want more defensive/offensive curses. There a bunch of ways to play the build and build your tree. I would recommend Vile bastion and you can get a 2nd curse by taking Whispers of Doom on the tree.

Last edited by donbrawler on Jan 24, 2021, 4:59:59 PM
I'm having a hard time deciding between shaper shield (5% ES on block) + glancing blows and the prism guardian. Can anyone help me?

I´m the kind of player who likes to balance offence and defence and I'm affraid that with shavvrone + prism guardian I'll end with low ES. Shaper shield gives a good chunk of ES and defensive layers in the form of block + ES regen, but does it cost a lot of offensive power?

Hi everyone - What is the best way to craft this wand. It's low item level so thinking the end will have multi mod + trigger + Cold DoT.

+1 all gems is a caster tag that can just roll on this wand. I'm thinking either delve spam or harvest caster mod spam? And advice is appreciated.

Any help please?

Currency and Items you will need for less than 10ex

Awakeners Orb (5ex Cost)

Buy any ilvl 85 Citrine Amulet with Hunter influence. This will be your base Amulet. (20-25 Chaos)

Buy any ilvl 82 Redeemer Amulet with +1 to Cold from trade (5-30 Chaos)

Buy 500-1000 Alterations if you don't have them (100-200 Chaos price keeps going up)

Steps on how to start crafting

1. Take your Hunter Influence amulet and alteration spam until you get +1 to Intelligence skill gems or just buy one for 3ex your choice.

2. Make sure both of your amulets only have one influence modifier I suggested above. This guarantees when you use Awakeners Orb you will have both + 1 to Intelligence and + 1 to Cold on your Citrine Amulet.

3. Right click the Awakeners Orb > Left click the Redeemers Amulet with + 1 to Cold > Left Click Hunters Citrine Amulet.

4. You should now have a ilvl 85 Double Influence Citrine Amulet with + 1 to cold and +1 to int.

5. The Awakeners Orb rerolled all of the stats on the amulet. So here is where you need to learn about tags because you might have some crappy suffix's or one prefix you don't want. As long as the suffix or prefix have tags that I will list below. They can be removed with harvest crafts. So don't worry we can fix it.

Tags that can be removed
Fire, Lightning, Attack, Critical, Physical, Caster, Defense, Life, Speed and Chaos (Notice I didn't put Cold, This can be tricky to remove since + 1 to cold can be removed using this tag. So if you run into situation where you need to remove cold send me a PM and I try to help you block from removing your + 1 to Cold.

Here is what my Amulet looked like after used the Awakeners orb

Adds (1-2) to (27-28) Lightning Damage to Attacks (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Cold Skill Gems (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems (Prefix)
13% increased Fire Damage (Suffix)
24% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier (Suffix)

8. I had remove Lightning and Fire in my Horticraft station already so I was able to remove those modifiers right away.

9. Now I have amulet that looks like this.

+1 to Level of all Cold Skill Gems (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems (Prefix)
24% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier (Suffix)

10. I bench Crafted 20% increased maximum Energy Shield. So now it looks like

15-20)% increased maximum Energy Shield (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Cold Skill Gems (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems (Prefix)
24% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier (Suffix)

11. I farmed Harvest for 2 days trying to get Remove Critical but I never got it.

12. CAUTION THIS STEP IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS (Please ask questions if your not comfortable at this step)

This step should only be used if your comfortable with crafting. It can be used multiple times to get good suffix's without farming a ton of Augments, Removes, and Add crafts.

13. Before doing this step make sure the Prefix's are full and are the stats you want like above if preferred. Otherwise the craft will add a prefix if not full. Use Harvest craft "Reforge Rare Keeping All prefix's". It took me 5 crafts to get a good outcome.

13. Now the harvest Craft rerolled all of the suffix's and keep the prefix's intact. So it looks like this now.

15-20)% increased maximum Energy Shield (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Cold Skill Gems (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems (Prefix)
+47 to Intelligence
+30% Chaos Resistance

14. I wanted + Intelligence and Chaos Res so I am happy with this outcome. But I am still missing +16% to Cold Dot Multi.

