[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

hipposaver wrote:
My build is pretty far along but i still have some questions and want some opinions.

thats what ive been currently going with. my questions are;

how effective is that hits against chilled enemies, id like to change my gloves out for some with str as i have some boots id like to roll with 35ms but need to replace the str

obviously im doing well but id like a really strong bossing setup. i think my barrage gems right now are wrong as i dont see anyone using icebite (i posted earlier and someone said not until 7 frenzy charges which i dont have) what would i replace it with?

im currently pretty broke at like 3ex but if i was going to buy an awakened gem what would be BiS?

edit: is there any catalyst that effects the increased damage per dex? i was really hoping attribute would bring it to 2 LoL

I also accidented upon this bow
and i cant for the life of me figure out how to incorporate it into my build or even how to make a build around it... does it just look much nicer than it is?

ps. im 0-4 with sirius, twice i dragged the storm to spawn and once i bugged him on stairs, if you guys can think of a killer boss swap there for that second bow that would be cool, also it would free up my 2nd 6l for some silly gems (maybe cwdt life on hit or some crap)

pps. really loving the build, insanely fast, fun, and really strong considering the silly life updates

I do not see any frenzy generation in your gear. Do not use icebite in barrage unless you have 7+ sustained frenzies, swap it out for cold pem/dmg on full life, try to get hybrid crit/frenzy on quiver. try to look for a warlord based gloves and roll +1 max frenzy. your current one is quite good, you should always be chilling enemies so that is a nice damage boost. best get str on belt. the rare bow will slow down your clearing since it pierce 2 times, it might perform better for single target you will need to play with pob

detecto wrote:
Hi guys. I just crafted this and not sure how to proceed.
would love some help. ty

Best to just multimod and use it as is. if it were magic you could have imprinted and hope for t1 regal, rinse and repeat.

Slottm wrote:
Hey just wanted to say I now have the crit chance + frenzy on crit craft at level 3 for all of those still needing it =) prob my last week of the league, as monster hunter xpac comes out for PC this week and I'll be switching over to that :)

is iceborne out for pc? love to play it, wish I have more time ^^

czvx wrote:
Is it good idea to have 6l Chin Sol bow for ST damage?
I mean can I just swap my bows between st and clear?
It will give free 6l slots in body chest

Yes it is doable, I tend to use weapon swap for gem levelling but chin sol single target should do more damage.
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
Smerfik wrote:
So 3 fast questions
-Should i use green nightmare without voidfletcher/rare quiver with frenzy on crit? Actually i like dodge chance/additional resistances, so its depends on my preferences?
-which support gems are you recommending instead dmg on full life? Chain on ice shot and slower projectiles on barrage will be good?
-which Watcher's eye you're prefering for 1mod? Was thinking about adds cold dmg, but don't know which one will boost my dmg most, price - max 4ex

quiver craft is the only way to generate charges agasint sirus/shaper. you can also use 1l frenzy to do it but its clunky. you can use inc crit damage, cold pen, slower projectiles to replace on full life. Watchers eye crit will cap your damage, pure added cold for sheet dps, followed by cold pen.

okok3527 wrote:
Is this normal to don't have 100% chance to hit with IS ? Just started this build and i'm suffering a bit to kill bosses, i can easily clear t10 mobs but metamorphs at t1+ just explode me or don't die, have any tips about what item get first, or a path to follow until the best itens ?

Ty for attention, just loving build.

you should have 100 if you choose fast and deadlt, 97% if you went for endless munitions.
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
06/01/2019: updated pob, swapped some gear around to improve survivability. Darkray removed from end game league, added warlord gloves for +1 max frenzy. POB V1.05.

added point blank back into tree, it is still very potent even after the nerf.
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
Last edited by Aquarism on Jan 6, 2020, 3:47:10 PM
A rare/unique amulet, dying sun would be your biggest upgrade within 3 exalts.

My amulet isn't good? I really struggle with stats like Strength and Int for gems, maybe i don't have to lvl up Flame dash, frost bomb and keep them lvl 1?
Ayleeme wrote:
A rare/unique amulet, dying sun would be your biggest upgrade within 3 exalts.

My amulet isn't good? I really struggle with stats like Strength and Int for gems, maybe i don't have to lvl up Flame dash, frost bomb and keep them lvl 1?

frost bomb at lvl 1, flame dash as high as you can get it. amulet upgrade will help you a lot
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
Aquarism wrote:
- Gears that give you the most damage, in order: Death's Opus - Hyrri Ire(swap to this when you have atleast a 5l and put barrage here) - Dying Sun - Curse on hit ring - Barrage helm - Other unique ring - Good rare amulet or a unique one - Rare quiver with frenzy on crit.

Why use barrage on hyrri's? I dont understand this lol.
Hi, what would be the next step? I clean t16 packs ez pz but when it comes to single target ay lmaoooo

I cant afford right now a helmet with enchantment and -X cold resist. so I must choose between the enchant, a good rare helmet with life, resist and -x cold resist or the starkonja's that Im currently using

Working on the gems too, but checked poe for the 21/23 version and the difference isnt that big tbh
Last edited by sikazo on Jan 6, 2020, 4:40:39 PM
Aquarism wrote:
- Gears that give you the most damage, in order: Death's Opus - Hyrri Ire(swap to this when you have atleast a 5l and put barrage here) - Dying Sun - Curse on hit ring - Barrage helm - Other unique ring - Good rare amulet or a unique one - Rare quiver with frenzy on crit.

Why use barrage on hyrri's? I dont understand this lol.

bad wording on my part, meant to prioritize single target links. a 6l tabula is slightly better than 5l hyrri damage wise.

sikazo wrote:
Hi, what would be the next step? I clean t16 packs ez pz but when it comes to single target ay lmaoooo

I cant afford right now a helmet with enchantment and -X cold resist. so I must choose between the enchant, a good rare helmet with life, resist and -x cold resist or the starkonja's that Im currently using

Working on the gems too, but checked poe for the 21/23 version and the difference isnt that big tbh

You can quality your flasks, boots and gloves. bless the implicit of gloves and bow. you can buy any evasion base with barrage enchant then fossil craft it. use the life and cold fossil.
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978

Hello, I've just rerolled to Ice shot build and invested around 30 ex for the gear. I am having tons of fun clearing maps. Speed is great but getting one shotted occasionally and metamorph fights are are kind of annoying. First time playing a deadeye so I am feeling like I am missing something with the gear but not sure what. Would you guys suggest a good way to improve the survivability while if possible maintaining the dps or even improve it.
Im so sorry Aquarism, everyone come to ask questions about their items and sorry for being one more. Thanks for the build, im enjoying it and mapping is VERY satisfying! I see you answer nearly all questions, great and huge job too.

I have one question too. Im having issues with barrage damage at bosses, guess its damage on full life?

Actually im using this:

Changed a color to try inc crit damage, but your POB (With my items and passive tree, i dont know to configure it for my build) says as 6th Link:

Inc crit damage 20/20 gives 9k more damage
Slower projectile 20/20 gives 10k
Hypotermia 20/20 (Enemy chilled and freezed) 13k
And as last, the best, damage on full life 20/20 gives 27k, but obvsly not always 27k more as im not always on full life.

As numbers says, best bet is hypotermia, what do you think? Is there any other good option? Maybe problem is other? Im sorry, i sucks on this game, i only know to copy/paste builds lol.
Last edited by Jotasinjota on Jan 6, 2020, 5:54:54 PM

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