15. Augment Cold (It will either hit Cold Res, Cold Damage or Cold Dot Multi)

16. If the Augment hits Cold resistance or Cold damage. I will need to Remove Chaos > Replace Bench Craft with "Prefix Cannot be changed" > Add Remove Cold till I get T1 Cold Dot Multi > Replace Bench Craft with 20% increased maximum Energy Shield again > Augment Chaos and Remove/ADD till I get T1 Chaos Resistance.

Final outcome
20% increased maximum Energy Shield (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Cold Skill Gems (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems (Prefix)
+47 to Intelligence (Suffix)
+35% Chaos Resistance (Suffix)
+16% to Cold Damage Over time Multiplier (Suffix)
Last edited by donbrawler on Jan 24, 2021, 6:15:57 PM
donbrawler wrote:

3. Roselan found out that Vitality + Zealot's Oath provides massive ES regen.

You can add dread banner. An aura stacker friend of mine convinced me of it. Dread banner debuf on ennemies accuracy can be scaled to 90% by aura stackers, and 60-70% by us. This is plenty and I'm not looking back. I use an unset ring to fit all these aura.

Meanwhile, my project of day is finish. Time to brag:

edit: can we stick your post Don? :D
Last edited by roselan on Jan 24, 2021, 6:15:18 PM

Hi everyone - What is the best way to craft this wand. It's low item level so thinking the end will have multi mod + trigger + Cold DoT.

+1 all gems is a caster tag that can just roll on this wand. I'm thinking either delve spam or harvest caster mod spam? And advice is appreciated.

Any help please?

1. Use Faceted Fossils/or Harvest Caster Crafts till you hit + 1 to Spell gems.

2. If you have open prefix > Go to step 3. Otherwise try and remove prefix so you have only + 1 to Cold and +1 to Spell. If you can't remove prefix start over at step 1.

3. You should have either 2 suffix or 3. If three just remove one with Harvest Craft. If you have 2 Suffix's craft "Prefixes Cannot be Changed". Then use Scouring Orb to remove all Suffix's.

4. Bench Craft "Can Have 3 Modifiers" > Trigger Socket Spell > 20% to Cold Damage Over time Multiplier.

5. Craft Aspect of the Spider using Bestiary if you can fit in extra Aura.

you Should have a wand like

+20% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Spell Skill Gems (Prefix)
+1 to Level of all Cold Spell Skill Gems(Prefix)
Grants level 20 Aspect of the Spider Skill (Suffix)
{crafted}Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill (Suffix)
{crafted}Can have 3 Modifiers (Suffix)

Last edited by donbrawler on Jan 24, 2021, 6:33:03 PM
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roselan wrote:
donbrawler wrote:

3. Roselan found out that Vitality + Zealot's Oath provides massive ES regen.

You can add dread banner. An aura stacker friend of mine convinced me of it. Dread banner debuf on ennemies accuracy can be scaled to 90% by aura stackers, and 60-70% by us. This is plenty and I'm not looking back. I use an unset ring to fit all these aura.

Meanwhile, my project of day is finish. Time to brag:

edit: can we stick your post Don? :D

Nice +2 Shavs :)

How is mana regen using those auras? My POB only has 187 mana left and I was planning using Clarity and Vitality since I use Vortex on left click I need the mana regen badly.

What would you guys do with this ?

- Imprint
- Regal
- Cannot modify suffix
- Rem/add cold until I get something good (+1 cold spell or cold dot multi)
- multimod
Hey guys, the build is amazing! Just reached red maps and switched to LL and i'm really enjoying. Thanks Shak for the guide and Donbrawler and Roselan for the tips in reply's. What would you guys recommend for my next upgrade? Survivability and damage are fine, i just wanna focus on my next upgrade.

POB: https://pastebin.com/ACFdpTeP / Profile is open too!


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